
MacBook Pro 16" 2019 拆解


手順 12を翻訳中

MacBook Pro 16" 2019 Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 16" 2019 Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 16" 2019 Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 3
  • Now that all our keyboard questions are laid to rest, we can move on to the rest of the bits still lying around.

  • First up, these fancy new XL-Earpods speakers with an extended enclosure, and opposed woofers on the top and bottom.

  • The opposed woofers are supposed to cancel each other's vibration out. Kinda like the anti-noise feature of the new AirPods Pro, but ... with bass. Anti-bass?

  • We aren't as sure about the elongated enclosure, but our best guess is that the new shape redirects sound to improve its quality. Maybe extra volume was needed to accommodate the second woofer?

  • Next, another sound upgrade: a "high performance" three-mic array. It's laid out similarly to the three-mic array in the 2018 MacBook Air, but looks a little beefier, which could mean these are higher-quality mics.

  • Finally, the lithium powerhouse that's probably drawing a suspicious glare from the FAA: Apple's 99.8 Wh battery (11.36 V, 8790 mAh).

  • That's the largest battery we've ever seen in a MacBook—a 4.8 Wh increase over the 17" MacBook Pro, and a huge 16.2 Wh increase over the latest 15" MacBook Pro.

  • Where did this extra capacity come from? Here, Apple pulled an iPhone 11—each battery cell looks identical to its predecessor, but measures 0.8 mm thicker on average.



相对的低音扬声器应该抵消彼此的振动。有些喜欢新 AirPods Pro 的抗噪功能,但...具有低音。反低音吗?


接下来,另一个声音升级:“高性能”三麦克风阵列。它的布局与2018年MacBook Air中的三麦克风阵列相似,但看起来更大,这可能意味着它们是更高品质的麦克风。

最后,锂动力装置可能引起了FAA的怀疑:苹果的99.8 Wh电池(11.36 V,8790 mAh)。

这是我们有史以来在MacBook中看到的最大电池—— 比17英寸MacBook Pro增加4.8 Wh,比最新的15英寸MacBook Pro增加16.2 Wh。

多余的容量从何而来?苹果在这里拉出了一部iPhone 11,每个电池看起来都与其前代相同,但平均厚度却增加了0.8毫米。
