
The Samsung Galaxy S3 is a multi-touch, slate-format smartphone with eye-tracking ability, increased storage, and a wireless charging option.

20回答 すべてを表示

Samsung Galaxy S 2 will not sync with my PC.

When I plug my phone into the PC, it does not sync. All the phone does is charge. The PC doesn't seem to recognize my phone. I've tried re-installing the driver multiple times and that doesn't solve the problem. I need some help please!

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スコア 79
77 件のコメント


Go here and download whatever you need. After hours of struggling and everything failed, I downloaded the app that allowed me to transfer all the files from my old phone to the new one.


"I have just experienced same kind of problem for my Samsung Galaxy S3-SGH i747. I overcome this issue by:

Go to dial pad & type *#0808#

It displays USB settings

Select MTP+ADB option

Press OK button

Connect to USB cable to PC

It shows Connected as a media device."

Found this and it worked like a charm baby!!! These guys are experienced app developers, thus they know more than us lol


@Ian Reid this worked instantly! Thanks dude!


Thanks Ian Reid :)

Now my device is 'connecting' for the last 30 mins :(


@Pavan Shroff I think u have a complete different problem then, maybe it's just a bad phone u got because this worked for me like asap. And it worked for multiple other ppl. Sorry fam

@Mads Thodsen u're welcome man, I owe the credit to the guys from android stack exchange...they're awesome :D






Go to settings, press "more.." select USB Connection, press button, then plug in phone to pc.

Also go http://www.samsung.com/us/kies/ for Kies that bypasses all that. If that doesn't work then replace your cable with a "data cable". You also might be using a charging cable which doesn't have data support connecters in it.

This one will work:


I know it says for HTC, but its for all micro usb ports.


スコア 10

8 件のコメント:

Why, if I have the updates I am supposed to have, my Samsung Galaxy III will still not work with Kies or Kies 3


Have you tried doing this on a different computer? And then a different cable? If still not then either your usb port on your phone is broke somehow or the anroid os is corrupt.


I'm having the same problem. I have tried the phone with a different computer, and it works on that computer. I have downloaded the appropriate version of Kies, the same one I'm using on the other computer. Still, my primary computer does not recognize the phone in anyway. The phone itself shows that it is plugged in and charging. Where do I proceed from here? There are a lot of suggestions on this thread, but many of them do not apply to my situation. Where do I start?


i cancelled the program connecting it by accident is there a way to get it running again?


Wow, the cable really was my problem! Apparently I was trying to use a cable that only charges the phone and doesn't have data support connectors in it so I switched to another cable that is thicker than my current one and it works now!! Thank you so much!




I have this problem sometimes and have come to realise it is usually caused by the PC using the wrong driver for the device. The device manager in Windows lists hardware and what drivers are installed. This may help you see what driver the device is currently using.

I have downloaded the correct drivers for my dtevice and have installed them correctly. I have noticed that sometimes Windows will update the usb driver for my device and install their own microsoft driver which causes the device to not be recognized by pc, but allows you to charge the device. I fix this problem in device manager by uninstalling the device. Next I reboot the operating system and the PC usually will install the correct drivers and my device is again recognized on the PC.

So make sure you are using the correct drivers for your phone or the PC will likely not recognize the phone and will only charge it's battery. Make sure you have the proper cable too.


スコア 4

Sounds like either the cord your using is for charging only or your computer does not have the necessary drivers to talk to the phone. Try using a different cord first. Then use a different USB outlet. If still no then we got to get a little more technical.


スコア 3


I am using the same cable as always but suddenly my Tab s2 will not connect to any PC- have tried 3 diff PC's. different cables and still nothing. One day it worked and next day it didn't



Well, I'll be damned (I line I got from the move Hunt for Red October); the solution is EASY -- just use a different USB cable! I just had this same problem -- connected my Smartphone to my computer via a USB cable and expected the Smartphone to show up on my computer as a Portable Device -- just as it had done in the past; but NOTHING happened! My phone showed that it was charging, but there was no connection with my computer. Finally, I went and got another USB cable and used it. EVERYTHING WORKED FINE!!! The phone showed up on my computer -- with all the folders and files. Just to test, I tried the first USB cable again -- NOTHING (except charging)! Used the other USB cable, and everything works just fine! I have absolutely no idea why the CABLE makes the difference; the only noticeable difference is that the first cable wire is thin, and the second cable wire is thick -- why that would make any difference, I don't know. Now, I know -- just use a USB cable that works!


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

I also! I've been trying for hours, doing different things to get the phone connected to the pc. I found this site so I tried a different cable and dang! I don't know why the other cable doesn't work but the cable that does now has status above the other.


First cable has charging connectors only

Second cable has charging connectors as well as data connectors which makes the wire comparitively thick.



Reboot the computer and remove battery from phone unplug usb then restart computer when it is booted back up put battery back then turn phone on then try connecting it! make sure if it asks what type of connection you select either disk drive or usb not usb tethering!


スコア 2


Note 5 does not have a removable battery



use this code *#7284# and select pda instead of modem. the phone will restart and it will work


スコア 1

this one worked also on my new samsung J5

Go to dial pad & type *#0808#

It displays USB settings

Select MTP+ADB option

Press OK button

Connect to USB cable to PC

It shows Connected as a media device."

Found this and it worked like a charm baby!!! These guys are experienced app developers, thus they know more than us lol

10/09/2015 by Ian Reid


スコア 1

3 件のコメント:

I have tried typing that but nothing comes


@ian I did the same thing, but doesnot solve my issue..


Nothing happened when I tried with my smasung A7



Thank you for helping. I tried everything and nothing worked. Come to find out my usb connection on the phone was broke. Went to att and they had another sent to me.


スコア 1

Is a data cable also able to charge devices?


スコア 0

For those who are still having problem of phone / tablet not working on computer. I had same problem that I kept tackling and somewhere found this solution on the internet. Try disconnecting phone from computer. Turn on Airplane mode and reconnect phone to computer. I had gone through sooooo many posts and installing /removing apps before seeing the post about Airplane mode. It worked for me when no other solution worked. After computer recognized the phone and was mounted for file transfer one time, I was then capable of connecting phone without turning on Airplane mode. Connection has worked for me ever since.


スコア 0


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