このガイドを参照して、Nintendo Switch Liteの消耗したバッテリーを交換しましょう。
Switch LiteはJISネジを使用していますが、急なときはプラスドライバーでも対応できます。iFixitのプラスビットはJIS規格のネジと相互互換性があるように設計されているので、ネジを剥がさないように十分注意してください。
この手順で使用する道具:Magnetic Project Mat$19.95
プラスドライバーもしくはiFixit PH000ドライバー で、バックパネルを固定している次のネジを外します。
この手順で使用する道具:iFixit Adhesive Remover$19.99
バッテリー上部端に沿って留められた接着剤を柔らかくするために、接着剤リムーバーもしくは高濃度 (90%以上)のイソプロピルアルコールを、数滴注入します。
この手順で使用する道具:Microfiber Cleaning Cloths$3.99
接着剤リムーバーもしくはイソプロピルアルコールと マイクロファイバークロスでバッテリー内の接着剤を綺麗に拭き取ります。新しいバッテリーを装着する前の準備となります。
このガイドを完成後、パフォーマンスの最適化のために、新しくインストールしたバッテリーを キャリブレーションしてください。
修理が上手く進みませんか?ベーシックなトラブルシューティングのページを参照するか、Nintendo Switch Liteのアンサーコミュニティに尋ねてみましょう。
このガイドを完成後、パフォーマンスの最適化のために、新しくインストールしたバッテリーを キャリブレーションしてください。
修理が上手く進みませんか?ベーシックなトラブルシューティングのページを参照するか、Nintendo Switch Liteのアンサーコミュニティに尋ねてみましょう。
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27 件のコメント
I am preparing to repair my daughters nintendo switch light. It has stopped charging out of no where. I have all the tools, I just can't find the battery anywhere. Where would you recommend buying it from?
If you are still looking Ifixit sells one themselves Nintendo Switch Lite Battery
Thanks for the guide. Battery replacement kits are now available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-HDH-001-... (they weren’t in November! I was also looking for this during that time)
Unfortunately, the battery was much harder to remove than I expected. I did use a lot of isopropyl alcohol, but the adhesive they use really was giving me a lot of trouble. I should’ve wisened up and googled other adhesive removal methods or tried a new approach other than prying with the spudgers.
Well, now the LCD now has what looks like pressure damage in the bottom left where I’d imagine a lot of the prying pressure went. It is much more noticeable when the screen goes all-white, and not too bad with darker colors.
I don’t blame iFixit for my mistake of course, and it is really disappointing that Nintendo used the amount of adhesive that they did. But I hope this comment can serve as a warning to others attempting this repair to be more gentle even if it’s refusing to come off.
Yikes! Sorry to hear this. How did you pry with the spudger exactly? If you kept it around the top edge of the battery well then I would assume it wouldn’t damage the screen, but if you inserted the end of the spudger deeper in the battery well and used that point as the fulcrum, then I could see that putting a lot of pressure on the back of the LCD.
@craiglloyd I did an embarrassing amount of spudger prying pretty much everywhere along the top/bottom of the battery, I actually broke a few spudger tips in the process so that might reveal something about my approach…
But, I’m starting to think it may not be LCD damage after all, but rather some isopropyl alcohol caught behind the screen– During my prying, the Switch case was getting pretty heavily warped, so maybe some of the alcohol (that I definitely used in excess) slipped in and got sandwiched under the screen? I started to notice this since the blotches seem like they’ve moved over time. Here’s an image of the screen now https://imgur.com/DjYmFnJ (and the dark gray blotch along the leftside isn’t a shadow, white spots in bottom left I thought were pressure damage)
It’s still very usable / not noticeable on black colors and thanks again for the guide! I can give the screen more time to see if it improves at all, or maybe try going back in and trying to see it is trapped alcohol that can be released
vmgm -