Holy !&&* this is misleading. All of this “Kolin Doyle” person’s guides are idiotic and basic, everybody knows how to take a %#*@ battery out of a laptop! And as Jason said, the guide is totally incorrect, that’s the wrong %#*@ slot for gosh sake; that slot is for a WWAN card that allows connecting to a cellular network, the WiFi card is under the plastic cover on the right, above the heatpipes, and you can even see an antenna cable! Please, mods, delete this incorrect guide and the rest of the guides this person has published; the Latitude e6510 is the easiest laptop to service that I personally own and this guy is making it look hard.
why did you do this do you know how dangerous that is americium 231 is a highly radioactive metal you could HAVE KILLED YOURSELVES
Have a look at the connectors if it has a connector with 8 metal bits. exactly 8 it is sata :-p
Sorry in my reply to you but the stupid 12 character minimum for each post is ridicu .
Disc drive.!
can you replace the hard drive with one that has windows or linux on it and run windows or linux from the hdd and turn the xbox into a media pc or is the xbox OS not in the hdd but in a chip on the motherboard that cannot be overridden so that it boots from the hdd