
The Apple Xserve server, the Xserve Xeon Nahalem server, is an Intel based computer server released on April 7th, 2009.

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What Hardrive fits in the Xserve

im looking for an new hardrive for xserve 2009 Model 3.1.

Hitachi Deskstar Model HDS725050KLA360 is buildt in.

But i need more space - 2TB Hardrive.

Thanks for help


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Default hard drive is a SATA/SAS 160 GB 7200 RPM SATA Apple formally supports "up to 6 TB of hot-plug internal storage" using three 2 TB drive modules.

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3 件のコメント:

This does not help. because not any sata drive will work in the xserve.

i read in internet, it has to be an SATA 1 drive, (1,5 GB) and it must be jumpered to SATA 1.

An the Fan Control in the Xserve will make Problems, so at least you need one original Apple Drive ... but all this are informations from the internet - i don't now.

The Drive in the xserve comes with special Softwar on the Drive

I look for information what exact drive will work - without the original Appel Drive (with the onboard Apple Software). thx


I just ordered in a 2008 xserve to play with and learn, did you ever get a resolution?


If the platters have gone bad on the original hard drive: It is possible to move the controller board from the original drive to a new hard drive of the same model. The revision of the model usually doesn't matter because the changes 90%+ of the time are on the controller board. That will get you the Apple firmware on the new drive.



Xserve3,1 - I threw in a couple of modern Seagate 4TB SATA3 HDDs I had lying around, without any jumpers to SATA1, and it shows 2.2TB for each. They don’t hotswap reliably, one popped up once and never again, but to get both visible I had to reboot with them in.


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