Looks like your laptop is an old model, you can upgrade it up to 100 gb i think that is the maximum. there are two version of HDD one is IDE and the second is SATA. IDE laptop's can upgrade up to 120gb. and SATA is up gradable up to 1TB depends on the board model...
Yes! absolutely , but surely the other parts is for replacement.. try to open your tablet and you will see lots of corrosion. try to clean the board using brush and alcohol and try to reflash the stock rom. using SD card.. download your stock rom here.... https://www.asus.com/support/#
Hi Nigel Rodriguez After you replaced the parts what did you do? did you run the test to your Pixel? Did you format the device after you replaced the parts? *You need to format the device after you replaced the parts...
Hi faraaz ganey Try to Use Other Charger.. if didn't work try to remove battery and then charge if its doesn't work reseat the internal components.. like the board and DC jack.. or other connection internally that connected to battery and board... then try to re assemble..
Hi invest try to reformat your Android phone.. using this guide.. I have that same problem too.. years ago. I follow this instruction and it works.. https://www.wikihow.tech/Do-a-Hard-Reset...
If you can't switch your Camera from Front to Rear using the Camera settings maybe there's a problem in your Camera Module.. if its warranty try to contact the re-seller..