iPhone does not connect to iTunes
Hi guys! My iPhone 4 Does NOT connect to iTunes. Tried with 2 computers, 1 Mac, 3 different usb cabels. Anyone that can help me?
Hi guys! My iPhone 4 Does NOT connect to iTunes. Tried with 2 computers, 1 Mac, 3 different usb cabels. Anyone that can help me?
Now my iPhone is finally repaired! :D
This was a hardware issue, it was the input where you put the usb cable into that was broken. But he replaced it.
Anyway,thanks for all help you guys have given me;)
Glad you got it fixed.
You can try this, but do send us more info. what OS are you using...etc.
1. Open notepad
2. Paste in the following lines:
@echo off
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop "iPod Service"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start "iPod Service"
start "iTunes" "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe"
3. Save the file as something like iTunes.bat
4. Launch that file (iTunes.bat in this case) instead of the iTunes icon.
5. You can go further and create a shortcut to the file, change the icon on the shortcut to use the one embedded in the iTunes.exe file, etc.
One note: On the last line in step 2 - you'll need to change the last phrase in quotes if your iTunes is installed in a different folder. For instance, on 64-bit systems the line would read:
start "iTunes" "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe"
If you installed in a different directory than the default, change the line to point to your actual iTunes.exe file
or try this
From Device Manager, Select the iPhone (under Portable Devices, may be under imaging devices see as it's recognized as a cameras) and then select "Update Driver" (sometimes they have a Microsoft Driver which enables the camera/storage, but does not allow it to connect with iTunes). Don't direct it to automatically search for a driver, instead, manually point it to search in c:/program files/common files/apple/ - It should then "do it's thing" and install the correct apple driver and recognize the iPhone.
There are so many different options and possibilities, that is why it is important to provide all the information. Good luck and let us know what works and what does not.
It's an 4.1 iPhone, i am running windows 764 bit.
What happen was that the Iphone feld in the ground, the rear panel opened up, and the thin cabel from the battery broke. I bought a new battery, and the phone is running as usual, but it can not connect to iTunes. I tried youre ideas, butit didnt work. Anything else I can do?
Please unaccept this answer if it didn't help, otherwise you will get no further help being as though an accepted answer usually means the answer resolved your issue.
Does it show anything when you plug it in? Does WIn recognize it when it is plugged in?
You might try this as well. Just in case...
Soft boot, hold top button and bottom middle button at the same until the white apple shows, while the phone is connected to iTunes and it should recognize the phone.
It does'nt show anything.Not on the iPhone, not on the pc. I've tried it, it does'nt work. I don't know what to dooo.. Do you have some more ideas?
Thanks for beeing so helpful so long:)
Martin, here is the official Apple solution. Not sure if you tried it but has a lot of good info on it. http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1495 and I came across this answer Hardware problems may also occur with the iPhone. Most of the problems that prevent the iPhone from connecting to iTunes are not problems with the actual hardware on the iPhone, in reality they are problems with the hardware that connects the iPhone to the computer. Here are some symptoms of potential hardware problems:
There are several possible solutions. Regardless of how minor these seem, they do actually help. iTunes is very picky about things and may work with one cable and not the other, it may even work with one USB port and not the other. Trying these simple solutions can help:
Here are more possible solutions to the iphone not detecting in my computer
Method 1: Fixing Mobile Device Driver Service
1. Open Start Menu >> Run and type services.msc and press ok [ this will open up services ]
2. Locate the service named Mobile Device Driver
3. Double click the service to open properties
4. In the "general" tab find the "startup type" drop-down arrow menu and make sure "automatic" is selected.
5. Also see the general tab to check the "service status". If it does not say "started" then click the start button to start the service and connect your phone again and click apply.
Note: If the above procedure does not helped in your case, then try restarting the service
Method 2: Solve Through Device Manager
1. Go to My Computer >> Manage and click Device Manager in the left tab.
2. Click Portable Devices >> Apple iPhone >> Uninstall
3. Unplug and plug your iPhone, now wait for windows to re recognize your iphone [ In Device Manager, you will see the new recognized Apple Iphone ]
4. Press F5 to refresh your windows explorer and your Apple iPhone will show up with a camera icon.
Again, let us know if this will get anything accomplished. We can't give up now:)
Matin, Have you updated to 10.1.1? If so, many people are having this sync issue. Symptoms include iTunes not recognizing connected hardware, or error messages when trying to sync. Is your iphone jailbroken? If so, and you have WiFi Sync installed, just delete the software from phone and computer and that should resolve your problem. If your iphone is not jailbroken and you are still having these issues, please comment and let me know. I see that you also have dropped the phone, you might have a hardware issue here. Let us know where you stand.
Yeah, I installed, uninstalled and installed the newest iTunes (10.1.1) many times. My iPhone is jailbroken. But where do i find "WiFi Sync"? I can't find it anywhere on my iPhone or on my PC.
Well, if you dont know what WiFi Sync is, then most likely you don't have it installed. Its a paid App in Cydia. There's speculation on wether the latest iTunes is jailbreak "SAFE". Many people that updated to the new software are facing these issues. Remember, jailbreaking is legal, but Apple does not quite agree with it so they'll thwart jailbreak efforts any which way they can. Now, you dropped your phone, so it can also be a hardware issue. There's no way to tell unless you roll back to iTunes 10.1.
Roll back to iTunes 10.1 using this link and let me know if that helps. If not, you are most likely facing a hardware issue. http://www.oldapps.com/itunes.php?old_it...
It did'nt work with 10.1 either.
But what's strange is that I can charge my iPhone in the outlet, but not in the computer. So can it actually be an hardware issue?
Ok, I know how painful a restore can be but you might have to restore the phone and re-jailbreak to rule out any software issues. If I were in your shoes I'd re-open the phone and make sure all connectors are properly seated and that all components "look" ok.
You are seriously kind man! All that helping:D But still, it does'nt work. I have tried the official Apple solution many times, but it just don't want to be connected or recognized.
I have tried to use a q-tip, other cables, all of the usb's and now I am sitting on a desktop computer and won't be detected.
I connected my sister's Iphone to this comnputer and the pc detected it quickly (she got the 1'st generation iphone).
When i connected my sister's iPhone it appeared in
My computer >> Device manager >> Portable devices >> Apple iPhone. Mine does'nt.
I want my iPhone back </3
Again: thanks for all youre time and help:D
Martin, here are a couple more things that you can try to sign if your iPhone will get recognized http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1538 little bit more info on here http://www.hackint0sh.org/f127/33114.htm and go ahead and try this too:
1. Connect iPhone to computer.
2. Go to Device Manager > Universal Serial Bus controllers.
3. Look for a device driver named “Apple …”. The driver that the iPhone was connected to simply showed up as “USB Mass Storage Device”. You can double check this by clicking on the driver and looking at the “Location” field. It should say iPhone.
4. Select the appropriate driver and click uninstall.
5. Once it’s uninstalled, disconnect the iPhone and RESTART the machine.
6. Once Windows has started, plug the iPhone back in and Windows should recognize it as new hardware and should reinstall the appropriate drivers. Once its successfully done, open itunes and your iPhone should show up.
Okay let us know how it is going to work out...:)
No man, it still does'nt work. But one thing, maybe I should told you this before, but my home button is kind a pushed in. It works, but when it feld to the ground, that happend. Does'nt know if that could be the reason? Maybe the home button has broken any devices in the iPhone? I don't know, I have tried everything you have told me, is there any more solutions? On the 3'rd page on http://www.hackint0sh.org/f127/33114.htm it's a guy that said: No need to have a computer. You just need to make your iPhone have a really big crash. Apple gave us a lot of ways to do that. Go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Erase all Data & Settings While the process, just push Home and Wake button to power your iPhone off. Then power it on. Wait for the iTunes logo. Could this be it? Or could it do things worse?
I have Apple remote on my iPhone (the app you can control iTunes with), i clicked one app, and it told me to turn the WLAN on, I hit the search button and the "iPhone remote" showed up in iTunes.
I don't need a USB to make it show up, and I can't do anything more than control iTunes.
It does start to look like a hardware issue but I am not quite convinced. Sure it is possible that there are issues due to the drop. Have you changed iTunes yet like (his :))Majesty suggested? I wonder if it is possible to restore your phone and have you re-jailbreak it after. Just to see if there are any conflicts that might be coincidental with the drop. I would hat to just say it's hardware and go and buy new parts until all other options are exhausted :)
I am on the exact boat as Martin89...my phone works perfect other than won't sync with itunes or recognize by computer...found my mobile driver but when I try and start it..disappears...and I've turned off firewalls and even uninstalled...I am going out of my flippin mind!!!! I love my iphone however, I am about to have an accident..lol and ultimately need a new one for sure..
Same problem. Phone charges from the normal charger. But same cable connected to any USB port on any PC nothing happens. No charging, no driver enabled and no connection to Itunes. An Iphone 3 works fine with same cable. I have cleaned the docking port, and have tried to wriggle it and reinsert it repeatedly, but no reaction on PC.
Have looked at the manual for changing the docking port HW, but it seems rather difficult. Anyone had same problem and success changing the docking HW? Would be nice to know before I risk trying this!
So, Martin, if I understand this correctly, you replaced the dock-connector of the phone itself?
I namely have the same problem:
iPhone charges from the normal charger but isn't recognized by my computer.
Other iPhones sync with the same cables to the same computer in all of the usb-ports.
The strange thing is, I found one computer where the iPhone showed no problems at all, and I found another one where it was recognized as a camera, but I found numerous computers where the phone didn't react at all.
Do you guys think replacing the dock-connector will resolve the problem?
Exactly the symptoms! After having changed the docking kit, the phone is as new. Even the microphone improved. However I must say that to put in the replacement parts was ultra fine mecanics.
I replaced the components with the connector as recommended by ifixit, and my phone have now worked flawlessly for 2 years after that. (iPhone4) Be warned, not easy, small parts.
i have an iphone 4 that wont connect but it also doesnt have ios installed whenever it turns on it says to connect to itunes but it cant because of some reason. i might try to replace the port depending how much the replacement costs
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what else does it not do? did it just start? did it get dropped or water damage? Anything else wrong with it?
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