G’Day Rhodriwhite… Sure sounds like the ‘CHUCK’ as it is called has not seated .They always have a magnetic pull-in when close . The motor spindle will make that scraping/slipping sound if the magnet has fallen out or sumptin . Gotta open ‘er up . You won’t likely hear the magnet rolling around as it may be stuck to something else . Find a teardown video . I wish I have taken a PS4 apart . I can’t help much .Get some eyeballs on that Player . Maybe something is stopping it from rising into position . Something mechanical…good luck . Hugh
続きを読むI could not help noticing no one has addressed the safety micro switches that may still be used in this modern age (fixed a lot of them in my time ) . ‘Micro’ is a misnomer , they are large enough to spot easily . They are in the door latch assembly . Could be as many as 4 involved . A smack to the side of an oven causing it to work points to a problem in the safety function of the door . I would use a meter to confirm function of a switch , taking note of the contacts being N.O. (normal open ) or N.C. making the switch operate to measure N.O. contacts can be awkward …DO NOT do this plugged in… Now , the door switch mechanism can get worn and nothing you can do apart from building up worn cams or such will work . That case is not to be bothered with , send to recycle . However new(ish) units may have a bad switch but strange readings may require you need to disconnect at least one lead from a suspect switch . Getting some switches out can be a mechanical puzzle HEAVY FORCE should NOT be needed . LOW...
続きを読むHey Adeel ; I can see the back light is being blocked by full contrast from display . Did it drop hard? was screen replaced ? If it were me I would find a tear-down video and double check any of those ANNOYINGLY small connections . Dunno if it will be a case of reflowing the “lead” free solder with heat . Severe drop can crack mobo tho . Factory reset procedure should not be bothered with , unless you dont care and are curious if it helps . I dont think that would do anything . PS ! caveat ! reset may cure accidental screen bright down to zero . In a dark room can you see any hint of images ? Good luck Hugh
続きを読むG’Day Correia ; You are on the right track , HOWEVER , to be really successful one should purchase a decent ESR meter to check any electrolytic caps in the power supplies . An ESR tool (Effective Series Resistance , I could be wrong , been a long time for that definition ) will test capacitors ‘in circuit’ . No need to de-solder . HOWEVER there can be a gang of caps in parallel and some meters will give a pass . If any have swollen tops or stuff leaking they are bad FOR sure . If any are in a parallel gang I would swap them all . Hope you have a heavy duty motorized solder sucker to get caps out of multi layer boards ( heat from most hand irons will get pulled away into large copper ground planes ) Sorry I have not had any G4 experience , but Apple makes such good quality I doubt caps are bad , but , I have done so many other devices and brands that I would not be surprised . That ‘clicking’ you mention could now be a shorted MOSFET causing switching power supply to constant reboot . Use DVM on...
続きを読むAhoy Zeldie ; Not knowing anything about this ‘Chinese’ TV , regardless if it is plasma or led it would appear one of the multiplexing chips on the board across the bottom has gone bad . A re-seat of the ribbon connectors may help . It could also be a problem in the main board . Too bad you dont have a set to swap boards to for sure pinpoint culprit . Check for loose mounting screws for board to chassis . If there is a service shop you can reach that services these they could swap out or UNLIKELY have the service jigs and diags to tell them which board . The screen appears fine BUT there is a small chance it is a failed mating of ribbon cable to screen matrix . I would hate to spend any money on that set when you could go to Walmart clearance and get a large set for less than 300 $cdn Luck Hugh
続きを読むHello Betsy…Most likely the flatwire cable that connects to motherboard from screen has a break or breaks in it . Screen replace is done if so . there is a SMALL chance that connector has worked a little loose on motherboard . If you were to follow a teardown/disassemble video you can try re-seating connector . Don’t use extreme force , there is usually a gentle click if was loose . Good luck Hugh