mpias - if you look, you can see two separate areas with thermal paste, so this model likely does have the 750m. Click "View Original" on the final photo.
It looks like the factory did a pretty bad job of applying thermal paste to this laptop as well (same with my 2011 MBP 17, so I'll be re-applying some Arctic Silver 5. However, this procedure is MUCH easier than it was with my 2011, since I don't have to remove every single connector and the entire logic board! Now I just need to get some pentalobe tools.
I was able to get a relatively good grip with needle nose pliers, without taking anything apart. You just have to gently pull it out, and it'll pop right out.
Well, I ordered a sample from the company that provides the clip for the door, and you simply have to pull the broken door latch out with some pliers, then push the new one in, and your door works just like it's new! The name of the company is Richco, a part of Essentra Components, and the part number is DL-1X. They shipped two of them to me for free. Awesome!
Well, I haven't been able to figure out why I get the loud feedback noise when I turn this on occasionally, so I went ahead and upgraded to a Kicker iK501. Very similar to the iM7, and although I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the iM7, the Kicker is a very, very nice 30-pin iPod dock.
The only thing I don't like about mine is that sometimes when I turn it on, it emits an insanely loud whistle noise that feels like it's going to pierce my ear drums. I thought cleaning it with contact cleaner would fix that, but it didn't. I wish I knew what was causing it, because it makes me afraid to turn it on!
When it doesn't do that whistling noise though, man this is the best sounding iPod stereo I've ever heard!