
何もかもが2倍の速度になり、Thunderbolt I/Oを搭載した、新しいMac miniを入手しました。当然今日分解した新しいMacBook Airと同様に分解する必要がありました。





この分解は修理ガイドでは ありません。 お持ちのMac mini Mid 2011を修理する際は、iFixitの修理ガイドをご利用ください。

  1. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解, Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 1、 1の画像 1
    • この新しいMac miniが発売されるにあたって、いくつかビッグニュースがありました。最もエキサイティングな特徴には、次のものがあります:

    • Core i5およびi7プロセッサ

    • 500および750 GB HDDまたは250 GB SSD

    • 2 GBまたは4 GB DDR3 SDRAM

    • AMD Radeon HDグラフィックプロセッサ+256MB GDDR5メモリ(2.5 Ghzモデルのみ)

    • ThunderboltポートとHDMIポート

    • SDXCカードスロット

    • Appleはこのminiから光学ドライブを取り除きましたが、どうしても79ドルの追加料金でユーザーにドライブを販売したいようです。

  2. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 2、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 2、 2の画像 2
    • モデルナンバーA1347、これには多少既視感を覚えます。

    • このminiのポートレイアウトは、昨年のモデルとはわずかに異なっています。

    • 内蔵10/100/1000BASE-Tイーサネット

    • FireWire 800

    • HDMI

    • Thunderbolt

    • USB 2.0ポート×4

    • SDXCカードスロット

  3. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 3、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 3、 2の画像 2
    • 若干指で押し上げてから強くねじると、初めて中身がちらつきます。

    • 以前のモデルとかなり外観が似ています。

  4. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 4、 3の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 4、 3の画像 2 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 4、 3の画像 3
    • 穴から最初に取り出すのはファンです。

    • 驚くことは1つもありません。新しいminiには、前モデルのmini、さらにはもっと古いminiと同じファンがついています。

    • ブラシレスで、ブレード密度が高いブロワが取り付けられているこのシングルファンは、静粛で効果的です。

    How ? What tools did you use??

    Steve - 返信

    It's a T6. I just did that step replacing a hard drive.

    Daniel -

    Hi… Good. I have a query, I want to change my internal hard drive from my Mac Mini (mid) 2011, and my query is whether to remove the fan screws and other parts, which from what I was informed is the Torx T6 screwdriver. And my question is: to remove it I need a Torx T6 screwdriver with a hollow point or the Torx T6 with a flat tip will work for me. From what I have read, that the hollow point Torx are called Precision Torx or are identified with an "H" after the number in this case: "T6H". The same query is to remove the cover where the WiFi is, should I use a Torx T8 hollow point or does the flat point work for me? From now on I thank you get me out of this doubt, before doing something wrong. Thank you very much and greetings. Image (Augusto)

    Augusto - 返信

    Hi Augusto,

    You can use a standard non-hollow Torx T6 for these screws, though a hollow one would work too. The hollow indent in a Torx bit is for Torx security/tamper-proof screws. The security screws have a small nub in the center, which prevents standard Torx bits from working.

    Arthur Shi -

  5. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 5、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 5、 2の画像 2
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • iFixitの64ビットドライバーキットなら、Wi-Fiアンテナプレートを固定している4本のT8トルクスネジも楽勝です。

    • さまざまな方向に少しずつ動かして、アンテナプレートを取り外します。

    • ご覧ください、このプレートは昨年のものと同一でした。私たちはこのようなグリルで、他に何ができるか想像しがちです。

  6. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 6、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 6、 2の画像 2
    • ネジを数本、コネクタ、ハードドライブを取り外すと、何もありませんでした。

    • ちょっと待って下さい、その隣にあったのは空きのハードドライブケーブルポートだったのでしょうか?

    Is the additional hard drive port available on all models of the mini, or is it limited to the higher-end models?

    Zhi Wei Ho - 返信

    It's the same on all models, since none of the models have a Superdrive anymore. So the space exists… it's just a matter of figuring out which "SATA hard drive-to-logic board cable" to get.

    Joram Oudenaarde -

    We tore apart a 2.3 GHz model, so if it's there, it's likely to be in all models.

    David Hodson -

    So is it correct that the HD replacement is much easier than on the previous unibody Mini? From this teardown it looks like the HD can be removed without lifting up the logic board, and the HD cover looks more substantial than on the previous model.

    amenewooduk - 返信

    Well wait....I understand that I need an additional special cable to hook up a SECOND HDD. But for a simple replacement of the 500gb with a 2TB (which should be what lot of us are looking for) I can use the existing cables? Would a simple replacement work?

    Peter Forks - 返信

    From what we've seen, you should be fine. There aren't any funky thermal sensor cables or anything like that, just a classic plug-and-play HD swap.

    David Hodson -

    the second port was Optical drive flex cable

    EduardoRomcy - 返信

    hi! I have a 2011 Mac Mini and wanted to add an SSD to it, rather than replacing the existing 500GB harddrive; I looked everywhere for a compatible SATA flex to logic board cable without much luck, but I finally found a solution from OWC the SSD manufacturer, originally aimed at MacBook Airs, that looks like it would work -- do you think it would? Thanks! - Daniel


    Daniel Valencia - 返信

    It looks similar, but the geometry is different so it wouldn't work. The cable in that link has the board-side connector rotated 90 degrees from how the Mac mini cable has it, and the cable extends in the wrong direction on it. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Andrew Bookholt -

    You're right, I see that now. I guess this is the only option: http://www.welovemacs.com/9229560.html

    Question: Does it matter if the SSD, with OSX on it, is on the secondary SATA port? (the default unused one)

    Daniel Valencia -

    We put a 60 GB platter HD with OSX on the second port and it was recognized right away in disk utility. I don't see why adding an SSD would be any different. Should work just fine.

    Andrew Bookholt -

    Thanks Andrew. Quick question, does this cable support SATA III? Is this the one you used?


    thank you much,


    Daniel Valencia -

    Than what is this mysterious socket on the logic board?

    (Half way between the hard-drive connectors and the heatsink outlet)

    Noogie -

    SUCESS: Notes on Installing SSD in 2011 Mac Mini

    hi all,

    I replaced the HD in my mac mini with a OWC Electra SSD 6G.

    1. Fan speed the same after; there is no sensor to worry about.

    2. make sure to remove black plastic cover off of old hard drive before pulling SATA cable out of old HD; otherwise you won't be able to.

    3. The OWC video guide is great, but you don't need to pull out the motherboard; there is just enough room to slide the old HD out and the new one in.

    4. Installing Lion over the Internet with Int Recovery worked, but I had to change my wireless network from WPA2 security to WPA and disable uPNP; not sure why. Go with most basic/compatible settings.

    After Lion downloaded (4 hours), it installed in 4.2 minutes flat. Jaw-dropping speed.

    thanks all,


    Daniel Valencia - 返信

    -Video Guide to replacing HDD in 2011 mac mini-:


    -word from OWC regarding no thermal sensors-:


    Any 2.5" drive will work on your Mac mini 2011. There is no specialized thermal sensor to worry about.


    OWC Jose"

    ps: mac mini exhaust fan speed of ~1800 rpm is normal under light load.

    Daniel Valencia -

    PS: I used both the iFixit guide and the OWC video when I did my upgrade, and I needed both to do it right. Note that OWC suggests removing the motherboard to exchange the hd, but as iFixit points out, this is not necessary to get the HD out or the new one in.

    Daniel Valencia -

    PPS: If you want to install 2 HD's, the dual hard drive kit from iFixit is your best bet: Mac Mini Mid 2011 Dual Hard Drive Kit Replacement

    Daniel Valencia -

  7. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 7、 3の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 7、 3の画像 2 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 7、 3の画像 3
    • このユニボディのMac Miniには、「自分で2つ目のハードドライブを設置できるのか?」という1つの大きな疑問があります。余分なスペースが1.5 cmあるところを見ると、できそうですね。

    • 1つ目の下には、2つ目のハードドライブに十分なスペースがあります。唯一の難点は、2番目のハードドライブをロジックボードに接続するには、長いSATAケーブルが必要となることです。

    • 最新情報:当社のMac mini Mid 2011ハードドライブ増設キットにはこのケーブルが付属しています。

    • ロジックボードを取り出して、詳しく中を見てみましょう。

    Hi everyone, 3 questions please:

    1. It is mentioned that the HDD has 2 screws to unscrew but from the images I fail to see where these screws are located. Can you please shed some more light on thieir exact locations?

    2. I got the Mac Mini Server 2011 so question is if I want to replace one of the drives with SSD drive, which one of the pre-installed drive should I replace with the SSD drive?

    3. Which SSD drive & cable to use? Would I require additional parts to hold/wrap the SSD so it'll fit well?


    Tal - 返信

    Your Questions:

    1. The 2 screws holding the HDD in place are actually 2 of the screws that also hold the antenna plate in place (the 2 closest to the edge of the antenna plate). The teardown glosses over this, but once the antenna plate is gone, the HDD screws are also out.

    2. I think there are only peg holders for one drive; so I would install the rotary hd in the pegged slot, and then the SSD, which is lighter and less subject to vibration, perhaps on the bottom using some removable mounting tape.

    3. You'll use the cables already in your server model. As far as drives, I've done a lot of research and almost any SandForce 2281 controller 6Gb drive should do well. I'm using the OWC Electra 6g. I like OWC because they test all of their equipment across the Mac lineup.

    hope this helps,


    Daniel Valencia -

  8. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 8、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 8、 2の画像 2
    Mac mini Logic Board Removal Tool
    • 新しいMac miniのリリースは、私たちのお気に入りのツールの復活を意味しています。そうです、Mac mini Logic Board取り外しツールです!幸いにも今回はこれを準備していました。

    • 2本のドライバーを使う必要はなくなりました。Mac miniロジックボード取り外しツールを差し込めば簡単に外れます。ロジックボードアセンブリをアルミ製ユニボディからスライドさせて取り外します。

    • ロジックボードを取り外すと、2つ目のハードドライブの取り付け方がわかります。

  9. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 9、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 9、 2の画像 2
    • 2本のT6トルクスネジで、スピーカーがロジックボードに固定されています。

    • スピーカーを取り外すと、Mac miniが図太い音ビープ音を出すことはなくなります。

  10. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 10、 3の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 10、 3の画像 2 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 10、 3の画像 3
    • 当社の有能なスパッジャーを使えば、Wi-Fiボードのケーブルも素早く処理できます。

    • さらにT6ネジが現れますが、私たちの分解作業は止まりません。

    • Broadcom BCM4331シングルチップワイヤレスソリューションにより、802.11n接続が可能です。

    • Broadcom BCM20702シングルチップBluetooth 4.0プロセッサとBluetooth Low Energy(BLE)サポートの組み合わせは、この間分解した13インチMacBook Airのものと同じです。

  11. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 11、 3の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 11、 3の画像 2 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 11、 3の画像 3
    • 以前のMac miniと同様に、ヒートシンクは多数のスプリング付きT8ネジで固定されています。

    • 一部のネジは他とは少し異なっていました。T6ネジがT8ネジの頭に締め付けられていました。ネジの中にネジとは・・・

  12. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 12、 3の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 12、 3の画像 2 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 12、 3の画像 3
    • カップルケーブルを経路から取り外し、数本の#00プラスネジも取り外すと、2本のアンテナとI/Oウォールをロジックボードから取り外せました。

    • 金属はワイヤレス信号をあまり通さないため、アンテナはプラスチック製I/Oウォールに取り付けられています。

    • ここにもL-blockがありました。

  13. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 13、 1の画像 1
    • 下記のメインICがロジックボードの裏に取り付けられています:

    • Intel BD82HM65プラットフォームコントローラハブ

    • Intel V116A068 2.3 GHzデュアルCore-i5

    • Intersil ISL6364デュアルPWMコントローラ

    • Parade PS8171 HDMI/DVIレベルシフター

    • SMSC USB2513BUSB 2.0ハブコントローラ

    • DELTA 8904C-Fフィルタ

    • SMSC 1428-7システム管理バス温度センサー

    Can you tell where the AMD Radeon HD 6630M is in the top model?

    tapownoi - 返信

    It replaces the Intel BD82HM65 Platform Controller Hub.

    Marcos A. Pereira -

  14. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 14、 1の画像 1
    • ロジックボードの表には、次の大きな部品が取り付けられています:

    • Early 2011 21.5" iMacに使用されているものに似た、Intel L116IA35 ThunderboltポートコントローラIC

    • Broadcom BCM57765ギガビットイーサネットとメモリカードコントローラ

    • Texas Instruments XIO2211 FireWire コントローラ

    • Cirrus Logic 4206Bオーディオコントローラ

    these are horrible instructions

    Rohi Aderes - 返信

  15. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 15、 3の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 15、 3の画像 2 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 15、 3の画像 3
    • 電源はT6ネジ1本で固定されています。

    • 小さい金属ブラケットを取り外して、AC電源入力ポートをねじると、電源を右にスライドさせて、空いたminiの前面から抜き取れます。

    • あなたも見覚えがありますか?私たちだけではないはずです。

    nope doesn't work

    Rohi Aderes - 返信

  16. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 16、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 16、 2の画像 2
    • もう1本T6ネジを外すと、IRセンサー/レシーバーを光学ドライブから抜き取れます。え?光学ドライブがないですって?追加ハードドライブ用のスペースを確保するために、Appleは今年のminiから光学ドライブを取り除き、オールドファッション風のスペース感を持たせています。

    • IRセンサーが心の奥底を真っ直ぐに覗いています。すみません、なくなった光学ドライブはここにはありません。

  17. Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 17、 2の画像 1 Mac mini Mid 2011の分解: 手順 17、 2の画像 2
    • Mac mini Mid 2011の修理のしやすさは、10点満点中8点です(10が最も修理が容易)。

    • デバイスに独自のネジは使用されていません。

    • RAMとハードドライブのアップグレードだけでなく、2番目のドライブ増設も容易です。

    • miniの分解中に除去が必要な接着剤は、どこにも使用されていません。

    • CPUはロジックボードにはんだ付けされているため、ユーザーがアップグレードすることはできません。

    • 難しい作業ではありませんが、電源を交換するには、ほぼ全ての部品を取り外す必要があります。

    Is it possible to upgrade the 6630m graphics card?

    rikky - 返信

    Once you take the server version apart, you'll be able to see what the second disk cable looks like. It will also be interesting to see if the i7 quad-core is much bigger than the CPUs installed in this model.

    off-topic, sorry: I look at the size of the motherboard and can envision a Mac blade server using the quad i7 with the MBA memory drive for booting. The mini's have Thunderbolt so connection of RAIDs not a problem. Expand RAM capability to 4 slots and you could have half a 5U rack with 1-2 dozen mini blades with the other half holding a bunch of disks.

    plink53 - 返信

    I too have successfully bought the iFixit 2nd hard drive kit and installed an OWC Mercury Extreme SSD and loaded the OS only on it which has really made a huge difference and increased overall speed of my 2011 Mac Mini. I found it fairly easy to do and have also upgraded Ram to 16gb. I am extremely happy with the results. I encourage anybody to try the SSD option to load just the OS option on the SSD. I most cases you can get away with a very affordable 64gb SSD drive.

    Alex Gaston - 返信


en jp


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Jake Devincenzi

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33 件のコメント

What is the empty socket located about an inch above the CPU and GPU on the motherboard (same side as the SATA sockets)?

Edge - 返信

Maybe it has something to do with the Radeon 6630m model? I ordered the Core i7/6630m model, I'll check when I get it and report anything different I see.

Francois -

The same socket exists on the 6630M version (I put an SSD in my i5/2.5/500 prior to this take apart.)

Edge -

What sort of cable is recommended for adding a second drive? I would like to buy a bare bones man mini, install a second ssd drive, and then install Lion on the ssd drive and use that as the boot drive.

rmiller67 - 返信

As we say in Step 7, you'll need an Apple proprietary SATA cable. Maybe someone will get their hands on a server version of the new Mac Mini and reverse engineer both of the cables so that they can start manufacturing ones that will fit perfectly.

David Hodson -

Is there any hard drive sensor cable this time around? Less small cable to remove/put back = less chance of breaking things! :)

Francois - 返信

There is no separate temp sensor, just the single flat cable from motherboard to the SATA hard drive (unless the temp sensor wiring is included in a custom SATA port on the 500GB hard drive. With an SSD in place, my fan is noticeably running, but I am not sure whether it is due to heat from the SSD/GPU/CPU combination.)

Edge -

Can you check your fan speed RPM? With istat or something like that? I think the max speed is 6000RPM, so let't hope that upgrading the HDD won't give the same problem as the 2011's iMac

Francois -

SMC fan control reports 1800rpm minimum fan speed. This is with an upgraded SSD and a Dual-DVI -> 30" Cinema Display (using discrete 6630M GPU.)

Edge -

The 2010 Mac Mini models had temperature sensors on the hard drive, that proved to be a little trick to remove and install a replacement hard drive.

Is it still an issue or did Apple change it?

Zillo - 返信

Is it possible to upgrade the Intel processors?

Zillo - 返信

No. See the note in the guide, it is soldered to the motherboard.

Edge -

How hard is it to add a second hard drive?

Ian Bauters - 返信

The possibility to add a second hard drive does exist for a long time!: http://www.mcetech.com/optibay/

qsd - 返信

How about a link to buy one of those funky sata cables? For people who want to install a 2nd hard drive

James Young - 返信

That would be nice! I'll buy a intro Mini to use as a media server if I can add another HDD to it.

Alex Reich -

I would be véry interested in that as well. Apparently we need a "SATA hard drive-to-logic board cable", but I'm really eager to know this for sure. I've also read that the Mini 2011 has a SATA-III (Sata-600) connection, which would make installing an SSD afterwards all the more interesting.

The second someone has a link to the "SATA hard drive-to-logic board cable", I'll buy me one and a Mac Mini with dedicated GPU and the i7 CPU… that would be one seriously little powerhouse! :)

Joram Oudenaarde -

Does the 2011 Mac mini have SATA revision 3.0? I would like to know if I need to buy a new 6Gb/s OWC SSD to take full advantage of any revision. If not, I can put my existing 3Gb/s SSD in the machine, and use the drive it comes with as a data/media HDD.

Alex Reich - 返信

From what I've read on Appleinsider's and Macrumor's forum so far, it has SATA-III :)

Joram Oudenaarde -


I can confirm that System Information reports a 6 Gigabit link. My SSD is only SATA II (3 Gigabit) so I am unable to test throughput.

I also have a flat cable from a 2010 mini server to test the second HD.

Edge -

Can the previous man mini's DVD drive be connected to this logic board?

shklak - 返信

Hm... is possible to put the a DVD burner on this new model? the space is the same? If is possible, i just need to "cut" the case, right? What is the DVD burner model? Thanks.

Sergio Eurico - 返信

I was thinking you could swap the case from the 2010 model, but would like to see someone else try.

Allen S Harvey Jr -

I've been looking at the teardowns for both models. The shapes of all the relevant parts appear to be the same, so it seems likely that the case + drive bracket + optical drive of the previous model should be compatible with the other parts of this new one. We won't know for certain until someone gives it a try, though.

cityzen -

I was thinking the same thing, but I was looking at moving the new MB, and other parts into the 2010 chassis as it already has the slot. I am in the process of getting a used 2010 and 2011 to try it. I will get back to you guys if it works! I am just wondering if there is a place on the newer MB to connect a optical drive, such as to the second HD connector that is there.

danielrhodes47 -

I found the attached site which sells 2010 Server 2nd HD cables, which I am guessing would be nearly identical? Would something like this work for the 2011 Mini?

A teardown of the Mini Server would be really great just to see how they are packing the two HD's now.


codemonkeyx - 返信

Interesting that that isn't just the same part (the one in the device, not the longer one you need), but it's also the same photograph of the part.

So who takes these photographs. I always assumed that they were taken by iFixit when they disassembled the device.....

alex -

Nice catch, alex. The teardown image was taken without iFixit's permission and used as the product picture on their site.

Miroslav Djuric -

Looks like the second hard drive cable part number is 922-9560 the same one as the 2010 mac mini server

Peter Scott - 返信

If that's true, then adding a second hard drive just got a lot easier. Thanks for the info!

David Hodson -

*Notes on Fan Speed & 2011 Mini Noise Level*


I've owned both the 2010 base model as well as the 2011 Radeon model of the mac mini, so I wanted to post some comments about the exhaust fan an noise level. As read from iStatPro system monitoring tool, there are at least 10 temp readout locations inside the mac mini. Both the 2010 and 2011 models single fans idle at around 1800RPM, when the temp of the processor is around 70 deg C, and HD is around 33 deg C (and Radeon GPU core around 65 dec C in 2011 model). RPMs increase linearly primarily in response to CPU heat; at medium CPU load at 74dC, it increases to ~2800RPM, which is lightly audible; at moderately heavy CPU load, 78dC, it inc to ~3500, which is minorly annoyingly audible; at full CPU load it goes past 80dC and ~4000rpm, which is quite loud by mac mini standards. This was rare in my 2010 C2Duo, and is rare in my 2011 core i5 2.5ghz; usually, in my 2011 model, CPU usage hovers around 30% across the cores, even under pretty heavy load. When gaming, the GPU gets as hot as 74dC, but the CPU is not at full capacity, and the fan usually sits at around ~2900RPM which is pretty quiet. This was in max resolution, highest detail game (Bioshock for Mac).


Regarding replacing the HDD with a non-apple SSD, Fan speed the same after; there is no special HDD sensor to worry about. According to the temp readouts from iStatPro, the hard drive temperature is still being read in the 2011 mini, likely via the S.M.A.R.T. hdd interface. It's uncertain if the mini's one main exhaust fan factors this temp into its rotation speed. My SSD never changes in temp by more than a few degrees C.


Hope this helps regarding noise level concerns!

Daniel Valencia - 返信

Since there is room for a second HD and it looks like they only changed the bracket from the 2010 model, could a the parts from this 2011 be put into a 2010 chassis with an optical drive? Is there a place for an optical drive to connect to?

danielrhodes47 - 返信

The connector broke that powers the light. Where can I find 3 volts to power the LED?

Doc Ken - 返信



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