Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換

Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換

jack dighera

jack dighera とその他 5 人の作成者

最終更新日: October 11, 2023


オーディオボタンが動きませんか?このガイドでは、Bose SoundLink Mini II のボタンボードを交換する方法を説明します。これらの部品を交換するために、必要な工具と交換部品を必ず準備してください。基板を取り外す際、充電されたバッテリーで作業する場合はご注意ください。



  1. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, バッテリー: 手順 1、 2の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, バッテリー: 手順 1、 2の画像 2
    • スピーカーの裏面を上にしてください。

    If the blinking red battery is the reason to change the battery, first try reinstalling the latest firmware via Bose.
    When the site tells you that you already have the latest version, just press A, then D, then V, then the up arrow and last the down arrow. The option to reinstall the latest firmware will appear. Just reinstall it and that might fix your battery. It did for me and saved me a new battery.

    Harm Jan Berendsen - 返信

  2. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, ゴム製カバーを外す: 手順 2、 2の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, ゴム製カバーを外す: 手順 2、 2の画像 2
    • 裏面に装着されたゴム製カバーの角から、周辺に沿って丁寧に剥がします。

    Das Fehlerbild das ich beobachtet habe, war ein kontinuierliches rotes blinken der Power LED. Der Akku wurde nicht mehr geladen. Empfehlungen das Gerät in der ship mode zu versetzen um dann zu laden waren erfolglos. Nach dem Akku tauschen das gleiche verhalten. Die SW war auf dem aktuellen Stand.

    Die Lösung war am Ende eine komplette neu Installationen der SW.

    Dazu auf die böse sw Update Seite gehen und dann die Tasten "Page Up" und dann "Page down" drücken. Dan wird die Option angeboten, die gleiche SW nochmals zu installieren. Danach war alles funktionsfähig.

    Andreas - 返信

  3. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 3、 2の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 3、 2の画像 2
    • バッテリーの各コーナーから6mm T9 のトルクスねじ4本を外します。

    Not sure what’s going on here but T9 is the wrong size—too big—for the screws on my SoundLink Mini II. Maybe T8? Perhaps my model is more recent and they’ve changed sizes? I bought the screwdriver from IFIXIT following these instructions, so I’m a *bit* annoyed…

    David Whitley - 返信

    That’s really frustrating. I’ve seen this before, where manufacturers swap screws and other components without changing the model number. I have a 64 bit driver set from iFixit, but I don’t recall which bit I used for this. The screws in my one are different lengths to the ones in the original instructions.

    Kate Morris -

  4. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 4、 3の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 4、 3の画像 2 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 4、 3の画像 3
    • 4つのゴールドのコンタクトピン付近の側面からバッテリーを慎重に持ち上げます。まだ完全に取り出さないでください。

    • この時点で、バッテリーは電源ボードに4本のワイヤで繋がっています。

    • バッテリーを完全に外すには、電源ボードから4本のワイヤの半田を除去してください。ケースやボードにダメージを与えずに、半田ごて自由に動かせるスペースがありません。先にボードを取り外した方が良いでしょう。

    • はんだ付けとはんだ除去の作業ガイドを参照してください。

    • はんだの除去をしないで、バッテリーと電源装置を外すことも可能ですが。追加の解体作業が必要です。作業中、バッテリーが2本のワイヤに接続した状態であるため、特に注意しながら進めてください。

    cuanto tiempo dura la bateria original ?

    Marcelo Lastra - 返信

    the mini 2 battery is soldered to a smaller board, either u desolder it or buy it with the small board, but with that it is even harder to replace

    user user - 返信

    Yeah this guide is just like the original Bose Mini which looked like that model had a way to replace the batter easily. I purchased a battery off Amazon thinking it was the same. This is not the same. The Bose Mini II has a battery hard-wired directly to the board. Might be too late but read this guide’s comments first to get the low down. The guide is very misleading. The BOSE SOUNDLINK MINI II **DOES NOT HAVE A REPLACEABLE BATTERY**

    Ian Lucero - 返信

    yess, got the same problem. Purchased an substitute which had as Replacement No. the original Bose-No. on its description. Bose’s accu has 4 strings, the replacement has 5 strings (where to put the fifth then?!).

    Original we had to CUT OFF, because it is firmly soldered and glued with foam! No chance to replace it!! Nearly 60.- Swiss Francs as we say “for the foxes”.

    Maranathatalitha -

    DO NOT buy a replacement battery until you understand that the battery is HARD WIRED to the circuit board and is NOT designed to be replaceable. If you are not an electronics specialist, the only option is to send to Bose for battery replacement.

    Even if you are an electronics specialist, finding a replacement battery may not be possible.

    ldthom65 - 返信

    I am very glad I took the time to review everything and all the comments before I started this procedure on my Soundlink Mini 2.

    I have to say, the author of this procedure is a pathetic jerk for posting this and not distinguishing the between the 1 and 2 versions. It is also highly suspect that there is no clear picture of the top of the unit, which would indicate which version is being used due to the fact that the 2 has no mute button.

    trmsd - 返信

    Hey du hole Frucht, die Bose Soundlink 1 hat keine Kabel an der Batterie, nur die Soundlink Mini 2 hat Kabel die auf die Platine gelötet werden muss!

    Ihr Affen habt doch keine Ahnung!

    Und den Bose Schriftzug muss der Autor nicht zeigen, wegen der Rechtlichen Lage in Deutschland!

    r.janda -

    It’s disappointing, for sure. But to call the author, who’s been kind enough to post this without getting anything in return, a pathetic jerk is waaay over the top! Come on. If anyone deserves abuse, then it’s Bose for producing a speaker with a battery that’s totally and easily replaceable except they decided to solder it onto the circuit board for some unfathomable reason. Argh!

    B. J. - 返信

    I suspect that the soldering the battery directly to the power board is a way to enhance revenue because most people will either send it in to be replaced or throw it away and buy another speaker. Of course Bose hopes that the replacement will be another Bose, but that is not likely for anyone who is frustrated by the idea that Bose would not make the battery easily replaceable.

    wannabagolfer - 返信

    Absolutely. Great I checked up first. I will not buy any other rechageable battery operated Bose product. It is clear customer abuse. The same should go to companies like Samsung which produces cellular phones with practically embedded impossible to replace without risking breaking the cristal. Customer protection in this country unfortunately has gone away with lobby. (Legalization Of Bureaucratic BriberY) Same with Apple and then Microsoft when they do updates and then no longer support an OS that could be still useful for the needs of certain people or businesses

    Dario Grisales - 返信

    ………..just bought a replacement battery based upon ifixit’s original post. This is neither a 5 minute two wire push fit job NOR one for an amateur to attempt. I now have a box of BOSE bits and spare unsuable battery.

    Thanks pal.

    Beware of internet advice

    Richard Brickwood - 返信

    ……..just bought (£30) a replacement battery based up ifixit’s orginal post that it was a)simple and b)took 5 minutes only to discover that a) there are four wires involved hard solderied to a pcb. Spent an hour undoing torc screws to dismantel the whole thing. It is not possible.

    I now have abox of BOSE bits and a brand new unuseable battery. And no speaker.

    Shame on both BOSE and ifixit - the latter for being so misleading .

    Richard Brickwood - 返信

    I’m pretty disappointed with ifixit on this one! I feel bad giving you guys a bad review but this one is just bad! It’s Missing steps, it’s labelled as easy when it certainly shouldn’t be. iPhone battery’s are easy. This requires awkward desoldering/soldering. In a tight spot. There’s not even a mention of that in this guide? Maybe someone could rewrite this so others don’t go and purchase a battery thinking it’s easy!

    Wiebie - 返信

    The instructions are not complete, and I needed extra information to replace the battery on my soundlink mini 2. I successfully completed the battery replacement using instructions I found by searching for SLminiII_SM.pdf. That document describes the steps Bose technicians take. With that, it took about 30 minutes to replace the battery. I removed the board the battery is soldered to, which made it an easy soldering job (four through-hole wires, no SMT). I carefully saved and replaced the foam tape because the last thing you want in a speaker is buzzing sounds due to the wiring rubbing against the speaker. If you’ve already bought the parts, and have access to a soldering iron. I’d recommend searching for the instructions I used.

    Kate Morris - 返信

    I was not able to find that document. Do you have any tips for finding it and I was wondering if you bought your replacement battery from ifixit or if you have any recommendations for where you bought yours.

    Michael Calaiaro -

    The instructions are at https://riverparkinc.com/wp-content/uplo... . I bought this battery from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FHX... (not an affiliate link). The speaker is working fine and charging, a few months later.

    Kate Morris -

    Thank you very much

    daniel -

    I tried to follow these instructions. I cannot find where to download the 'Polycomm' software necessary to reset the hardwire between chip and battery. I've trawled all over the internet and Bose's own websites. Could some one please advise?

    Christie Dunne Murphy -

    I would like to measure the voltage of the battery before replacing it, does anyone know which one of the 4 wires is power or ground?

    Akash Arora - 返信

    Playing with a soldering iron and live li-on battery leads ?

    A good way to burn the place to the ground !

    cricri - 返信

    I have a box of SoundLink parts.

    That Polycomm software has got to be out there somewhere! Anybody?

    Does anyone have a copy of this software tool.

    Aaron V. - 返信

    You don't need the Polycomm software, you just need to reinstall the Firmware even if it's up-to-date. Got to https://btu.bose.com/ and plug the speaker in and update. It may say it's up to date, but if you type A, D, V, Up Arrow & Down Arrow it lets you into advance mode and you can force the firmware to be reinstalled

    James Pither - 返信

    Kudos James!

    You held the secret to finishing this up! Pressing A, D, V, Up Arrow & Down Arrow in sequence after getting the updater going at https://btu.bose.com/ , then updating the firmware got the job done. Before doing this my power light just blinked red when trying to charge and the speaker The physical replacement was no big deal. I bought a replacement battery from amazon or ebay, I don't remember where, and instead of de-soldering the battery from the power supply board, because I suck a soldering, I cut off the old battery real short and spliced the new battery into the wires still hanging from the power supply. Lots of whining about the hardwired battery but I think I understand the decision Bose made in doing it. This little speaker booms, and the last thing they wanted was a loose battery connector rattling around. The fact that they aren't suing me for fixing it, even thought it takes a little thought and effort to do so, at least keeps them above John Deere, Tesla, etc., in my eyes.

    TMS -

    So, is there anything I can do when even the Bose Updater doesnˋt recognize my Mini 2? Have the Updater installed, cable plugged in but nothing happens. Except for the red blinking.

    Oliver Wiebeck - 返信

    Hi James, TMS, My battery has just stopped charging. I have a Bose which has stopped charging. I came across a youtube video suggesting it could be that the battery has gone into "Battery Protection Mode" I followed the suggestions provided in the video but without results. Before the video ends the guy suggests a firmware up-date. Is it obvious what A, D, V, Up Arrow & Down Arrow in sequence means when up-dating? Don't suppose there's a youtube video showing this procedure is there?!

    Charlie Watson - 返信

  5. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, Bose技術者用インストラクションマニュアル: 手順 5、 1の画像 1
  6. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, オーディオポート/USB回路基板: 手順 6、 1の画像 1
    • バッテリーが外れたので、ボタンの基板が露出されています。

  7. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 7、 3の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 7、 3の画像 2 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 7、 3の画像 3
    • メタル製スパッジャーで背面のグリルを外します。

    • グリルは簡単に変形します。

  8. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 8、 3の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 8、 3の画像 2 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 8、 3の画像 3
    • 回路基板とバックパネルから9mm T9トルクスネジを8本外します。

    • メタル製スパッジャーを使って、オーディオ/USBボードからリボンケーブルコネクタを外して、ケーブルを取り出します。

  9. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, ボタンボード: 手順 9、 2の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換, ボタンボード: 手順 9、 2の画像 2
    • リアパネルからリボンケーブルを引き抜きます。

  10. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 10、 3の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 10、 3の画像 2 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 10、 3の画像 3
    • 上部の回路基板を持ち上げて外します。

    • 天板と側板の間には、ラッチのないコネクタが接続されています。取り外しの際、このコネクタを傷つけないように注意してください。

    • 取り外しの際は、基板からワイヤで結束された状態で取り外してください。

  11. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 11、 2の画像 1 Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 11、 2の画像 2
    • サイドボードを機器の外側にスライドさせて取り外します。

    • サイドボードとボタンボードを接続しているラッチの付いていないコネクタがあります。取り外しの際、このコネクタを破損しないように注意してください。

  12. Bose SoundLink Mini II ボタンボードの交換: 手順 12、 1の画像 1
    • ボタンボードを静かにスライドさせて外します。



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5 件のコメント

How do you put the rubber cover back? - the tongue, the one in the corner near the charging port, doesn’t want to go in.

Zaar Hai - 返信

Salve. Dove posso procurarmi una scheda audio/usb dol soundlink mini II

Giovanni - 返信

Hi…is it possible to get a replacement board?

Ajoy dsilva - 返信


What you refer to as the ‘side board’ under step 10… do you know where I can buy one of these from?



Steve Shearman - 返信

Where i can by motherboard for sound link mini I ?

Bare - 返信



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