
The Samsung Galaxy S3 is a multi-touch, slate-format smartphone with eye-tracking ability, increased storage, and a wireless charging option.

20回答 すべてを表示

Why is my screen Purple/Pink

I dropped my screen and it didn't turn on for an hour and then turned back on. After it turned on it had a purpleish pinkish screen with a black square on the top left of the screen! I can barely see because of the pink/purple screen. PLEASE HELP!!!!

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スコア 40
10 件のコメント

So my phone has this purple stuff HELP!!!


Okay, so yes i have a few cracks in my screen but i was taking a shower, when i got done i went on twitter and stuff it was working perfectly fine and i set it down and it start glitching out and turning pink/purple and it turns on but it is constantly pink and i don't know how to fix it or what is wrong with it. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Might be the oled glass but this is quite pricey. Tip, point a uv led at it and view off axis, if only part of screen fluoresces it has internal damage.


I had this same problem too. I just restarted my phone and the colour went back to normal.


hi, I have the same problem here I dropped my phone by accident and I check but theres no crack on screen, the next day theres some purplerish spot on the screen may i ask how to get rid of it ?






Sounds like you killed the AMOLED screen in the fall. Are you up to fixing your phone your self? Do you have the patience and the tools? If not you should try to find someone who can fix it for you.

If your up to it you'll need to review the IFIXIT guide Samsung Galaxy S III Front Panel Assembly Replacement and locate a new Front Panel Assembly.


スコア 15

2 件のコメント:

LCD? Isn’t it is OLED


You are correct it has a 4.8" HD Super AMOLED display



I have a j7 pro and I restarted my phone after it charged and suddenly it is showin pink / purplish colours over my screen. What is the reason and solution?


スコア 8

2 件のコメント:

I have the same problem


Mine too has the problem...its almost a week now

Its worrying me??



Ever hour or so my screen will turn purple and I didn't drop it and every time it does that it gets darker till I can't see the screen but it Slowly goes away I don't know what to do should I get a new phone


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

Hanna try restarting your phone


Sorry, that won't help. Somehow you damaged the screen, time for a new one.



I don't know if my phone fell but when I reached home I saw a small dot of purple ooze please help me stop it


スコア 2

I did not drop it the mobile Samsung Galaxy.But it gives problem not 1 month past it is new.


スコア 2

Hi my friend protended to dropp my new phone. im only 12 so i cant really fix it myself but my mum said that i cant get a new phone because i always break things but this time it wasnt me. is getting a new screen going to work or do i need to get a new phone. thanks if you answear.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

@mint frost, yes that should fix it. A new display is around $60 USD and it is not to difficult to repair. Here is the guide for it.


Where can I get a display for around $60 usd? Thanks



My phone had a purple outline of a box in the middle with spots mainly on the edge of the screen and restarting didn't do anything. I didn't drop it or spill anything on it so what do I do?


スコア 1


Most likely your screen is damaged, you'll need to replace it.



I shattered my galaxy s7 a few days ago and I got it replaced with a new screen. Now in the upper left hand side of my phone has purple smudge on it. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. I just don't know what to do


スコア 1


They're are called "Dead Pixels". It's when the tint of the phone spreads because you hit it too hard or because of a hard drop. Here is the best solution:

1. Turn off your phone

2. Put pressure on the dead Pixels

3. While putting pressure on it,turn your phone on and keep putting pressure on it until it goes away.

If it doesn't work then you either have to get another LED screen or another phone. Right not I have to same problem. I hope this helped!



Hi, please I mistakenly dropped my phone in water and I did clean it before I switched it on, it was only for some minutes and went multi colored. Please what should I do


スコア 1


Use blower . Hot air at low power for constantly few hours. It will make that water in the display causing pink smudge gone for sure. In sha Allah..



My phone is also the same problem. ..

Now pink shade , my phone is rooted, so I have a dout is it the reason. ..


スコア 1


It's not that your phone is rooted... did you drop your phone? I need explanation so I could help you.



one of my friends dropped my phone by accident and it had a purple splash kind of spot in one corner. i thought it was fine because it was really small and i could still use my phone. after an hour or so it started getting bigger and i panicked. Some answers said to factory reset, so thats what i did. It still didnt work. I saw someone said put pressure, so i did and it got worse MUCH WORSE. now the whole screen is weird and glitchy and im so scared my parents are going to be so mad please help.


スコア 1


I have the same problem last march with my samsung j7pro. I go to the cp repair store. They replace the LED screen and it fixed. I pay for 3,500 pesos for the labor and the new screen.



This is how to fix a squirting tint LED:

  1. Turn on your phone.
  2. While it's on,put pressure on it.
  3. Turn off your phone while still putting pressure on it (For about 30 seconds)
  4. Turn on your phone while still putting pressure on it,stop putting pressure if it's fixed,if it's not,keep putting pressure until the Dead Pixels (Black/Pink/Purple/Blue spots) are gone.


スコア 0

4 件のコメント:

Hi. I have a galaxy j7 pro. I operated it with wet hands some time back. It had no problem. 5 days later it fell down and hit the floor. Since then it has had this darkening of the screen from right to left. The darkening is blackish purplish and is spreading every other minute. It is hard to read contents on my right side if the screen where the darkening started.

Please HELP!!


put pressure where


Its not working @green dorito help


i put pressure on it and it got worse it glitching out even more and theres bigger blocks in different colours please help



May be Factory Resetting is the best way to fix this


スコア 0


factory resetting didnt work to get rid of my purple spot what do I do?????



idk how bro but i feel you, mine is doing the same and my parents are mad sorry bro.


スコア 0


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