I had no problem with the screws. A while ago I invested in a multi bit precision screwdriver. If you are going to be taking apart electronics this is worth the $20-$30 investment in the long run. If you strip a screw then you have the wrong bit, stop what your doing and wait until you can get the right tool.
This guide could have at least some tips on putting the 3ds back together. It is a true test of your patience. I got mine back together with lots of swearing and having to remove the motherboard several times. It could have been mentioned to keep in eye on your volume and wifi switch position. because I got mine back together and the volume is stuck on full blast and the wifi switch is stuck on. I am going to wait to strip it down again because I have to replace a shoulder button soon anyway.
Also removing the frame on the touch screen was not mentioned and it is really easy to break because it is taped down onto the touch screen.
Overall an excellent guide. Thanks to the author!