
モデル番号はA1708/EMC 3164。2017年6月発売。このエントリーレベルのMacBook Proには伝統的なFunction Keyが搭載されています(OLED Touch Barの反対)。

20回答 すべてを表示

Screen hinges loose, falls shut

The screen hinges don't have much resistance to them, if the screen is not almost vertical it will fall either backward or forward. Is there a way to tighten the hinges on these screen assemblies?

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Pulled the screen, one hinge is quite loose and the other seems to have a normal amount of tension. Anyone have a source for the hinges in these?



1 件の回答


Oh Boy! Not good ;-{

The older 2015 and older MacBook Pro's had removable hinges! The 2016 onward use a press fit hinge pin which is then encompassed with the clutch spring. What happened in the first models the pins would become loose within the lid frame so the lid just swings with little if no tension!

Block Image

Given the fact Apple has just placed the 2016 systems on the Vintage and obsolete products listing may make getting this covered under a warranty exception quite hard. Its still worth trying, otherwise its on you!

Some people have had success refitting the pin back in using both epoxy and cyanoacrylate adhesive. But you need to remove the display assembly to get to the pins using pliers to carefully pull it out. MacBook Pro 13インチ Function Keys 2017のスクリーンアセンブリの交換

Note the end is keyed this is what has failed. The edge of the case the keyed section rests against has worn off. Using a tooth pick you need to place the epoxy where the key fits against. Then using the cyanoacrylate wet the pins shaft. Make sure you don't get the other side wet as that would require the full emplacement of the lid as you've have seized the hinge ability to bend. MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2016-2017) Display Assembly

Replace a display compatible with a 2016 or 2017 model A1706 or A1708 MacBook Pro 13" Retina laptop. Includes the 2560 x 1600 13.3" Retina LCD Screen, Display Cover, Bezel, FaceTime HD Camera, Clutch Hinges, Display Daughter Board, Cable Spring Mechanism. Part #661-05096.の画像


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2016-2017) Display Assembly



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