Xbox One X はMicrosoftの最新のゲームコンソールです。他のバーチャルリアリティ型ゲームコンソールと比べると40%もパワーが増量し真の4Kゲームが可能です。私たちはこれまでXbox One Xの前モデル2種ーオリジナルXboxとXbox One Sの分解を見てきました。どちらも解体のしやすさとモジュール式コンポーネントをもつデザインで印象深いものでした。Xbox One X はこのトレンドを継承するのでしょうか?パワーが増強すると修理難易度は変動するのでしょうか?答えを知るにはたった一つの方法しかありませんーこのコンソールを早速分解してみましょう!
en jp
Midori Doiさんは世界中で修理する私たちを助けてくれています! あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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21 件のコメント
Uhg, the HDD reformat is the worst part. Why are we getting so many devices without guides? The video is more for entertainment than help for repair. I'd rather have less teardowns with complete guides. Last of all, why don't we get a Pixel 2 teardown? That's like getting a iPhone 8 plus teardown but no regular teardown. Especially considering the regular model is probably more popular.
George A. - 返信
Hi @pccheese! We’ll have guides eventually, but they take much longer to create than a teardown. You’re right, teardowns are not meant to be used as instructions and are no substitute for a proper guide. As far as Pixel 2, our team is small and we only had the bandwidth for a full teardown on one of the two Pixel phones. The XL was chosen in part because it has gotten more attention, due to the more dramatically updated design. FYI the vanilla Pixel 2’s internals look very, very similar to the original Pixel XL, but with the addition of the same Active Edge strain gauges we saw in the 2 XL.
Jeff Suovanen -
@jeffsu If you have these devices and you are tearing them down internally, perhaps iFixit can take the pictures and the community could write the guides. I have no problem writing the guides- but my photography setup isn't always set up when I'm about to fix something.
A proper step by step teardown is much more helpful for repair then a video. I'm sure people use the teardown all the time for repair on many devices.
George A. -
@jeffsu So what about the guides?
George A. -
Taking pictures is actually quite time-consuming, otherwise I’m sure we’d take you up on that. :) Bear with us a bit, the guidewriting team is down a few people so our pace is definitely not what we’d like it to be in terms of guide production at the moment. We’re working on it!
Jeff Suovanen -