
1.7GHz デュアルコア Intel Core i5(Turbo Boost使用時最大2.6 GHz)3MB L3キャッシュ

20回答 すべてを表示

loud sound from the fan

Hello everyone,

There is loud sound from the fan I don't know from what, and what I have to change.

Explanation: in the normal Mac laptops when you use browser there is no loud sound but if you open big app like photoshop etc. you will hear the loud sound till you close this app. But in my laptop I hear this sound from the fan even when I open just the browser and when I close the browser I still hear it.

Please can you help me I need you to suggest if I have to change the fan? or to change another thing?

And I’ve already changed my battery

Please find attached video

Requested by @Dan :

Screen Shot (at the morning when i start my laptop) at 10.37.56 AM

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Screen Shot (when i start browsing US Today before loud sound) at 10.45.16 AM

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Screen Shot (with the loud sound) at 11.03.29 AM

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So i think the problem from the fan because its more than 6500, i am waiting for you.

Block Image

Hello beautiful @Dan, this is reply for your (Update (03/14/2020))

i restart my laptop then i press D (long press) so the system moved me to here:

Block Image

after that he showed me WiFis available, but me WiFi not there i don’t know why and i restarted my laptop again but still the problem, so i write it by myself :

Block Image

finally after i connected my WiFi the system showed me this error (and this error i think you looking for):

Block Image

Thank you in advance Mr. @Dan

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スコア 1
8 件のコメント

@boy4ksa - Ugh!! You hit the EFI bug Apple intro'ed in the newer firmware.

That tears it! Can't run the onboard diags.

Where do you live country and nearest city?


I am from Saudi Arabia, Riyadh,

can you give me more information about it, because i don't understand you mean this problem from my side ? or apple side ?



No, the problem you are facing is caused by Apple when they did a firmware update a little over a year ago they broke the onboard diagnostics which is the error you are getting.

So the tool we needed to test your system to locate the problem is not working. If we had it working then we could have a better compass to follow to get to the area that needs fixing.

So now we'll need to use the gunshot approach replacing a part to see if that was the problem. Here we will need to try a new fan MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011-Early 2015) Fan Following this guide MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012のファンの交換 hopefully it fixes the issue. Otherwise your logic board will need replacement.

Sorry, I don't know of anyone in Riyadh who could help you.


@danj thank you @danj

i hope you great life, and i will try to change the fan within this month, Thanks again


@danj Hey, I removed everything on my laptop via "macos utilities" then I reinstalled macOS again via "macos utilities" and now everything is OK, there is no problem with the fan, Thanks @danj




1 件の回答


The fan noise is normal in that when the system needs cooling it will push the fans to the max which is what it sounds like.

So you need to figure out why the fans are running hard. I would recommend you do three things here. First you do need a better tool to even see what’s happening, so install this great app TG Pro that way you can visually see whats happening. For a reference take a snapshot of the main window (making sure all of the sensors and fans are visible) after you have turned off the system for the night when you start it up in the morning this is the cold level your system would normally run at. Now without doing anything on your system take another snapshot an hour later this would be the idle state. Now run your web browser hitting USToday, this is a pretty heavy site so your fans should ramp up just at the home page. Take a snapshot again and lastly take one with your normal work task. Label each so we can see what they are and post them here for us to see iFixitでの質問に画像を追加する方法

The second action is to clean the internals fo dust. Get a soft small paint brush and a can of can’ed air. Follow this guide to pop the bottom cover off MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012下部ケースの交換 carefully lightly scrub the surfaces of the case, logic board and fan blades with the brush, now with a few short blast of the can’ed air blow the debris away from the system.

The third task is to clean out your old stuff on your drive. If you upgraded to an SSD make sure you have 1/4 of the drive free. If you have a HDD you’ll want to make a full backup and either run a defragmenter like Drive Genius 5 or wipe the drive and re-install your stuff.

Update (03/14/2020)

@boy4ksa - I was hoping for a few more captures so I could see the system working properly. For now it does appear the system’s SMC is working correctly and then it goes wacky!

This gets into is the fan’s tach damaged? Or is another sensor failing forcing the system into Safe Mode.

At this point I think you’ll need to run the onboard diagnostics to see if an error pop’s. Restart your system after it has failed and press the D key to enter into it. Let us know what you get.

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012 下部ケースの画像


MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012下部ケースの交換



5 minutes






2 - 5 minutes


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

Hello @Dan, Thanks for your help, Please look at my question again i updated.


Hey, I updated my question, Thank you




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