
Google PixelはGoogleから発売された最初のスマートフォンで、2016年10月26日に発売されました。5インチのAMOLEDディスプレイを搭載したこのデバイスには32GBもしくは128GBのオプションがあり、 ベリーシルバー(Very Silver)、クワイトブラック(Quite Black)とリアリーブルー(Really Blue)から選べます。

20回答 すべてを表示

Are those batteries brand new?

I’m from Europe Poland. Replaced this phone battery with one from Amazon.pl but after messuring battery has only aproximety 2300 mAh

Searched also on China, and there are so many fakes batteries that this getting serious problem.

Ifixit selling batteries ( don't ship to EU thou :( :( :( ) how in the earth they have new batteries that aren't manufactured in 2022y??

contact plewcio@poczta.fm with answere if You know the place they stock or something.

Update (03/31/2022)

picture of it that shows 2018y? (

Block Image

[リンクされた製品が存在しない、もしくは無効: IF356-003-2]

thats on IFIXIT site.

but if you ask the one i bought from amazon

it has low capacity and label under label ( oryginal says 2016Y )

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What maked you thinl the batteries weren't manufactured in 2022?



1 件の回答


Though the pictures on the site are just for representation and probably don't represent the date of manufacture on , the batteries you get will most likely not made in 2022.

The “New” descriptor on products doesn't refer to the date of manufacture, rather, it refers to the fact that the product is still factory-sealed and hasn't been used. Many products sit on the shelf for some amount of time before being bought. iFixit makes sure the batteries are still in good condition before sending them out to you.


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

I understand that, but sadly cant be aplied to China batteries, and IFIXIT don't send them to Poland :(

Or is there a way to get US content shiped to EU ??


@Pawel Drewniak You can try https://www.viabox.com, however, I'm not sure if they can ship batteries.




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