Hi, if the engine doesn´t starts, check the air filter, the distribution cap and rotator, the cables to the sparkplugs an the spark plugs. When you turn the key, but doesn´t start, you should hear a low humming noise from the back of the car, that stops after 2-3 seconds. That was the main fuel pump, building up pressure in the fuel lines. If that was all ok, we have a litte problem. If you have an engine with a central injection (SPI) in the throttle body, try the following steps. When you take out the air filter you can look into the throttle body if its messed with layer of a black oil-coal mixture, clean that throttle body. Your car has a cold-start-system, if the temperature is under a certain temperature an extra channel in the throttle body is opened up to have a richer mixture, wich helps to start at low temperatures. When this channel is closed by the oil-coal mixture you have issues. A problem with the vacuum system could be found rather easy, when the engine is running. open a connection in the...