E-bike Disassembly of frame for painting (model: HNF UD1)
手順 1 に進むI wanted to paint my bike’s frame in a paint shop, so I dissasembled everything from the frame.
I had two identical bikes, and learned a lot along the way. I documented everything along the way, and applied some optimizations to the process afterwards, thus the images often contain parts, that are not there by the time (since this last order of actions is the best). Hope you still find it helpful!
Unscrew the seatpost clamp screw with the 5mm hex key
Remove the seat and seat post
Pull off the seatpost clamp
Hold the back brake (or hold it in place with a zip tie)
with the Bosch chain ring lock ring removal tool on a 1/2" ratchet loosen the lock ring on the chain ring
In a later step, after the carbon belt is removed, the chain ring can easily be pulled down too
With the help of a Philips 1 screwdriver remove the tiny screw holding the plastic guide in place
After the screw is removed the plastic can be slid off to the side
Loosen the back wheel bolts with the 15mm wrench on both sides of the rear axel and move the rear wheel out vertically for a few centimeters
slide the belt and chain ring off the drive train axel
Slide the remaining double metal ring off
Slide the underlying black sealing ring off
On the right side:
Remove the 2 screws closer to the front with the help of a 3mm hex key
When the plastic is a bit loose, a black plastic distance holder can be slid out from between the frame and plastic cover
Remove the biggest cable, the battery cable:
Using a flat head screwdriver loosen the catch 1-2mm
Using pliers disconnect the plug of the powerpack
Located in 3. place from the left is the back lamp's cable and plug
It runs directly to the back of the bike and exits the drive units frame part on a hole around the kickstand just below the rear fender
The cable runs through the inner side of the rear fender and ends in the back lamp
From the 4. socket remove the plug of the bosch sensor
The cable goes directly inside the left back fork and exits just before the sensors place
Remove the flat plug and unwind the cables
The cable enters the inside of the frame in the middle and exits on the left side on the biggest hole, runs up the frame and to the board computer mount
The first socket is for the front light and goes straight throw the middle of the frame, and out on the biggest whole
Runs along the fork and up to the light
When all plugs are unplugged, the last nut can also be loosened with the 13mm socket
The drive unit can be shifted horizontally to the other side.
Remove the screw next to the battery charging port with a PH1 Screwdriver [marked with red circle]
Remove the upper screw with a 3 mm hex key on both sides. (2x in total) [marked with blue circle on this side]
For removing the plastic cover of lower battery holding part
Remove the two black screws from the black plastic with a T15 torx screwdriver
Release the catch on the lower side (facing the back fork/drive unit)
By taking the plastic parts apart, the outer shell can be removed
First remove the cables with smaller plugs through the rectangular hole
After all other cables removed, the battery plug fits the big hole on its own
Remove grip on right side
Loosen the brake lever and pull it off the handle
Remove - if any - protective/design rubber cap on stem
Loosen the stem with a 5mm allen key.
Loosen the two bolts on the side of the stem with the 5mm allen key
Remove upper bearing
The lower bearing can be left on the front fork
shift pedals to a position that allows easy access to the shift cable hardware
Remove the shift cable hardware ends
Open the securing closing mechanism on the lower one (open and lift)
Remove the cable end from its socket
Loosen the bolts with the 15mm wrench on both sides of the rear axel
Remove the rear wheel carefully, not to damage the belt!
To remove the bolt that held the long screw and black part in place,
use a small but long tool (nail or screwdriver) and put it in the hole, where the removed screw was previously, but not through the upper part of the frame, but diagonally from the outside - thus the bolt can be slightly pushed out of the frame
Grab this slightly outlying bit with a plier and pull it out
Loosen the two bolts on the rear part of the frame with 4 mm allen key
Remove the two screws holding it to the frame's middle (back frame's triangle's corners)
There are two (1-1) black plastic/rubber plates between the fender and the frame on the screws
In total the bike rack and rear fender are connected with 4 screws to the frame
Remove the longer front facing screws (with neck) from the rear end on both sides with 4 mm hex key
Remove the rubber cap by hand
Remove the locking screw with a T20 torx screwdriver
Underlying metal holder (and cable aligner) is held in place by a 3mm hex screw
A big diametered washer is under the screw head
Below is the placeholder
The one on top has sharper corners
The one on the bottom is fully rounded
They can either be removed with a specific tool, or with a chisel and a hammer (possibly rubber hammer)
Check with paint shop if the wholes should be protected
If needed - insert (short) screws in all places, where there were any before, to save their guideway (14 small type screws, 7 bigger type)
And the frame is ready for a fresh new paint!!!
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. Except for the nuvinci cable setting - this has to be adjusted at the end, when the back wheel is set to the right position and belt tension
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. Except for the nuvinci cable setting - this has to be adjusted at the end, when the back wheel is set to the right position and belt tension
2 件のコメント
Do you have any photos of the frame after it's been painted?
Yes, I updated the main picture to show the frame after the paint job :)