手順 1 に進む通常、iPhoneXのディスプレイアセンブリを交換してもFaceIDには影響しません。 しかしディスプレイアセンブリを交換した後、FaceIDが失敗したという苦情をクライアントから寄せられています。 私たちはいくつかの調査を行いましたが、問題は交換プロセス中の不適切な手順が原因である可能性があり、その結果、フレックスケーブルやその他のコンポーネントが損傷している可能性があると推測されます。
Yeh saara process ke kitne charges hone chaiye??
ifixit marammat kee peshakash nahin karata hai, keval ise svayan karane ke nirdesh deta hai.
--> (= Ifixit bietet keine Reparaturen an, sondern nur Anleitungen zum selber durchführen.)
BenZ78 -
設定> Face IDとパスコード > Face IDのリセット に移動します。Face IDが無事に設定されます。
Solucion.. yo lo he solucionado sin cambiar nada, reinicia el iphone, antes de hacer nada quita los datos y wifi, que tenga no tenga conexion a internet, entras en el Face id, y ya lo tienes, luego ya puedes activar los datos de nuevo, sobre todo pasa con pantallas que no son originales, si estas conectado a internet lo detecta y te lo capa.
Face IDを完全に理解するには、こちらのFace IDの分解も確認してください。
Face IDを完全に理解するには、こちらのFace IDの分解も確認してください。
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9 件のコメント
Why not just buy a new cable? They’re $10-$15 on eBay. Soldering seems like it’s take way more time and possibly even cost more money than just buying a new cable.
Face ID will no longer function if the original flex connectors are damaged or replace with new ones. Even if the flex connectors are properly soldered just as they were originall it will still fail. There is some marker in the cables which the module is checking for and if the cables are changed then the marker (most likely the serial number of the flex) will mismatch and fail to work. The same was true with Touch ID as well
What brian said is correct, if the cable is changed it will not match.This full video looks more detailed(21) Troubleshooting iPhone X Problems of Floodlight Sensor, True Tone, and Face Recognition - YouTube,
%#*!^@ I hope I didnt damage the face id cable during my battery change 😩 I sealed it up as well so it'll be a pain to open it up again to double check
I know its 2 years later but im of curios did work?
unfortunately, with iPhone 12+, Apple has put a Chip/IC on the screen-part - causing Face-ID to fail (if the original chip is not found, by the phone's "system").
With Xs, Apple started with the batteries (that only worked, but showed an error-message) ...
And, with iPhone 12+, Apple took this to a new level - making a central function (face-ID) dependent on the customer getting the screen replaced at an authorized expensive repair-place (or having an solder-expert moving the chip to the new screen-unit).
I can only fear, what Apple "will come up with next" - as I did, when learning about Apple's "Xs+ battery-practice".
And, I hope, Apple will come to it's senses! ... because, If Not, then other companies will "run Apple over" (because China-etc can soon make products, that are just as luxurious and cool... it is already happening now).
We have been through the same, in Denmark.
We have/had B&O (Bang & Olufsen) - a design-based Sound- & Vision-Company.
In the end, many other companies, copied & killed B&O!......
so, to add to my elaborative comment above:
Apple has got to "move forward" all the time - making it their "Inventions & Innovations" (that they then can Copyright) that "pushes the company forward".
Now, Apple instead "in a defensive manner", self-protect its holdings & company....
And, The problems with this "decided method/sttrategy", are:
>>1) many many customers, get annoyed to !#^&@@ off! (and creates a sort of a stretched-out "$@$*-storm"),
>>2) The world is moving in an ecological/environmental way (and exchanging "for no fair reason / governed by Apple" is the opposite of BOTH Environmental-Friendly, AND "peoples right to decide themselves, when to switch"),
>>3) Apple gets to be "in the defensive", and stubbornly it will then "die out, like the old rulers (the Dinosauers)".
Adjusting / Transforming / Innovating - is the positive way/path:
>>That will create "non-compulsive %&^* to upgrade", in order to "get the very new and best" (top-of-it-all!).
>>Which is the "positive" way forward!!...
The screen has a different serial number than the one specified on the motherboard and face ID will be disabled. The only way to fix this is to buy genuine apple screen with new serial number and after changing the screen contact apple that will connect to the phone remotely and tell the motherboard to accept the new serial number
"Face id is not available " showing this notice
Prashan Rai - 返信