4件の回答 1 スコア |
Receiver? Can any receiver work? |
2件の回答 3 スコア |
Corroded battery terminal: is it replacable? |
1 件の回答 0 スコア |
Left analog trigger not working |
1 件の回答 2 スコア |
My dog chewed the part of the controller that covers the batteries. |
The Nintendo WaveBird Wireless Controller, or DOL-400, was released in 2002 with a new radio frequency (RF) based wireless technology. The WaveBird is sold separately from the Nintendo GameCube console and is still popular today because of its wireless compatibility with the Wii. The WaveBird is the only wireless controller released by Nintendo for the Nintendo GameCube to date.
The features of the WaveBird Wireless Controller are similar to the standard GameCube controller with two grips, an analog stick, and a directional pad on the left side. The A, B, X, and Y buttons, along with the C-stick, are on the right side. The start button is in the center of the controller. The top edges of the WaveBird consist of two right and left “shoulder” buttons and a Z trigger on the top right side.
The Nintendo WaveBird Wireless Controller has two standard colors that include light gray and platinum as well as two special edition colors. Club Nintendo released a special edition “Gundam Char's Customized Color" WaveBird controller that includes a two-tone front and back red panel with the “Neo-Zeon” logo above the start button, and a "Club Nintendo" WaveBird controller that has a white front panel with a light blue back panel and a “Club Nintendo” logo above the start button.
On the bottom of the controller, you will see "WAVEBIRD" engraved into the controller and “MODEL NO. DOL-400” engraved into the controller above the channel wheel. The WaveBird does not have a 6 foot wire that you see on the top of the standard GameCube controller. If you flip the controller over so the buttons are facing down, there is a battery cover located between the grips for two AA batteries.
Unlike the standard GameCube controller, the WaveBird has an on/off switch underneath the start button and a LED light right under the switch, indicating the power of the controller. The controller has a wheel for channel select on the bottom of the controller and a battery cover for two AA batteries. The WaveBird Wireless Controller also comes with a receiver. Unlike the standard controller, the WaveBird does not have a motor for “haptic feedback,” more commonly known as the rumble pack.
- 2.5 x 5.5 x 4 インチ
- 7.4 オンス (バッテリーを含む)
- ニンテンドーゲームキューブ
- Wii
- 7 つのボタン
- 2 つのスティック
- 1 Trigger
- 1つの十字ボタン
- 1つのチャンネルスイッチ
- 1 つの電源スイッチ
====その他 ====
- 単3型電池が2本またはゲームボーイアドバンス専用バッテリーパック(AGB-003)が必要です。
- ニンテンドー ゲームキューブ ワイヤレスレシーバーが必要です。
- 希望小売価格4500円
おっと! エラーが発生したようです。 しかし恐れることはありません!問題を Nintendo WaveBird Wireless Controller Troubleshooting Pageで調べましょう。
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