Hold down the home button for upwards of 20 consecutive seconds. If it doesn't work, do it again. Try once more in the case that you depressed the button accidentially. If after 1 minute of holding the sync button (as stated in the manual) does not benefit you, politely request your replacement from Amazon. They would not willingly sell you faulty hardware. I would know.
続きを読むThe safe bet is a pentalobe. Look at the bottom of your device and it shoupd look like 5 balls joined together to make a flower. Please accept the answer if it was helpful.
続きを読むI think you should format your console after backing up any important data. Please remove all external memory drives/cards before doing so and then start fresh. The most common cause of errors like this are a “stubbed ios” and d2x would be your best workaround. Make sure to reinstall ios149, 122, 121 and 132 when you’re finished getting back to the source of your issue.
続きを読むNintendo Wii Teardown Use this guide to get to the problem spot, but you should buy a triwing screwdriver and a bucket first. You’ll see why you need a bucket as you’re taking the wii apart. If you don’t like this answer, you don’t need to ask this question. It’s all a matter of tampering with your disc drive so that it does what you need it to.
続きを読むNot much at all tbh. Buy a triwing screwdriver here or don’t bother. From there, most of the parts involving the SD are on the face of the console as you may already know. Follow the guide linked to get yourself where you need to be. Nintendo Wii Teardown
続きを読むNintendo uses paired LCD and digitzer setups so yes, glued on cracked screens are still cracked screens. Yeet the old part out the door and enjoy the fact that you have made it far enough to get to the screen without breaking anything.
続きを読むYou’re an iFixit user. Grab your Phillips 0 screw driver and undo some thingamajigs in the shell. Take out the battery. Unscrew some more jiggers. You should be looking at a motherboard now if my memory serves right. From there, you will have more room to jimmy the game out of your 3DS. When that’s done, I strongly suggest you use your recovered game as a projectile to remind your brother of how much you love him. An actual guide for getting to the motherboard - Nintendo 3DS Teardown
続きを読むTake a cotton swab and some medical isopropyl alcohol. If you have the option not to dip the cotton swab into the container, don’t do that, but I have still had decent results with doing so after drying a touch. Run the q-tip along the contacts of the game you are having the blue screen error with and you should see the tip turn golden or black because these carts had 30+ years to accumulate dirt. Finish cleaning both sides and dry with anything but your breath or you can just choose to oxidize the cart. It’s your choice, your game. If option ^1 doesn’t do it for you, I’d go find a long Philips 1 screwdriver and prepare to spend 20min-1hr opening up your console so that you may depress the contacts on your NES. This can be achieved by using a thin yet sturdy fork to pull the contacts in your loader pins out towards you with as little malformation to the pins as possible. You may use the alcohol soaked q-tip method here as well in case your pins received a thorough enough dirt bath from your games. These...
続きを読むSo we can get an answer out there, You may not plug in a third party power supply to the dock without risking destroying your dock. The motherboard converts and clocks power in a way that is unique to the adapter itself, so as to prevent damage to the console (tablet). Self destruction isn’t the best choice imo but it’s Nintendo. They can do whatever they want. For anyone else having this issue, buy a new dock, not a new computer chip for the dock. Do not use a third party adapter, despite whatever OP used.
続きを読むTELL THAT JERK HE OWS ME $50! Also, buy a new motherboard. They're cheap. Otherwise, send my that gameboy and another one and i'll fix it up for you.
How can I tell if my lens is broken and if it’s in a bad (reversible) condition?