Yes it should be working… anything from Apple is advanced and I would suggest going and getting the battery tested just in case… The charging port in the PC might be loose or corroded… I would then get it checked out by Apple experts to see if they can find anything… at that point you would be out of luck and have to buy something new… Hope this is at least a little help…
Over time, oil and dead skin cells warp your fingerprint just enough that it will not recognize your print… enter your phone and do a reprint every six to eight months.. otherwise it is a problem with the actual phone…
Check the blades on the bottom and check for any clots…grass clots pathways and can stop the blades… I also might be the rotary chains on the inside….(gear chains..)
It might be one of two things… (1) Prongs in wallsocket are loose There are latches in wall sockets to keep a good connection… If the plug is sagging then this might be the problem… 2.OS error black screen The OS in the PC might be fried… there is gallium in the system which melts very easily…. make sure the PC is properly ventilated and cooled..
Простите, товарищ. Исправить это невозможно, если только вы не заставите первоначального администратора разблокировать и удалить устройство со своих серверов. Вы можете попытаться найти администратора или попросить вернуть деньги. Извините за любые ошибки, но я использую Google Translate и не знаю много на русском языке.