Hi Jorge
I recommend using a double sided adhesive acrylic foam tape. When you removed the original battery, you might have noticed it was taped with a thin acrylic foam tape, so I’d suggest something similar. They come in all widths and various thickness, though I’d recommend somthing with very little thickness due to small factory tolerances in Apple products.
Best of luck
For all those who acquired the battery from another vendor who did not supply you with above mentionned glue-remover or similar: Acetone or Silicone Remover work well too, as many other also commented through various steps of this turorial. I tried using petrol (or gasonline for our american readers - not to mix up with petroleum, which is something completely different), which worked well for me for iPad repairs before but I cannot recommend it in this special case. Thinner might work as well, but be very careful, for it dissolves plastic and might damage the battery covering in which the lithium is shrink-wrapped in. Also take good care not to damage any cables with thinner if you decide to use it. A well ventilated room goes without saying for all mentionned dissolvents.
Some important things to do before and during re-assembly with a new digitizer:
1. Clean out ALL remaining glue/duct tape from the frame (I use a cotton swab and some gasoline)!
2. Check for sufficient duct tape on your new digitizer
3. Check to sufficiently insulate the conductor tracks (the bronze lining) on your new digitizer or you’ll most likely have ghost movements after re-assembly. E.g. insulation tape
4. Keep some super glue gel (NOT the liquid - use the GEL) ready and apply some shortly before re-assambly on the right side of the frame where the cables connect the digitizer to the Logicboard => The tape area is most likely too small on this edge to create an efficient enough bonding. The stiff cables often push the digitizer from the inside. To be safe so your new glas wont lift up, apply the superglue gel in this area.
5. After re-assembly heat the frame along the edges with a heatgun and use clips to hold the glas down with some pressure. Let it cool out with the clips on so the glue/tape bonds nicely.