I’m not a mechanic so grain of salt this, but I have a 2013 Dodge Caravan that has climate control issues sometimes. Sometimes the vents will blow the opposite of what is selected on the climate control dial, i.e. hot air blowing out of the vents when its set to AC in the summer. Its some sort of an issue with the vacuum system and if you turn the blower off and back on a few times it usually clears itself up. I don’t know if this will help you and its definitely not a permanent fix but its probably better than spending a bunch more money on a 10 year old car.
続きを読むThe lights while it is plugged in indicate that the battery is charging https://www.dyson.com/support/journey/tr...-01.html#SV10%20VISUAL%20ISSUE,SV10%20LIG... The light while it is unplugged indicates the battery needs to be charged https://www.dyson.com/support/journey/tr...-01.html#SV10%20VISUAL%20ISSUE,SV10%20LIG... If the battery indicates a full charge while plugged in but immediately goes dead while unplugged, the battery has failed and should be replaced.
続きを読むNo but if he was careless enough to break the frame of your phone during repair he was probably also careless enough to damage the antenna. I would take it somewhere for a second opinion.
続きを読むI would set mine up as a Linux server using Samba because its free. Instructions here. You could also set up Apache and make your files available from anywhere.
続きを読む"That would be the best solution but I brought the packed box with me to the Philippines for vacation in the Philippines and won't be back in California for two more months." Here is the battery replacement guide on iFixit. JBL Xtremeのバッテリー交換 Good luck!
続きを読むNo touch means the digitizer isn’t working. It’s connected to the clear glass part of the display, separate from the LCD underneath. The only way the digitizer wouldn’t be working is if the cable or connector were damaged or not connected properly. Bad news, Bud. I think you have to take it apart again.
続きを読むDoes it take the same amount of fuel to “top it off?” If not your fuel tank may have partially collapsed. Check for leaking fuel under your vehicle and get a new gas cap.
続きを読むTake it back apart. Re-seat everything. Check ribbon cables. Make sure you wear static protection this time. My fingers are crossed for you bud.
続きを読むQuite the opposite actually. If this was happening while connected to bluetooth I would suggest radio interference as the culprit. Has the speaker been paired to your device before? If not the drops might be happening when the speaker is searching for a bluetooth connection. If it has and you are paired to the speaker as well as using the aux cord, that might be a contributing factor as well. My suggestion is try it with bluetooth only and try it with the aux cord while bluetooth is disabled on your device. If the audio still cuts out it is beyond my paygrade.
続きを読むThis device has a Li-P battery that, depending on how long the device has been sitting in inventory, may have discharged the battery past the point of its “shut-off voltage.” When that happens regular chargers are rendered effectively useless to recharge the battery. You might be able to take the device to a local repair shop to see if they would be able to recondition the battery but chances are you might just have a paperweight on your hands. Sorry for the bad news.