
オリジナル投稿者: oldturkey03


You can try this, but do send us more info. what OS are you using...etc.

1. Open notepad

2. Paste in the following lines:

@echo off

net stop "Bonjour Service"

net stop "iPod Service"

net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

net start "Apple Mobile Device"

net start "Bonjour Service"

net start "iPod Service"

start "iTunes" "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe"

3. Save the file as something like iTunes.bat

4. Launch that file (iTunes.bat in this case) instead of the iTunes icon.

5. You can go further and create a shortcut to the file, change the icon on the shortcut to use the one embedded in the iTunes.exe file, etc.

One note: On the last line in step 2 - you'll need to change the last phrase in quotes if your iTunes is installed in a different folder. For instance, on 64-bit systems the line would read:

start "iTunes" "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe"

If you installed in a different directory than the default, change the line to point to your actual iTunes.exe file

or try this

From Device Manager, Select the iPhone (under Portable Devices, may be under imaging devices see as it's recognized as a cameras) and then select "Update Driver" (sometimes they have a Microsoft Driver which enables the camera/storage, but does not allow it to connect with iTunes). Don't direct it to automatically search for a driver, instead, manually point it to search in c:/program files/common files/apple/ - It should then "do it's thing" and install the correct apple driver and recognize the iPhone.

There are so many different options and possibilities, that is why it is important to provide all the information. Good luck and let us know what works and what does not.

