
AppleのPad 6のWi-Fiのみのモデルは2018年3月に発売されました。32GBと128GBの容量オプションがあります。9.7インチRetina ディスプレイと64ビットA10 fusionチップを搭載しています。

20回答 すべてを表示

iPad only charges when turned off.

Alright guys - I’ve seen this issue twice this week in my store, one with an iPad 6th gen and the other on an iPad mini 4. The device only charges when turned off. I replaced the charge port on the 6th gen because it wouldn’t charge at all before (according to the customer), and it worked fine for a day, but the customer came back now it has the same issue, but if the device is turned off and left on the charger for a bit, it will turn on with 70-80 percent battery. My thoughts are either a battery or a board, but I’m wondering if anyone has seen this issue before and has a solution. Thanks!

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スコア 12



“Charging when off” is usually PMIC related. When dealing with iPad and charging issues, especially older models, always start with the charge port first (which you have done). When that doesn’t solve the issue, then look at Tristar (easier replacement) and then PMIC when all else fails. The PMIC’s can be expensive so troubleshoot the issue fully before replacing them.


スコア 11

13 件のコメント:

Hey Minho, quick question on PMIC - what is the estimated success rate of replacing a defective PMIC? My technicians refuse to do such work, they say it's time consuming and 50/50 chance pads will be damaged in the process.

We have scrapped about 50+ iPads with PMIC issue, I'd like to know if this type of repair is really not worthwhile or just my techs being lazy.


@sammyz The underfill can be problematic and if things don't go well, you will definitely lift pads. At that point, you have to determine if it's worth proceeding or not. It's certainly not as straight-forward as lifting a Touch IC or Audio IC but in't that difficult either. The big problem with iPads is the amount of work necessary to open, fix and seal. PMIC jobs just add more workload so if your not charging the right amount (or getting good resale value), you're almost working for nothing.

In todays world where advanced techs are doing CPU jobs, a PMIC isn't all that bad :>).


@refectio Well, if we think about Rewa we'd be tempted to think our chinese collegues would be unbeatable. Then you see a board where a random chinese lab was supposed to fix a "simple" no service issue on a 6plus and you find they lifted with the Emi shield a couple of caps, gyro IC and done a sloppy job even with the original Baseband issue you wonder: what's the reality of advanced techs beside a handful of really capable ones ?


@arbaman That's a great point. There's no doubt that some of the most advanced work is coming out of China right now but given the numbers, there's also a lot of sloppy work as well. We all started somewhere and made our share of mistakes...that's no different in Asia I guess :>).

Personally, I'm always the most impressed looking at Vietnamese/Cambodian Youtube channels were some pretty sophisticated work is done with the most minimal of tools (and usually a denim workbench surface).


@refectio Hopefully this thread is not too old. I have an iPad 4 with the same issue. Charging port replaced, no change ... Battery charges very slowly when turned off, but not even a charging indicator when on. Additionally, the touchscreen does not work at the very bottom of the screen (almost exactly the size of the dock) ...

From what I have read so far, this is a PMIC issue. Assuming I have a tech who is skilled enough to do this, I wonder if the PMIC from the iPad 3 can be used on the iPad 4. The reason I ask is because I have two iPad 3s that would serve as a good donor for this, IF its compatible.




After changing the power ic in my ipad 6th gen it only charges but does not turn on. Hardware is not a problem. What should I do now?


スコア 0


Did you cover the CPU? What chip did you replace?Tristar or PMIC? If it instantly are pulling 460-490mA it can be CPU or PMIC short/faulty. Try hook the logic board up to power supply and start low at 0.8v no charger and see if it pulls amps before trying to power it up. If it does try feel where heat comes from or use a FLIRCam to locate heat source.



I rlly don’t think that this is helpful pls can u give me a way to at night just charge my iPad for free no buying new chargers pls?


スコア 0


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