Recommendation -> Buy replacement tape ahead of time if you don’t have it. I used iFixit Polyimide Tape.
This special tape does not restick. Had this been mentioned in the steps, I would have purchased it ahead of time. The tape was hard to find, and search results (including recommendations for alternatives) were confusing - as was the purpose for the tape. Also, tape was not widely available and I had to wait a week to get it. It is used elsewhere in devices such as this iPad, and in other places within this iPad, including over the 2 speaker ZIF connectors. (I did not remove all the parts in the steps for replacing the battery, so there could be other places here that I did not come across.) Research showed tape to be temperature resistant and an electrical insulator. One place said an anti-static version is available. This last may be the main purpose for it and don’t know if iFixit’s meets this. Recommend that you confirm your choice for yourself to be safe.