Warning: The SIM card and microSD memory cards MUST BE REMOVED to complete the next step (Step 3 Battery Cover).
If they are not removed before prying away the battery cover, they may be damaged, and important data may be destroyed (cannot be recovered)!!
Failure to remove them will also make removing the battery cover in Step 3 difficult, if not impossible.
I find it very strange that it’s omitted, but to deroute the microphone cable, you will have to unscrew the cable right next to (above) it. At least, I had to. It’s not hard, but you can’t deroute the microphone cable without derouting the other cable.
Make sure to remember that this screw is removed when reassembling!
I had two 3mm screws and one 4mm screw…. So I put the 4mm screw in the middle hole, and the 3mm screws in the outer holes.
I have the regular (not Santa Rosa/Penryn) model, and instead of a 6mm Phillips screw on the left, it was a 5mm Phillips screw. It didn’t make a difference, however.
Can anyone else confirm what I’ve written below?…
In my macbook, which is the regular (not Santa Rosa/Penryn) model, the longest 10mm screw is the same, but the middle screw and the right screw are both approximately 5mm. However, the middle screw is fatter/wider and the right screw is thinner.
Also, when reassembling, make sure all three screws are easily screwed in before tightening each one. The hinge mount that you’re fastening down will wiggle a bit before being fully tightened down, possibly causing the screw holes to not line up!
Where did you buy your battery from for such a cheap price?
Also, others claim that it’s a T4 Torx screwdriver, not a T5. Did you T5 still work?