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21 件のコメント
can you replace the hard drive with one that has windows or linux on it and run windows or linux from the hdd and turn the xbox into a media pc or is the xbox OS not in the hdd but in a chip on the motherboard that cannot be overridden so that it boots from the hdd
NO, you cannot.
kaos_engr is wrong. You CAN run Linux on a modded Xbox. Although since you also asked about REPLACING the hard drive: I don’t know whether you have to use the original hard drive or can use any IDE hard drive. But Linux is apparently possible on a modded Xbox. See here, and there are more resources on the web too, just search the web for “original Xbox linux”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_Linux
As for Windows on an original Xbox. I’m sure I read once that proper drivers wouldn’t exist. Because nobody would have written them. Certainly Microsoft didn’t want you putting Windows on your Xbox. However I just came across this video of someone allegedly running Windows 98 on an Xbox. I’m not sure if they’re somehow virtualising Windows using Linux or something. Maybe have a look and figure out what’s going on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erk_XE-D...
But Linux on an Xbox does look possible, IF you have a modded Xbox.
D C -
Utilize the information on this website to determine what Xbox version you have so you know what replacement parts to look for.
The repairability score varies on the model...