Well, I'll be damned; the solution is EASY -- just use a different USB cable! I just had this same problem -- connected my Smartphone to my computer via a USB cable and expected the Smartphone to show up on my computer as a Portable Device -- just as it had done in the past; but NOTHING happened! My phone showed that it was charging, but there was no connection with my computer. Finally, I went and got another USB cable and used it. EVERYTHING WORKED FINE!!! The phone showed up on my computer -- with all the folders and files. Just to test, I tried the first USB cable again -- NOTHING (except charging)! Used the other USB cable, and everything works just fine! I have absolutely no idea why the CABLE makes the difference; the only noticeable difference is that the first cable wire is thin, and the second cable wire is thick -- why that would make any difference, I don't know. Now, I know -- just use a USB cable that works!
Well, I'll be damned (I line I got from the move Hunt for Red October); the solution is EASY -- just use a different USB cable! I just had this same problem -- connected my Smartphone to my computer via a USB cable and expected the Smartphone to show up on my computer as a Portable Device -- just as it had done in the past; but NOTHING happened! My phone showed that it was charging, but there was no connection with my computer. Finally, I went and got another USB cable and used it. EVERYTHING WORKED FINE!!! The phone showed up on my computer -- with all the folders and files. Just to test, I tried the first USB cable again -- NOTHING (except charging)! Used the other USB cable, and everything works just fine! I have absolutely no idea why the CABLE makes the difference; the only noticeable difference is that the first cable wire is thin, and the second cable wire is thick -- why that would make any difference, I don't know. Now, I know -- just use a USB cable that works!
Well, I'll be damned; the solution is EASY -- just use a different USB cable! I just had this same problem -- connected my Smartphone to my computer via a USB cable and expected the Smartphone to show up on my computer as a Portable Device -- just as it done in the past; but NOTHING happened! My phone showed that it was charging, but there was no connection with my computer. Finally, I went and got another USB cable and used it. EVERYTHING WORKED FINE!!! The phone showed up on my computer -- with all the folders and files. Just to test, I tried the first USB cable again -- NOTHING (except charging)! Used the other USB cable, and everything works just fine! I have absolutely no idea why the CABLE makes the difference; the only noticeable difference is that the first cable wire is thin, and the second cable wire is thick -- why that would make any difference, I don't know. Now, I know -- just use a USB cable that works!
Well, I'll be damned; the solution is EASY -- just use a different USB cable! I just had this same problem -- connected my Smartphone to my computer via a USB cable and expected the Smartphone to show up on my computer as a Portable Device -- just as it had done in the past; but NOTHING happened! My phone showed that it was charging, but there was no connection with my computer. Finally, I went and got another USB cable and used it. EVERYTHING WORKED FINE!!! The phone showed up on my computer -- with all the folders and files. Just to test, I tried the first USB cable again -- NOTHING (except charging)! Used the other USB cable, and everything works just fine! I have absolutely no idea why the CABLE makes the difference; the only noticeable difference is that the first cable wire is thin, and the second cable wire is thick -- why that would make any difference, I don't know. Now, I know -- just use a USB cable that works!
Well, I'll be damned; the solution is EASY -- just use a different USB cable! I just had this same problem -- connected my Smartphone to my computer via a USB cable and expected the Smartphone to show up on my computer as a Portable Device -- just as it done in the past; but NOTHING happened! My phone showed that it was charging, but there was no connection with my computer. Finally, I went and got another USB cable and used it. EVERYTHING WORKED FINE!!! The phone showed up on my computer -- with all the folders and files. Just to test, I tried the first USB cable again -- NOTHING (except charging)! Used the other USB cable, and everything works just fine! I have absolutely no idea why the CABLE makes the difference; the only noticeable difference is that the first cable wire is thin, and the second cable wire is thick -- why that would make any difference, I don't know. Now, I know -- just use a USB cable that works!