

Phone will not charge

No matter what you do, you can't get your Nokia to charge its battery.

Outlet doesn't have power

Power may not be reaching to the outlet you have the charger plugged into. Make sure the outlet is receiving power or try charging from one you know is active.

Charger does not have a secure connection

Ensure the charger is securely connected to the wall and the phone so that electricity can properly flow by fully inserting both. Unplug then replug the charger to both the phone and the wall.

Charger pin and prongs are damaged

If your phone will not turn on, there could be a bad connection between its charging port and the charger or the charger and the wall. Make sure that the charger pin (where it connects to the phone) and the charger prongs (where it connects to the wall) are not bent or damaged. If they are, then try using another charger.

Charging port or pin is blocked/dirty

Check the charging port (where you plug the charger into the phone) and the charging pin. If the either is not clean, it may prevent the phone from charging. The charging port can be cleaned by using a pressurized air duster while the pin can be cleaned with a soft cloth and some rubbing alcohol. Once you have cleaned the charging port and pin, plug the phone into the charger once more.

Charging port is broken

If the charging port is clean and still does not transfer a charge, it may be loose and therefore ineffective. If the charging port is broken, the phone may need to be replaced or fixed by Nokia professionals.

Battery is improperly connected

If neither the charging port nor the charger are the problem, it is possible that the phone's battery is the reason it can't charge. Remove the back cover of the phone and ensure that the battery is secure with gold colored connectors between it and the phone lining up.

Battery is dead

If the battery is securely connected and the charger and phone charging port are working then it may be that the battery is dead. If this is the case you will need to install a new battery.

Screen is frozen or black

Your phone turns on but the screen has frozen or will not light up.

Phone has encountered an error

The screen may have frozen due to a temporary problem on the motherboard. Perform a soft reset by turning the phone off and then turning it back on.

Bad connection between screen and motherboard

If there is debris inside the phone between the screen and the motherboard then it could block the signal from the motherboard to the screen. Open up the phone and clean the metal connections between the motherboard and screen.

If the screen is loose then the motherboard may not contact the screen properly. This can result from damage to the motherboard or screen housing. If this is the case they will either need to be repaired or replaced.

Cracked or damaged screen

If the screen is visibly cracked or otherwise damaged you will need to replace the screen.

Certain keyboard keys are not working

A few specific keyboard keys are not working but the rest of the keyboard is.

Keys are not contacting circuitry properly

The rubber magnetic washer inside the phone for the key is misplaced or not able to make the contact with the circuitry on the motherboard. Remove cover of the phone according to disassembly guide and re-align the washers.

Entire keyboard not working

The entire keyboard is not working, but the rest of the phone is.

Phone has encountered an error

The entire keyboard may not be responding due to a temporary problem on the motherboard. Perform a soft reset by turning the phone off and then turning it back on.

Problem with the motherboard

If the keyboard still does not respond after turning the phone off and on then there may be a problem with the motherboard. Bring it into a Nokia store to have it repaired or replace it yourself.

Sound not coming out of speaker

Sound is not coming out of the phone speaker.

Phone is muted

The phone may be muted or the volume set at a very low level. Set the phone volume back to a higher level.

Phone had an error

The speaker may not be responding due to a temporary problem on the motherboard. Perform a soft reset by turning the phone off and then turning it back on.

Bad connection between speaker and motherboard

If the speaker is loose then the motherboard may not be connected to the speaker properly. This can result from damage to the phone. If this is the case the casing and inner frames of the phone will need to be repaired or replaced.

Speaker is broken

If the speaker is physically broken it will need to be removed and replaced following our replacement guide.




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