
2018年10月26日発売。モデル番号はA1984, A2105, A2106, A2108。オプションとしてGSM もしくは CDMA / eSIM, nano-SIM もしくは dual-SIM / 64, 128もしくは 256 GB /カラーバリエーションはブラック、ホワイト、ブルー、イエロー、コーラル、レッドがあり。(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 R"です)

20回答 すべてを表示

Ifixit replacement battery connecter issue

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Ive just got to the stage of installing this replacement battery but the connector tab looks twice as long as the original apple on - and it wont stay in position .

what can i do ?

im at a stand still in the repair.

thanks in advance,

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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Hi @troy35806

Does the ifixit replacement battery show on it, that it is compatible with an iPhone XR as shown in the image of the battery in the iPhone XR Battery part listing?

Just verifying that you got an iPhone XR. Here's a link that show how to find the model number of the phone (without turning it on) and here's a link that shows the model numbers for all the XR model variants. (Scroll down to Identification Differences)¹

If it shows that it is the correct battery for your model then I can only suggest that you contact ifixit at support@ifixit.com and ask them. According to the parts listing there's a 1 year guarantee on the battery so if it is the wrong one then you should have no problems getting a replacement.

Here's the ifixit iPhone XR バッテリーの交換 guide that may also help, if you need it.

¹ The ifixit battery listing states that the battery is compatible with all iPhone XR variants.

Fix a dead battery with this replacement 2942 mAh battery.の画像


iPhone XR Battery



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Thanks so much for getting back to me.

the battery does def say compatible with a XR .

ill keep working with the support guys..

thanks for getting back to me.



Check if the tab has perforations or a pre-fold area where it can be adjusted. If it’s still too long, some people carefully trim excess plastic (not the contacts!) for a better fit.


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