
Asus ZenFone 2 (ZE551ML) is an Android smartphone manufactured by ASUS released March 2015.

20回答 すべてを表示

Why does my phone die so quickly?

Yesterday I went to call my mother to tell her about The Oscars results only to find my phone was dead. Come to think of it, my phone doesn't even seem to last any longer than 3 hours. How can I increase its lifespan?

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To begin with, are you sure your phone is charging correctly? I would check to make sure that your charging cord is working. Similarly, if you find that the charging cord is working, then you might be running on Performance Mode. To fix this, just simply change the mode in the battery settings to either Smart-saving or Ultra-saving (depending on your preferences). Ultimately, if this doesn't work, you may have a faulty battery. If you need help replacing the battery, check out the replacement guide on the page.


スコア 5

I had a problem with my 2. It was media server running. Check your running apps, is media server the top consummation of battery time? You can kill it; but it will start again. Even clearing its cache file did nothing. My fix was to format my Sd card after backing up my files, thank god the 2 has OTG. Then I rebooted to book screen (hold power and volume down, be aware boot loader appears guickly) go to format the cache partition. That solved the issue.


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I experienced the same problem before. The first thing you need to do is to check your battery usage on settings and then battery. Last time I had some apps occupied 90% of CPU. Then I uninstalled them immediately. If it still doesn't improve, factory reset.


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