Can I replace 2.5GHZ motherboard with some differences?
so, i have a problem, i have macbook pro 15inch mid 2015 with broken gpu, dont ask how it runs, i dont know either, i buyed it accidentaly but nvm... the question is, can i replace it motherboard? i searched up some on ebay and google and found out that some of the motherboard has 2 processors? i dont know how it calls but some motheboards have two seperated "things" that are covered with cooling system, the problem is that i dont understand how all this apple stuff works and only thing i want to know that, can i replace this motherboard or no?
for more information i can say that, mine has two seperated "processors" (cooling system is covering two whatever it is, maybe its an gpu and cpu, i dont know as i said, PLEASE PROVIDE ME MORE INFORMATION HELP ME)
i dont care if 2.2ghz is weaker, i just want to make this pc work normally, so the things i wanna know is,
1) what are these metal blocks covered with cooling system, and if its an processors, does seperated means that ill have a gpu and cpu? as i said i dont know, does cpu and gpu should be seperated? idk pls just provide me with any informations
2) can i replace my broken motherboard, and if i can, what specs should i use? can i use the versions of motherboards without two seperated cooling system covered things?
as you find out, im copletly zero at this things, so thats why i need your help, i cant search up it in google or youtube, cuz i dont know how to formulate the question, so im asking it on forum. hope i provided you with enough information and i hope that someone can explain me what should i do.
waiting for your answers!
11 件のコメント
thanks guys, thats explains many things, im really glad that you answered me, now im at least understanding anything.
so, at this point i have decision to make, as i said my mac has logic board with GPU included, and im wonderig, if i buy logic board with only CPU will it be compatible to the other parts of my mac? like battery, coolers and stuff, i hope u understand what i mean, also im thinking that because of failed GPU my mac isnt functioning really well, it also has 8gb of RAM instead of 16GB and also, i dont understand how but, 2,3MGHz (maybe its also because of gpu)
guys, im not searching for killed pc that can run cyberpunk or something, all i need is machine that could run at least world of tanks on parrarels desktop, also i want to start making videos and stuff...
Briefly speaking! i want a normal working device, that will run more than 2 hours (system says that battery life is at 82% but its running out too fast, like it should be at least hold to 3 and half hour or even more) also brightness level isnt working, so im asking you, if i install the logic board with only CPU isntead of GPU&CPU version (if it possible and other components are compatible) will it be enough to run wot blitz and at least some old NFS games? it lags too much and i blame it on ruined GPU, the 8gb of ram is not enough and im wondering does at least 16GB RAM but only CPU will be enough? what would you reccomend?
Rikko Paw さんによる
@rikkopaw - How about sticking with what you have! A DG system would do you better! From what you’ll telling us you need a new battery not a new logic board. To maximize what you have all you need is to boost you drive storage. There are people who can upgrade the RAM if you have a 8GB board, but that will cost you. To be honest a bigger SSD might be all you need.
As far as swapping between the two series there’s a bit more involved so I would stick with the DG board if that is failing. You might find a used system with a bad display that you can transfer the logic board to your system as a second option to get a board with 16GB of RAM. A couple of weeks ago I saw one for sale for $120.
Dan さんによる
as i found out i got an dg board (with seperated cpu and gpu) the point is that this mac should be an 16gb version, but something is wrong, aint looking for any fix or ram swap or something, all i need is new logic board, cuz swapping gpu or ram will be more difficult and expensive
the point is, if i buy an ig board, will it be interchangeable for my mac (that i guess, is made for dg logicboard) and if its interchangeable, then will it be enough for me 16gb with only cpu?
also please explain, im guessing that DG logicboard has a seperated GPU and CPU, does it means that IG motherboard doesnt have gpu at all?
Rikko Paw さんによる
@danj also, i cant change the gpu, it means that They can’t fix it for me at the service center, i mean, my gpu is broken, it needs to be changed, it costs for me too much money and im not sure that anyone can do that in my area.
the only way out for me, is to buy a new logicboard, it costs not that much and its easyer to replace by my self (my budget is around 80-100 dollars)
Rikko Paw さんによる
@rikkopaw - let’s backup here… why do you think the GPU is bad? What is the symptoms when you run the system? So far the only thing you’ve clued us on is the system runs hot and the battery doesn’t run the system very long. If that is all that’s wrong you don’t need a GPU or logic board.
Given your use is gaming you do what the DG system! Don’t get lost with the IG systems as they won’t offer the graphics performance the DG systems do.
Even if your system only offers 8GB of RAM, a bigger SSD would off set some of that.
Dan さんによる