手順 1 に進むAppleのMagic Mouseの何が一体そんなにマジカルなのか気になりますね…ではその中を見てみましょう!
最新のアップデートが必要ですか?ぜひTwitterをフォローしてください。 @ifixit on twitter
WiredとiFixitは Sony分解コンテストを開催しています。Sonyガジェットを何でも分解し、写真を撮ってエディターを使用して分解を投稿しています。あなたもPS3やPSP Goに勝てるかも!
今夜、私たちは観客の皆さんの中に素敵なゲストをご招待しています。カリフォルニアのクパチーノから、Appleの革新的なMulti-Touch技術を搭載した世界で最初のマウス、Magic Mouseを光栄にもご紹介させて頂きます。
もっとも壮大なステージで私たち、iFixitが最初にMagic Mouseを迎えましょう。どうぞそこに立ってあなたの無限の栄光を私たちに愛でさせてください。
ではではMagic Mouse、ご謙遜なさらないでください。観客の皆さんに少しあなたについてご紹介をさせてください。
Magic Mouseはアルミニウムをベースとし、上部のMulti-Touchの滑らかなパネルで構成されており、艶やかでボタンレスな外見をたたえています。
今までの屈強なAppleのマウスと違って、Magic Mouseは完全にユーザー体験を向上させるためにジェスチャーに重点を置いています。
嗚呼、Magic Mouse…君はとってもマジカルだよ!
Magic Mouse is not a Modest Mouse?
Brady Cabe - 返信
Brady Cabe - 返信
Modest Mouse is a band, of course
:)) I know wat you talked,LOL, just for fun.
What's the black strip-like things on the bottom?
Those are the friction-reducing gliders. They let the Magic Mouse slide effortlessly over smooth surfaces, such as a desk. Ordinary mice have "feet", and the Mighty Mouse has one long light-gray strip that goes around the entire base of the mouse.
次のトリックのために、観客の皆さんの中から一名、お手伝いをしていただける方が必要です…はい、そこのあなた、Magic Mouseさん…こちらに上がってきてください!
公式の免責事項が邪魔にならないように、Magic Mouseの分解を始めていきます。
中を覗いてMagic Mouseにその力強いパワーを与えているお守りを見てみましょう。驚くことはありませんが、多量な量の魔法の接着剤が我々のゴールの前に立ちはだかっています。
Magic Mouseの殻を開けるために、プラスチックオープニングツールを使用します。
開けサルサパリラ!開けサスカチェワン!開けセプチュエイジナリアン!開けサドル・ソープ!…開けゴマ! これでやっと開きました。
OMG, whatever you do don’t let that orange cable in the back get disconnected, It’s a complete PIA to reattach. I attempted to dislodge the black chassis in Step 9 hoping that it would give me a little more “slack” to reattach the orange cable and I ended up destroying my mouse. The black chassis is glued down and when I used my SlyPry on it I inadvertently cut through the sensors. Watch out because that orange cable can trip you up.
impossible. you can not do it.
Just did it :-)
patrick -
How? Theres not enough cable or space to work with?
After a fair bit of fiddling I finally managed it. Here's my method:
1. Snap the cover into place with three of the four plastic posts, leaving one open at the cable end. This ensures the cable is correctly aligned but gives a little clearance for access.
2. Using very flat tweezers (preferably rubber coated) coax the cable into place. If you are having problems gripping the cable (it's very shiny) attach a thin strip of electrical tape across the width. Make sure it's well clear of contacts and socket!
3. Snap the final post into its slot.
Andrew -
For easy removal and reconnection of the ribbon cable, have a look at https://youtu.be/2sk8pR3AmT4?t=3m28s (3:28), where it lifts the cable release from the connector with a paperclip. Do the opposite by pressing it down after you have inserted the cable back in.
panchristo - 返信
Thank you!!! All of you - your comments helped me fix my Magic Mouse (especially koenigt as there definitely is a step missing in these instructions). I’m not sure how, but the black tape band across the orange connectivity thingies had slipped down, so the orange stuff could be seen when the batteries were removed. Opened up the mouse (with much fearful sighing and gurning), gently prised the band off and replaced it in the correct place (using tweezers), rebuilt the mouse AND IT WORKS!
Is that a QR code at the top? Do you have any idea of what it says?
"Made in China".
😂 🤣😂 good one
Did the transparent cover snap onto the black internal frame or was it glued glued?
I would love to see a higher res picture of the last (separated) shot on this step, like step 11 which is mind-blowingly awesome resolution!
Thanks for detailed teardowns, the step-by step is awesome (and you guys do such a great job, I am only opening one of these things when I don't expect to get them back together and working, I'll leave that to you when I have a problem.
Keep it up (and you are fast!).
you guys arent funny....at all.
Where's the clicking mechanism part?
これがMagic Mouseと持ち主のコミュニケーションを可能にしているBroadcomのBCM2042A4KFBGH チップです。
"By integrating all components within today's mouse and keyboard into the BCM2042, low system costs can be achieved to approach the price points of legacy-wired mice and keyboards." Apparently Apple missed that memo."
Wow that typifies the bias strewn thought this teardown... Perhaps if they had built a mouse using the standard (inexpensive and not requiring significant R&D and engineering) couple microswitches and a optical chopper pair they could sell it for the $20-$40 that logitech sells it's wired mice.
But that is not the case is it?
Stick to the tech, haters benefit no one.
"By integrating all components within today's mouse and keyboard into the BCM2042, low system costs can be achieved to approach the price points of legacy-wired mice and keyboards." Apparently Apple missed that memo."
Wow that typifies the bias strewn thought this teardown... Perhaps if they had built a mouse using the standard (inexpensive and not requiring significant R&D and engineering) couple microswitches and a optical chopper pair they could sell it for the $20-$40 that logitech sells it's wired mice.
But that is not the case is it?
Stick to the tech, haters benefit no one.
Err, I hate to break it to you, but this has -one- microswitch, as well as a plain old optical chopper pair. nothing special about either of those. as far as "significant R&D and engineering" goes, capacitive tech has been around for ages, a simple array of sensors isn't anything novel.
There really isn't anything in this that justifies the ridiculous price tag.
as far as "significant R&D and engineering" goes, capacitive tech has been around for ages, a simple array of sensors isn't anything novel.
And yet multi-touch has never been properly implemented until recently, with Apple and a handful of other companies finally getting it right. Don't underestimate what went into it.
There really isn't anything in this that justifies the ridiculous price tag.
Okay, but here's Logitech's current Bluetooth laser offering, and it's $59.99
$9 for a multi-touch surface, with the ability for future expansion in gestures and features, like the trackpads, seems like more than a fair price. Bumping up to a USB darkfield laser is $20. There's nothing new or innovative in a darkfield laser by your standards, and yet it's double the price? Clearly there's a disconnect there.
For that price i would have expected rechargeable batteries and a powered mousepad that transmits energy without contact to the mouse. That would truly have been 'magic'.
Apple is already one of the worlds largest producers of e-waste and their production processes are not exactly 'green; either. Now add Aa batteries to that list. greenpeace will have a field day again ...
... Apple is already one of the worlds largest producers of e-waste and their production processes are not exactly 'green; either. ...
Do you have a current source for your incorrect enviro-slam? If you bother to take a look at Apple's Environment section of its website, you'll find comprehensive reports showing full life-cycle environmental impact reports. Something that is above and beyond the standard in the industry. Me thinks you were too quick and out of date (circa early 2007) with your slam.
Besides, e-waste is insignificant in the global environmental scheme. Try finding a modern landfill with an e-waste leachate problem. You can't. The problem is in the recycling of the electronic components in third world countries. Not in burying the old products.)
For that price i would have expected rechargeable batteries and a powered mousepad that transmits energy without contact to the mouse. That would truly have been 'magic'.
Apple is already one of the worlds largest producers of e-waste and their production processes are not exactly 'green; either. Now add Aa batteries to that list. greenpeace will have a field day again ...
Well...I guess you're not an Apple customer. I am and the #$5& with Greenpeace!
Do you have a current source for your incorrect enviro-slam?
Here is your proof: most of apple's stuff (ipod,iphone and even some laptops are not designed to have a user replacable battery.) Throw away and buy new...
@vick1. i hope not all apple users have your mentality.
Err, I hate to break it to you, but this has -one- microswitch, as well as a plain old optical chopper pair. nothing special about either of those. as far as "significant R&D and engineering" goes, capacitive tech has been around for ages, a simple array of sensors isn't anything novel.
There really isn't anything in this that justifies the ridiculous price tag.
Do you know what an optical chopper pair are? They are an IR emitter/receptor pair used to track the scroll wheel rotation. I don't think this mouse has a scroll wheel (or a chopper pair)
It's surface tracking (laser) does not use a chopper pair (no mouse does)
I am a engineer (PLC electronics manufacturing) and I can tell you this is a big change (engineering and manufacturing wise) from a standard 3 button mouse. (and I note that the logitech CORDED mice using laser tracking run $25-$80 (bluetooth run $50 & $60) so the price seems dam reasonable.
R&D Engineering and getting a production run up to speed (QC) all cost lots of money (trust me)
I just get sick of (mostly poorly informed) people bashing innovative companies for having to recoup their R&D and production set up costs. If you can't (or don't want to) afford it, wait a year or two till it becomes commonplace and most of the R&D have been recouped, the price will undoubtedly drop a bit.
Do you know what an optical chopper pair are? They are an IR emitter/receptor pair used to track the scroll wheel rotation. I don't think this mouse has a scroll wheel (or a chopper pair)
It's surface tracking (laser) does not use a chopper pair (no mouse does)
I am a engineer (PLC electronics manufacturing) and I can tell you this is a big change (engineering and manufacturing wise) from a standard 3 button mouse. (and I note that the logitech CORDED mice using laser tracking run $25-$80 (bluetooth run $50 & $60) so the price seems dam reasonable.
R&D Engineering and getting a production run up to speed (QC) all cost lots of money (trust me)
I just get sick of (mostly poorly informed) people bashing innovative companies for having to recoup their R&D and production set up costs. If you can't (or don't want to) afford it, wait a year or two till it becomes commonplace and most of the R&D have been recouped, the price will undoubtedly drop a bit.
The prices I see on Logitech's site are $80 and $100 for their Anywhere and Performance mice with Logitech Darkfield Laser Tracking™.
For larger tear-down images, see http://www.cnblogs.com/lzhdim/news/2009/..., and don't worry if you cannot read the language (Chinese?). It includes the Magic Mouse and iMac tear-downs.
For that price i would have expected rechargeable batteries and a powered mousepad that transmits energy without contact to the mouse. That would truly have been 'magic'.
Apple is already one of the worlds largest producers of e-waste and their production processes are not exactly 'green; either. Now add Aa batteries to that list. greenpeace will have a field day again ...
Umm, dumbass, you can supply your own rechargeable AA batteries. I have 2 sets for my Mighty Mouse, one in the mouse and one at the ready.
"By integrating all components within today's mouse and keyboard into the BCM2042, low system costs can be achieved to approach the price points of legacy-wired mice and keyboards." Apparently Apple missed that memo."
Wow that typifies the bias strewn thought this teardown... Perhaps if they had built a mouse using the standard (inexpensive and not requiring significant R&D and engineering) couple microswitches and a optical chopper pair they could sell it for the $20-$40 that logitech sells it's wired mice.
But that is not the case is it?
Stick to the tech, haters benefit no one.
You shouldn't complain. Here in Denmark, a Magic Mouse costs $106!!
Err, I hate to break it to you, but this has -one- microswitch, as well as a plain old optical chopper pair. nothing special about either of those. as far as "significant R&D and engineering" goes, capacitive tech has been around for ages, a simple array of sensors isn't anything novel.
There really isn't anything in this that justifies the ridiculous price tag.
Yes sure it "isn't anything novel" that's why no one has a product like this out yet...nothing novel...
go buy yourself one of those fugly prototypes by microsoft sitting on some loser bozo's staffer's desk instead.
Magic Mouseよ、安らかにお眠りください。他のマウスは科学という名の下に犠牲になりました。私たちはMagic Mouseを破壊しませんでしたが、それをもう一度接着して元どおりにすることは困難です。追記:元に戻してみたら、ちゃんと動いてます!
この後、Magic Mouseの次にiMacを分解する予定です。@iFixitのTwitterをフォローしてください。新着情報をお届けします。
"We'll be taking apart the iMac that came with our Magic Mouse next." I'm dying over here! Get on it!!!
I am dieing! Take that chainsaw to the iMac!
Kyle Wiens - 返信
OK so I screwed up my first post ... this is for Rob C - don't touch the bottom. I don't get the tingle from mine.
And for everyone else who has an issue with Apple "stuff" - if you want a Cadillac, you pay extra. Pretty simple. I've been using non-Cadillac equipment for the past 30 years. I finally made the switch and wonder, as do most switchers, why I waited so long. Cheers
Rob Cからの引用:
Can someone confirm if any part of the internal electronics is in contact with the aluminum bottom case, as i'm constantly getting a strange tingling feeling in my fingers when i use this mouse and it goes away if i take the batteries out.
Possibly the onset of Carpal-tunnel syndrome?
sp33dwagon - 返信
Possibly the onset of Carpal-tunnel syndrome?
seriously though, just take it to the apple store they'll give you a replacement.
sp33dwagon - 返信
Possibly the onset of Carpal-tunnel syndrome?
If it is using the same technology as the glass touch pad on the MacBook, then no you're not imagine the tingling. I have felt it too. I for one am amazed by the touch technology in the magic mouse and it is hands and feet above anything Logitech or MacAlly can come up with.
Can someone please tell me the easiest way to reconnect the touchpad strip to the motherboard?
“Update: We put it back together and it still works!”
As per Ashley Deltor’s question - how about those rebuild instructions?
Apacholski - 返信
Can you tell me which glue you used to glue it and put it back together?
paolariv11 - 返信
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23 件のコメント
Magic Mouse requires much more power draw from the 2 AA batteries than the Logitech M600 in that a same pair of batteries that were claimed by OS X as dead (under 5% charge on the upper right banner bar and system prompt for change of batteries) is still able to power Logitech M600 immediately taken out of Magic Mouse. In Logitech's product spec page, it states that it can be powered by a single AA battery and can last 6 months with a new pair. A Magic Mouse would probably only last a month and a half :(
Hi, where can I get a magic mouse 1 logic board?
Mine is defective, would like to replace it.
Paulo Lopes
Although it looks super nice, this mouse is crap... loses connectivity very often and sucks battery power quickly... I switched to a little cheap Logitech three buttons, wireless mouse paying only a fraction of the price and it's such a mint!. It's a shame how apple quality has decreased so badly.
Mine has never lost connection. Batteries last for about a month.
Mal -
These mice have a typical problem of fragile battery contacts; causing problems with connectivity and wasted power. To improve this, cover the (+) tips of the battery with 2 sheets (less than 1cm squared) of of aluminum foil. Do not cover the sides of the batteries.
Now thats magic!
i am facing problem that my apple magic mouse is not working all function but i have a problem with pointer of mouse. its not working so i want to about any solution ? if i want to buy that circuit board so is it possible ? if yes so please provide link for the same so i will buy directly.
tu caso es idéntico al mío. las funciones que dependen de los gestos y eventos clic funcionan bien. Solo el puntero que no da arrastre. una ayuda por favor. gracias
Only had two problems with mine. Micro-switch replacement and battery cover kept falling off. Never did cure the latter! Battery usage was excellent though.
In my case the black springy pin, that should hold the lid in place broke long time ago, so the black pin is no longer springy.
My solution: Slightly bend the battery cover. I've bent mine in a way that the middle part is bulging outwards and the two ends inwards. What this causes is that when you insert the lid, the black locking pin cannot easily slide over the lid as it is bulging out. However Aluminium is springy itself, so what I do than is push the middle of the lid inside. This temporarily flattens the lid. Then I slide the pin in the locked position. Now I release the pressure off the lid, which bounces slightly outward and locks in the black pin. Works like this for like 5years, no issues whatsoever.
Is there a schematic for the magic mouse? I opened my defective one and found a blown capacitor. But i son’t know the value of the capacitor.
Don’t even need the schematic if they can show me the layout of the components and their value on the board. This is near where the flex cable connects to the board. Pete
Really kind of obnoxiously overbearing with all the “ooo magic” references. Just, you know, get to the point?
Can you PLEASE suggest a repair shop option? I do not have the skill or the time to fix my broken Magic Mouse. While I commend the attempt at bringing humor to a tech item, I would appreciate practical advice on fixing the problem far more, even through a third-party repair shop. I know that may go against your "I-Fix-it" name, but it would allow me to fix my problem. Thank you.
My good old MagicMouse has stopped working by this morning. I've been using it yesterday fine. Nothing happened meanwhile.
Managed to fix it. Here's how:
You can see on the 2nd image in Step 6 that:
- there are 3 round stains on the inside of the aluminium case near the corners of the cutout. Those are actually spots where there is no paint. The reason for that is the other side has 3 pins that should touch the aluminium case electrically.
- the corner near to the switch has a connector as well, just that one is in a different position, it does not pushes against the side but rather the bottom of the aluminium case. You can see the copper/brass yellow coloured pin on the photo sticking out from the black plastic.
Long story short, if these pins cannot all detect a connection, the mouse "thinks" it is "fallen apart" and does not turn on.
In my case it was oxidation of the aluminium case at the connection points. Gave it some scratching near the connection points and now my 8yrs old mouse is working again!
Magic mice are so annoying because they have all these sensors to make sure the cover is on and that they are still together.
Why don't they work with the cover off??!!!
Makes. No. Sense.
I dub this teardown "Black Magic."
Miroslav Djuric - 返信