It's the same on all models, since none of the models have a Superdrive anymore. So the space exists… it's just a matter of figuring out which "SATA hard drive-to-logic board cable" to get.
From what I've read on Appleinsider's and Macrumor's forum so far, it has SATA-III :)
I would be véry interested in that as well. Apparently we need a "SATA hard drive-to-logic board cable", but I'm really eager to know this for sure. I've also read that the Mini 2011 has a SATA-III (Sata-600) connection, which would make installing an SSD afterwards all the more interesting.
The second someone has a link to the "SATA hard drive-to-logic board cable", I'll buy me one and a Mac Mini with dedicated GPU and the i7 CPU… that would be one seriously little powerhouse! :)