Power board chip U2 overheating (but shouldn’t even be there)?!
Bought a series x controller (known faulty, no power) from eBay thinking maybe fix, maybe for spares. If I couldn’t fix it I would have resigned it to that but I’m a little stumped by what I found…
The power board looks mostly the same as ones I’ve seen before and in pictures but, well take a look…
What is this?! I’m pretty sure it’s some sort of power regulator but it’s not in any pictures I’ve seen of the 1914 board! The marking on the chip is EW=9J S10. It’s also the chip at U3, neither of which I can find on searches of pictures of the board
Anyway, U2 is overheating big time and I’m fairly certain it’s the cause of no power. Any suggestions? I’m thinking to just take it off and see if that fixes the general power problem (I believe U2 is for power to the rumble motors in a previous model) but wanted to see if anyone had come across this before?
I’ve checked capacitors nearby and around the board but nothing seems shorted. Only odd thing I noticed was pin 4 of J3 only putting out 0.94v when I think it’s supposed to be 3.3v, but I may be wrong.
Any help hugely appreciated. New to the forum and pretty new to fixing!