xbox one hard drive formatting
How do I format a new internal hard drive to work for xbox one?
I had this question as well.
Seems that it is rather cumbersome to swap the harddrive, not to mention that it's unclear yet if it might get you banned in the future. Response from Microsoft and their support was pretty clear: it violates their user agreement (you're not allowed to modified the XBox One), so I ended up buying a cheap Western Digital 2Tb USB 3.0 drive (like this one) and am using that right now - works like a charm by the way.
After having bought that one, I did notice a possible more elegant option with this hard drive enclosure which is said to attach nicely to the XBox One.
Not the answer I was looking for, but it is what I've decided to do ....
Hope this helps.
It's not that cumbersome, requiring only ~30min or so.
Xbox One HDD Replacement wiki (scroll to bottom):
that good to know that it violates the user agreement because I was thinking about swaping the HD
if i do restore factory defaults. all gemas well removed ?
plz answer me...
ooh my good lord ,you guys seem way smarter than me 'cuz when had a probem w/HDD I went and bought a SEAGATE "3tb" PLUG nPLAY for $99 cnd no muss no fuss, truly plug&play it took longer to unwrap than it did to set up. Im writing this on my xb1's browser, now it works great ... but whad do I know ... good luck guys
I did try the external hard drive with good results for games but Xbox still boots from internal.
There's many reasons why one would prefer a larger internal drive versus that of an external hdd, as there are restrictions on what can and cannot be saved to an external drive. Additionally, whereas the internal drive is easily viewable should you need to view files on the drive, external drives have their first sector bits flipped, resulting in some prerequisites prior to the the drive being accessible from a PC.
I hope you work it out & good luck
I know this question is kind of old but, for those of you who are not linux guru's (me) there is a windows based program that will allow you to partition and format a new hdd for an xbox one. The program is called xboxonehdd-master. you will also need the OSU1 from xbox one website.
Will this website (xboxonehdd-master) work for a 2TB HDD? If not what website would I have to go to for it?
Not easily
How about cloning it to a bigger hard drive?
Xbox One HDD Replacement wiki (scroll to bottom):
remove HDD and clonezilla it?
I am in agreement with you that it's "my hardware", but if you read their agreement (mostly aiming at XBox Live I assume) one could assume that modifying hardware might result in getting banned from XBox Live.
I guess that's the big deal for most users.
Granted, replacing a hard drive with a larger model should not be a problem in my opinion, but ... Microsoft could take it as an excuse in the future to block you, or not.
See: [http://Software License Terms|]
1. (c) “Authorized Accessory” means a Microsoft branded Xbox One, Xbox 360 or Xbox hardware accessory, and/or a Microsoft licensed, third-party branded, Xbox One, Xbox 360 or Xbox hardware accessory whose packaging bears the official “Licensed for Xbox” and/or the “Designed for Xbox” logo.
2. (i) You will not use Unauthorized Accessories or Unauthorized Games. They may not work or may stop working permanently after an Xbox Software update.
2. (iii) You will not attempt to defeat or circumvent any Xbox Console, Kinect Sensor or Authorized Accessory technical limitation, security, or anti-piracy system. If You do, Your Xbox Console, Kinect Sensor or Authorized Accessory may stop working permanently at that time or after a later Xbox Software update.
Thank you for the clarification :-)
I agree that shooting from the hip is not a good approach - I did however, contact Microsoft before I wanted to start replacing my hard-drive and did get the answer (my first post) that it would violate the XBox-live agreement. It was not their legal department though, but their tech support (who might have gotten the instructions by their "boss" to always give that answer, true or not).
I also agree that it's "my" hardware, so I should have the freedom to do what I like, unless it's to intentionally harm a company (like Microsoft) financially (ie. illegal games etc), and not have to be ripped off for something that should have been possible/there to begin with.
Anyhow; thanks again for the clarification - no offense taken. :-)
If one is looking for clarification on legal terms in warranties, licenses, etc., always contact the company's legal department and not customer service/tech support, as all they're going to do is give you their "opinion" or perception of what it says, not the legal definition
One should always go to the source for clarification, not a third party. The legal department is who writes the licenses and warranties (however with the latter, it's final wording may be determined by the underwriter(s) for whichever insurance company is backing the warranty for the OEM).
If ever in doubt about a component being replaced in the Xbox One, ask one's self the following:
* If X component fails and I send the unit back to Microsoft to have it fixed, is there anything in the license that references that as being a license violation?
* If not, does the license state anywhere replacing a failed component violates the license?
If the answer to both is no, then replacing a component does not violate the software license.
I too am having one heck of a time. I bought an xbox one 500 GB from ebay that had one of the E200 error codes. I've been trying for over a week to get this thing working, following all of the wiki's/posts out on the internet. I am successfully able to format/repartition the drive using Ubuntu and the scripts/tools. the "drives" application reports a SMART status of OK. However, anytime I have either put the contents of the OSUDT2 files on either the newly formatted drive in the A and B folders per the instructions, or a flash drive, I receive an error. My latest attempt was to simply format/partition/unmount the HDD in Ubuntu and then install the blank but newly formatted/partitioned drive in the xbox and install the OSUDT2 file from MSFT via a USB drive. Yes I ran that script that says "are you sure you want to make this an xbox HDD?" The console was able to install the update and reboot, but during the "applying update" phase it reached 66% then threw the "something went wrong" page and error E200 again. I'm going to try using the factory reset via USB on it next.
Do these consoles have the ability to format/partition a bare drive on there own? I would think the easiest approach from MSFT, would be if a drive failed, simply take it apart, put in a new drive of the same size, reassemble, then run the OSUDT file from USB to re-install the OS - but alas, it doesn't appear that works.
Have you looked at the Wiki; however the OSUDT process be tried first
- Download OSUDT 1 & 2
- Follow OSUDT instructions for USB drive
1. Partition the HDD with xboxonehdd script, then re-run after makexboxfs, then install HDD in XB1
2. Follow OSUDT instructions for turning XB1 on
3. XB1 update will fail and once it does, power off the XB1 via the menu (if you're offered one), or by a single touch to the power button.
4. Once XB1 is fully shutdown, remove USB drive, delete all OSUDT 1 files, & copy over all files from OSUDT 2 to the USB drive's root, then plug back into the XB1
5. Repeat step 2. If the update does not auto resume, select the applicable WinRE option for updating/rebuilding.
6. The XB1 should fully update, then boot into the OOBE first setup.
I did read through the wiki, however I'm just not having any luck with this. I followed it step by step, using the scripts from your wiki. I erased all partitions the drive so it was all free space. Then I ran the script to create the partitions and verified they were all named/sized properly and were mounted. I then unmounted all partitions, ran the script again (the one that says are you sure you want to make this an xbox hdd?) Put hdd back in xb1, and booted from USB using the osudt1 file. That gave me an error e101 (incorrect update I believe) I shut it down with one press, rebooted to USB with the osudt2 file and recieved the same e101. So I shut it down again with one button press, removed hdd from xb1 and reconnected in ubuntu. I decided to try and put the update file directly on the drive like the wiki instructed, so I started with osudt1. Again, I made sure hdd was unmounted, I ran that script again (to make it an xb1 hdd, just to be safe) put back in xb1. After xb1 booted it says preparing console for a moment, then failed with e200. I removed hdd from xb1, put back in computer, copied the osudt2 files over the B folder, removed hdd and put back in xb1, and booted. E200 error again. Seems like the console is trying to apply an update, the progress bar moves rather slowly from 1% to around 44%, then jumps to 66%, then jumps to e200. I then tried using the factory reset USB tool, and recieved an e201 error. Tried osudt2 on USB and still get e201 error. When I had the hard drive in the PC I could see that several folders were created on those other partitions... I'm not sure where to go next. My is version is showing as 10586.1202.amd64fre.th2_xbox_rel_1603.160420-1900. on the Xbox support site where it tells you which files to use i don't see mine listed. Only a few of the numbers match. I'm viewing my consoles is info on the trouble shoot screen since I'm not able to get into settings.
You're mixing processes, which is adding to your problems (and I think I left something out of my last reply). It may help to explain what's occurring in each step, as I forgot to include that in my wiki:
- Each xvd is a virtual drive, and for all intents and purposes, a separate partition. Think of the updater.xvd as a windows install disk.
- In order for a subsequent update to be applied, the previous one must exist (i.e. for OSUDT2 to be applied, OSUDT1 must be installed) in an installed state on partitions 1, 3, & 4 (this is what's at the root of most issues) From my own experiences, I have a hunch this is what the E200 errors refer to, with E101s referring to either partition layout or partition 4's files (perhaps both).
- See next comment for instructions, as I'm going to run out of character space otherwise
Try this:
- Copy OSUDT1 to folders A & B, with updater.xvd on the root of partition 4 & OSUDT1 on the root of the USB
- Boot from USB. It "should" update to somewhere in the 30's then fail; Cleanly shutdown the XB1
-Delete everything in folder B, copy OSUDT2 to it, remove everything from the root of the USB, & copy OSUDT2 to usb root.
- Boot from USB, it "should" finish updating. If it doesn't, I will perform this procedure tomorrow or thurs and reply back
The wiki instructions as written do work. Due to spending hours troubleshooting different users' issues, to have it always shown the issues were due to failing to follow the instructions as written, I no longer will troubleshoot issues someone has w/ the wiki.
I'm only troubleshooting your issue specifically because I was already planning on adding the OSUDT support page section to my wiki, however once I'm able to determine the correct sequence of events, if you still have issues, you're on your own.
I'm in the preview program with the OS version 14366.1006.amd64fre.rs1_xbox_rel.1608_160617.1700 even following procedure described in the " Rebuilding OS," I can not complete step 7 and appears the error message e200 . Could you help me ?
Sorry for my English I am using Google Translate .
Watch this video it should answer all your questions, I personally would use an internal SSD myself. … Good luck which ever way you choose to go.
All I want to do is to replace with the exact same hard drive so the unit will work!
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