
iPhoneの5代目となるiPhone 4S。このデバイスの修理は比較的簡単で、スクリュードライバー、開口ツールと忍耐が必要です。GSM/CDMA / 16, 32, 64 GB / 白と黒

20回答 すべてを表示

Why is sound/mictophone/vibrator not working?

I replaced my iphone 4s screen by my self.

When I was finished and checked the phone I found out that there was no sound coming out of it at all. No sound from either speaker.

(both cameras worked , bluetooth and wifi worked and celural antena worked)

I tested it by making and receiving a call and I found out that neither my microphone nor my vibrator was working.

I tried rebooting and hard reseting it but it didn’t work. That let me to believe it is a hardware problem.

I reopened the phone and made sure all the connectors where connected properly , and they were. (still all those things I mentioned didn’t work)

I probably damaged something during the repair.

What can I do ? Do I need to replace anything ?

By the way I filmed everything with another phone (quality is bad) , so any expert can briefly watch it and maybe tell me where I did wrong.

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7MqRjCG... )

Any answer is welcomed.

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5 件のコメント:

Video says its unavailable

Check or change the charging flex...


I forgot to add that headphones don't work either .

Will they work if I change the charging flex ?


Try disconnecting the charging flex and see if u get headphones working, failing that plug in the charging port and disconnect the headphone flex it's the one connected to the volume buttons and see if u get sound out of the bottom :)


@c9679 Video is now online


Lol I am sooo sooo sorry that is too painful to watch I watched till u struggled to remove the battery and I just couldn't watch further... so sorry please do try disconnecting the headphone port flex and the other suggestions I recommended lol



1 件の回答

First thing I would swap is the charge port. As this controls all the functions you mentioned (minus the vibrate issue)


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