
GSM iPad 2は16、32、64GBの容量オプションがあり、Dual Core A5プロセッサが搭載されています。モデル番号はA1396。修理作業は複雑で、ヒート(熱)を当ててこじ開ける作業が必須です。

20回答 すべてを表示

What can I do to release the sim tray?


I bought an iPod 2 3G and put a cutted sim inside. The sim works, but I can't get it out. I think that the sim stucks at any edge. The tray comes out for about 1mm. I tried everything, but now I have no idea any more.

Some pictures from the sim tray and the area around it could help me if you can't tell me the perfect solution.

Please help me.



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2 件のコメント

Hi there:

I got the exactly the same problem that tim got. But, I am thinking about take a part a little bit later when there are more info. out there to guide. I do have other question. Let say I 'teardown', will I be about the put it back together again and use it normally?



Hey tsli, we are about to publish the guides soon. We highly recommend NOT taking apart your iPad 2 except as a last resort. It is nearly impossible not to break it in doing so.





to open sim , use a feelergauge .10mm cut in halve , open sim tray ,there is a little gape push the feelergauge a little bit in ,then close the tray now push the feelergauge in , if it is in the open tray again , then use a .55mm feelergauge ( it will fit on top where the gape is bigger ) then help the tray to open


スコア 4

2 件のコメント:

can you show where to insert the paper or feelergauge. if i keep the screen facing me then do i have to insert gauge below the tray or to the area which is near to the screen


I tried the feeler gauge solution, it worked beautifully.

At first, i could only use a .08mm slice on the screen's side, but couldn't get it in very far. I could feel the ridges of the cut SIM card, and though I was screwed - but then I used a second, slightly thicker blade on the other side and it came out easily. Thanks guys.



Edit: Victor's idea of using a 0.1mm metal feeler gauge looks like the best solution. It needs to be inserted into the side closer to the screen.

If there's any room to slide a piece of paper or mylar plastic between the top of the tray and the slot, then that piece of paper or plastic may help prevent the card from hitting the side of the case. You might try shoving the plastic in deeply, the pulling on it a little as you try to release the card.

Also, have you tried holding the iPad with the screen facing up while trying to release the tray?

If you look at the first picture in the iPad 2 3G/CDMA teardown, you'll see what the problem can be. If you made the card a millimeter too short, the SIM spring contacts will push the SIM up against the chassis and prevent it from ejecting.

You'll need to find some way to shove something, whether flat like paper or perhaps something like a stiff thin wire, into the space between the tray and the slot and use it to keep the card's front edge down as it is ejected. If there's no space, you'll just have to make some. You could drill a tiny hole into the gap to enlarge it enough to stick a wire in. You'd need drill bits smaller than what you'd find in a hardware store, since even a 1/16" bit is too large. A jeweler might have the right tools, or else search Ebay for "tiny drill bits".

To avoid this problem in the future, a piece of thin tape carefully placed over the front edge of the card may help.


スコア 2

7 件のコメント:

Unfortunately there is nearly no room. I tried to stick some plastic in it, I get it in for about 3mm but then it ends. Maybe there is the sim and the plastic don't get under it, but I can't really say, because I don't see anything.


i think if you've tried cityzen's suggestion then you need to visit your apple centre as this is a brand new product and should still be under warranty. Normally I'd suggest taking the display off to get to it but that's a heat gun job... and why waste a perfectly good warranty??


Because it is a cutted sim inside. The guys from my apple reseller told me that there is no chance of warranty, because I cutted a sim instead of using a official micro sim.


then you'll need to take a look at the teardown on here for some guidance about getting the display off. I suggest you click on the link "feedback always welcome" at the bottom of this page and ask the guys who did the teardown for some expert tips on how they removed the front using the heatgun as so far there are no repair guides..


Hi dear. I guess, "cityzen" has suggested a very cool solution.

It would have been too good, if i cud see some pics of this process.

I've recently purchased an iPad2 and in just 2 days, i am stucked with this problem.

Help help help...

Too much demotivated...





Finally I was able to remove the sim tray. But after little bit of operation.:)

I drilled a 2mm diameter hole in the sim tray by PCB hand drill machine.

If someone wants to know, drop me an email.



スコア 0

Hi please I've the same problem, could you send me more information about the hole tecnique ? Mail alfmic @ inwind . it



スコア 0

please i need help about how you drilled the hole...moruphb@yahoo.com


スコア 0

I was also having exactly same problem. I visited apple local dealer in my city, they couldn't help me and instead put some scratches on my IPAD. I sent my device to Apple for warranty. They also returned it without repair. After one week of continuous trying and lot of patience, the Feeler gauge method worked for me. I used 0.05 Feeler gauge and also slighted bended it toward the display side so it could reach underneath the Sim. I found the Feeler Gauge method on youtube by simply searching for the string "Remove stuck SIM card from iPad". I think better before drilling the sim-tray or opening the IPAD try the Feeler Gauge method first. Following is the link for youtube video:


(Note: insert the feeler gauge from back-cover side but try reach to the upper side of Sim (display side), You cant isert the feeler gauge from display side because some part of body will stop it reaching sim card)


スコア 0

i can't insert sim in M I Pad


スコア 0


i can't insert sim in my I Pad



@Taha..what problem you are having exactly......You cant insert the Sim-Tray or what?...Please Use proper "Micro simcard"....Dont try to cut the Sim-card yourself...Otherwise you will ruined your device and warranty will also be void.


スコア 0

Could you send me a picture of how to drill the sim tray? Thanks!


スコア 0

Hi there

I inserted a match stick in the ipad to eject sim but the stick broke there. Now it has disappeared there and the ipad gives an error “ no sim” and wouldn’t work on any sim card.

Please help and email me on : (a.wali82@gmail.com ) OR (a_wali82@hotmail.com)


スコア 0


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