

20回答 すべてを表示

My Ipad screen not working please help me?

I dropped my iPad on the floor, but I have a jacket case for it. My screen turned black, but there was a little light coming from it. I pressed the power button, then slid the Power Off bar, though it wasn't visible on the screen. (I remembered its location on the screen.) Then, my screen turned yellow. Please help me.

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スコア 69
84 件のコメント

hi my touch panel is broke but screen is warking I am change the screen but after I fix all part screen not come on but sound is coming whate I can do pleas


try to tap it with your hand on its back frequently and then press power button


I cannot believe it.... It works! I too had nothing to loose after my daughter dropped her ipad and the screen was black. A couple hard smacks on the back and the screen came back on. Thank you thank you thank you!


Thank you! My daughter's iPad does this all the time and I keep forgetting how I fixed it last time LOL


Thank you so Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!it worked same scenario as above thank you...






Turn your iPad upside down on your lap and give it a hard smack on the back. This is not a cruel joke—it works!


スコア 55

82 件のコメント:

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Jeff! I dropped my Ipad and thought that it was well and truly broken, all I had was a black screen,I gave it a couple of taps on the back and its fixed!Awesome!!!


thank jeff

Turn your ipad upside down on your lap and give it a hard smack on the back. Not a cruel joke it works!

Sometimes the smack will work

this work for me


thankyou so much, i almost had an athsma attack


Lol, I smacked my iPad upside down and it worked, but it left umm, what can I say it's like pixel colours, like colours in minecraft, when I swipe they change, they shake

Orange - Red - Green - Blue greeny.

I guess it'll switch back to normal in time.


This totally worked! Turned it over, slapped it a couple times and it worked! Screen is on!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Hey guys! Sometimes the smack will work, since a hard jolt is most likely what caused the issue in the first place. If that doesn't work, you'll need to open up the iPad and gain access to the LCD cable. Most likely that cable is loose and needs to be reinserted into the ZIF connector.

Then if that doesn't solve your problem you will need a new LCD. I can't really give you exact links to help you with the repair until I know what model of iPad you have. There is a number on the back that starts with A and then has 4 digits after that. It should say either A1395, A1396 or A1397 if it is an iPad 2.

You can find out what model you have on this page on Apple's website.

Just let me know what model iPad you have (iPad 2, iPad 3, etc.) and I'll help you figure it out.


スコア 20

29 件のコメント:

@Joshua Muccio, please refrain from upvoting your own answers with your duplicate alter ego "Josh Muccio"


@oldturkey03, my bad. I just realized today that I had an old profile set up under a different email address. So I moved to the old account. You can merge them if that would be better.


Hi bro. my ipad has the same issue and i was cribbing since 2 days since the fall . Just 5mins back i read your post ,....smacked it a couple of times and voila!!! the screen is on and everything is perfectly back to normal. thanks a million !!!!


OMG i just searched 'whats wrong with my ipad black screen' followed above instructions and its working again. thanks for the information


Ipad mini A1455 it's block screen but I know its working coz my phone is still connected to the wifi of my ipad,please help me....




I tried hitting the back of my ipad but that still didn't work. But then my friend suggested to hold down the power button, home button, and one of the volume buttons for a long time and then it worked!!!!!!!


スコア 8

15 件のコメント:

How u did please explain in detail


Thanks much I did this and it worked


thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Exactly how long?


I want to thank you, my iPad would not do anything, it would light up but did not get the apple, so I hit it did not work, I held in the 2 buttons and a volume button and wellaaa it worked---- thank you so very much




This is crazy. That slap trick actually works. I was about to give up, but maybe it has to do with the location of the slap, along with your level of frustration. Note: you don't necessarily have to strike the iPad harder, you just have to be very frustrated when you do. It can tell.

So, I hit mine above right above the Apple logo while it was inverted (upside down) with the requisite degree of frustration, and, viola!


スコア 6

6 件のコメント:

thankyou for your helpful comment

i was also about to give up after crying for hours then i gave it a quick tap on the back and it was normal!! :) thannnkkss


'''hey guys,

my ipad screen turned completely yellow and really scratchy!

i was literally crying for an hour because im such a baby.

then i jumped on google to see if the screen could be replaced instead of just throwing it on and i came across this website.

i saw the answer from a guy saying smack it on the back, then BOOM, IT WORKS!!

thank you so much guys you are deadset lifesavers!! xx

special thankyou to terrance ragland for his helpful comment!'''


u are awesome dude


Thanks man I was getting frustrated as to why it wasn't working but this worked. Need to make sure I hit it in the right spot.


OMG this is really crazy

Thanks a lot

I tried all the other options that was explained above nothing works

I did exactly the way you said

And it works great!!!!




Did you try holding both the power and home button at the same time?


スコア 3

5 件のコメント:

My daughter also drop the iPad after a few slaps on the back (of the iPad) and holding the power and home button the iPad came back to life


Brian @ipadrepair Thanks so much! I was hitting it and nothing was happening, I held the power and home button and it came back on! I was gonna have throw it away otherwise as I couldn't afford to fix it.


no,dint work and my screen is black but i can still hear it,like when i take screenshots

pls help me


My ipad screen was gone...and I smacked the back many times but it didnt work..BRIAN thanx a billion I did as u said n it works...


holy $@$* i was so skeptical im so happy this method after the slap method is the perfect combination if the slap method doesnt work thank you so much



It sounds like one of two things has happened to your device:

  • If you can still see images on the screen, but it is very very dark, to the point of being unusable without squinting, your backlight has probably cracked.
  • If you cannot see any images on the screen, but you can see a difference between On and Off in how bright the black screen is, then your backlight is fine, but your LCD is likely either not fully connected, or otherwise cracked/separated.

I suspect it's the latter, due to the reference to the screen turning yellow. If you remove the front glass/digitizer, you can check the connection to the board. If reseating the connection fails to solve the problem, I'd recommend replacing the LCD, as that sounds to me the most likely point of failure in this particular situation.


スコア 2




You probably need a new LCD screen or a new digitizer, or both. It also possible the one of the screen connectors came loose. You can eithe fix it yourself or take it in to be repaired. If you take it in it will COST,!..I'm pretty sure warranty won't cove drops...if they know it wad a drop..


スコア 1


Thank very much it actually worked!



My iPad 2 after a drop the screen is black, there's no backlight or image even with a flashlight. But it does sync and make sounds. I just though the LCD or the cable was dead, but I actually tested the LCD on another iPad and it is working just fine. Tried hitting it a few times like others but no luck.

Does anyone knows if one component needs to be reflowed or replaced? a display driver or something, since the iPad CPU is ok.

I think I will try to heat the iPad logic board or put it on the freezer.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Youtube misinformation strikes again.....WOW


Nope, I fixed it, and it still works to this day, (2 years after repair)



Amen! Smacked it and that's all it needed. Happy me!!!!


スコア 1

Wow! It worked!


スコア 1

Hi my ipad is blocked because my friend typed aa wrong password again nd again it was blocked nw wt can i do for dat now how can take back to normal


スコア 1

If a hard reset doesn't work, it may be a backlight problem. The backlight controls the distribution of light throughout the screen. Sometimes, the device can be on, but with nothing visible on the LCD, because the backlight is damaged. If you look at it under a light, you should be able to see very faint images of the iPad home screen (or wherever you're at, on the iPad). Meaning: a broken backlight normally just renders an extremely dim screen, that's almost impossible to see, that people often think is completely dead.


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

so what do i have to do


Yes! Finally, someone has a decent answer to my problem! But how do I fix it?



Victor what would heating the or freezing do lmao

Might aswel just fire it in the trash if your thinking like that..

Your iPad needs a board repair contact jessabethany@gmail.com


スコア 0


I actually have this iPad working to this day after 2 years it still working. Putting it on thermal stress reveals if you have solder cracks. It is not a fix but will give you a hint if it needs to be reflowed, but yeah the way I wrote it sounded dumb. The iPad had other problems too, but I managed to repair it myself. I even have a youtube video in doing an attempt to do a diy ribbon cable repair, wich actually worked.



guys i can tell when its on or off because i can see the logo buts soo hard to see and i dont knw what to do


スコア 0


Sounds like your backlight is not working. You may get a better answer if you would ask your own question. Not to many people will find your question since it is shows as an answer to a 2 1/2 year old question. Use this link https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/Advice/iP... to do so. give as much information about your iPad as possible



So mine just did the same thing after my son dropped it. And a few hits to the back and it worked. What a way to fix something.


スコア 0

I have a IPad Mini (A1432 on the iPad mini Wi-Fi) I have sound in the back ground but no screen picture BLACK ,I can not reset because the screen wont work on it . It was never dropped or anything. It is charged,is there a way to reset it? Even went and hooked up to my computer and it fines it but wants me to confirm it, but I have no screen to to say yes, it is just black, but if I hold the button for siri she will talk ect sound but a black screen.Was using it and it just went black.plz help thanks


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

Suffering from this same problem


This happened to me yesterday! I use my IPad for my Gcses as I'm doing them this year so this sucks.



I had the same problem today and I tapped it on its back and worked well

Thank you for the solution


スコア 0


Worked like a charm!! Thank you so much!



Thanks so much....worked well. I do need to take the cover off and check the connection of the LCD...will figure that out later.


スコア 0

I was working on my nieces ipad for 3 hours restoring backup etc then found this post and though may as well try and nothing to lose and it actually worked. My niece is over the moon and I am now super auntie :)


スコア 0

It worked after The second atempt. When it turned on I was prompted to connect to iTunes for a complete restauration. I connected it to a friends Mac and it is resetting to the original format. When I get home I will intsall the backup. Thanks so much


スコア 0

Oooooooh wooooooow thank you soooooo much it wooooorked thaaaanks aloooot I was almost dead after seeing that my iPad was not working


スコア 0

my ipad mini wont slide to unlock but siri is still working and everything except for the screen , who do i need to , please help me


スコア 0

The smacking the back of the iPad has worked for me several times now and saved me a lot of money. You can also try dropping it on the floor (carefully, and over a towel or cloth to absorb shock and avoid damage.)


スコア 0

This happens because of loose connection between backlight coil and the motherboard, so smacking it might only work for a short time...if you want a more permanent solution (or if a smack didn't help :)), you can try this at no cost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPuj7vU... ... It worked for me, so I hope someone else will find it useful as well :)


スコア 0

I have a mobile (LETV X600) its a new chinese company and the screen is working in the left side perfectly. but on the righter side of the screen its black though i can see some light over there. its my first mob so m a bit tensed contact me ASAP @ mehuljindal18@gmail.com and is the screen wire lose or the screen is dead what do you think ?????


スコア 0

The screen on my iPad mini went completely black but there was sound but I just couldn't see anything and then I tried pressing the home button and power button at the same time I was in my element when my iPad restarted hope this helps ☺️


スコア 0

the tap worked...

a couple taps and then holding the power and home key @ got it to boot.

all is fine.


スコア 0


I've tried the initial process to the my iPad 2 back to screen. Any other procedure or process. iPad fell face down.



Change the screen, you can find cheap ones for 8 $



スコア 0

Hi my husband has a I pad pro and I've just dropped it and it's ok but squares keep appearing round all words please help


スコア 0

i am not able to fix my ipad!!!


スコア 0

So for me my iPad keeps showing neon colors. I tried smacking it for 10 minutes straight and It didn’t work, I also updated it but now there is an apple logo in the middle. What do I do?


スコア 0


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