iPhone 7 Plusはすでにバラバラになりましたが、東京分解三連勝単式はまだ続きます。iPhone 7 Plusと比べるとカメラの数は1つ少なく、ヘッドホンジャックは同じ数を持つこのiPhone 7 の分解を皆さんにお届けできるのは光栄です!
勇敢さは信頼をもたらします! Facebookや Instagram、Twitter、Twitter日本語版を通じて、私たちとこの分解の戦いに挑み、修理の旅を続けてみませんか。
このiPhone 7を手に取りましょう!まず分解を始める前に、技術仕様を確認します。
埋め込み型M10モーションコプロセッサー付きのApple A10 フュージョンプロセッサー
搭載容量は32, 128と 256 GB
1334 × 750 ピクセル (326 ppi)で4.7インチIPSマルチタッチRetina HDディスプレイ
ƒ/1.8の開口部で12 MPカメラ、光学式手ぶれ補正、最大5倍のデジタルズーム
ƒ/2.2の開口部で7 MP FaceTime HD カメラと1080p HDビデオ撮影
新Taptic Engineによって起動する感圧式 Touch ID ホームボタン
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi + MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 + NFC
iPhone 7の分解作業を始める前に、ディスプレイ上に新しい追加点を幾つか発見できます。
1,334 x 750ピクセル解像度、広色域ディスプレイ(P3)付きのLEDバックライトワイドスクリーン、6sに比べると25%明るい液晶パネル。
クアッドLED True Toneフラッシュ(iPhone 6sと比べると50%集光能力が向上)
This is the Japan version which has extra Sony FeLica NFC chips to support NFC smartcard emmulation (seriously Apple should have made this available for all over the world, so London Oyster card and US metro card can also use, what a shame!)
Some chips in this version of iPhone is not available in worldwide iPhone versions such as A1660 A1778
A1779 means you got one with an Intel modem. If yours says A1660, you have one with a Qualcomm modem.
bonjour, le miens est noté A1778
le A1779 semble est celui vendu au Japon
Holy sh... why wouldnyou do th... oh. Oh ok.
wait what just happened? so you can erase scratches on the matte black?
Peter Piper picked a pair of pesky proprietary Pentalobes...(ペンタローブネジの登場です)
iPhone 7 は今までのように上部を軸にして開くのではなく、まるで絵本のように横から開きます。開いた時にケーブルが裂けたりきつくなることもなく、まるでこの分解の終わりはおとぎ話の終わりのようになりそうです。
This is weird. I could have sworn Apple said stuff about "Better adhesive Blah blah blah" during their keynote.
@farleyaustin can u see the little black string stretching between the top n bottom, thats it :)
I am curious about the waterproof adhesive. Will the new screens have it if you have to replace a broken screen???? If not it might be hard to re-seal it for waterproofing.
gregnauman - 返信
im sure they adhesive will come with it.
Where can you get this tool?
What is the size of the screwdriver?
この手順で使用する道具:Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits$39.95
ケースを開ける前に粘着力のある接着剤との格闘をした後、さらに修理を妨害する別のセットに出くわしました。ケーブルブラケットに留められている小さなトライポイントネジです。これは7の兄貴分である7 Plusにも付いていました。
What screwdriver you used to take off the shields? Seems to me Apple has invented a new screw this year.
It would be great to have a clear photo of the iPhone without LCD as you did with some previous models. It makes a really great wallpaper. Thanks in advance!
hellcometo - 返信
I ripped my cable:( Need to buy new ones
yoyo020688 - 返信
iPhone 7 はより大きくなったƒ/1.8の開口部、新しい6枚構成のレンズ、12MPセンサーと4つの LED、フリッカーセンサー機能を備えています。フリッカーセンサーは写真やビデオ撮影中に、ライトのちらつきを感知し、フラッシュの発光を適切に補正してくれます。
By the cable alone, no.
Guys need help i droped my iPhone 7 and the back camera glass has a scratch. pretty much useless camera now... went to an apple store and they told me that i had to buy a new phone... any suggestions?
The safest way is to open the phone and pop the glass out from the inside, this is a pretty good video showing the procedure on the iPhone 6, see our iPhone 7 guides for differences. In many cases, you can heat the lens glass, then use a fine prying tool, like an xacto knife, to pry the glass pieces out. Be sure to wear eye protection! You'll also need to be sure you don't get glass shards in the camera assembly. You should be able to find replacement glass online. If you're not comfortable doing the repair yourself, check out a repair shop in your area. They'll be able to do it at a far lower cost than a new phone ;)
このTaptic Engineは、ホームボタンを押した触覚を増幅するためのもので、取り外すとバッテリー下に追加スペースができます。
And they took out the headphone jack for this? Wow looks like Apple is really losing it, when it comes to innovation. Earlier they mocked HTC for stereo speakers and now they themselves have it. So, HTC copied Apple once again?
From what I understand I think the reason they took out the headphone jack was to make it more waterproof..at least that's just what I was told
Hi there, any possibility this new battery can be squeezed into the iPhone 6 or 6S? More specifically, is the flex connector compatible with either of these models (or one or the other), similarly to how the iPhone 5S battery would also work in an iPhone 5C?? Thanks!
iPhone 7 スピーカーには、ロジックボードに接続している接着型のWi-Fiダイバーシティアンテナが取り付けられています。
このデザインは数時間前に分解したiPhone 7 Plusと全く同一です。
これはただのSIM 取り出し用のホールのように見えません。ピタゴラスイッチの仕掛けのように見えます。SIM取り出しツールがプラスチックピンを押すと、次にメタルピンが押され、その結果SIMトレイが取り出せるのです。
iPhone 7 Plus のロジックボードと比較するために並列してみる前に、7 と 7 Plusのロジックボードはサイズこそは大きな違いがあるものの、驚くほど似ていることに気がつきます。
Apple A10 Fusion APL1W24 SoC + Samsung 2 GB LPDDR4 RAM (K3RG1G10CM-YGCHとも表示されています)
Qualcomm MDM9645M LTE Cat. 12モデム
SKY78100-20 パワー・アンプモジュール
Avago AFEM-8065 パワーアンプモジュール
Avago AFEM-8055 パワーアンプモジュール
Murata 025アンテナスイッチモジュール (おそらく)
Invensense 加速度センサー
How to remove the shields clip with glue ?
まだ幾つか ICチップが残っています。
Avago LFI626 200157(おそらくアンテナチューナー)
NXP Semiconductor CBTL1610A3 ディスプレイポートマルチプレクサ (おそらく)
TDK EPCOS D5315 アンテナスイッチモジュール(おそらく)
Texas Instruments SN2400AB0バッテリーチャージャー IC (おそらく)
Texas Instruments TPS65730A0P パワーマネージメントIC
Texas Instruments SN61200 DC-DC コンバーター(おそらく)
ICチップ識別の専門であるChipworks に心から感謝申し上げます。iPhone7のコントロールハードウェアを徹底的に分析しているChipworksの分解ページもご覧ください。
Is it correct to say, that these two golden recantgular things in the middle photo are the two microphones? Is it further correct to say, that they receive their sound through the two most inner holes? If so, I need to tweak my reused iPhone 6 bumper, because it covers one of the two inner holes.... Thanx!
Yes, it would be correct to say those are mics. The audio quality is probably fine though.
nope it is not
ケーブルを剥がしていきながら、イヤホンスピーカーや、 ディープトレンチアイソレーション、自動手ぶれ補正機能が付けられ刷新された7 MP FaceTime HDカメラを取り出します。
The gasket underneath my home button has popped up through the home button. The Genius Bar folks have no idea how that possibly happened. It's under warranty so no problem, but just so you know that it may happen to people in the future.
@alexluevano2 my gasket has also popped out from dropping the iPhone. Any clue how to fix it? Or is my only hope to go to a Genius Bar to replace the phone?? Thanks
Well the reason is because the home button goes in the opposite way it always has, so if you are replacing the screen, looking at the screen from the backside, you pop it through to the front side of the screen. So I can see how dropping it might pop out.. There is no gasket really holding it in place like other iphones.
- バッテリーは直ぐにアクセス可能です。バッテリーの取り出しには特別なスクリュードライバーが必要で、接着剤除去の技術も要ります。ですが、難しくありません。
- 新しくなったソリッドステートのホームボタンはこれまで挙げられてきた共通の失敗点を振るい落としました。
- 改良された耐水防塵保護は環境被害やアクシデントによる液体ダメージに伴う修理の必要性を大幅に下げてくれます。(しかし同時に、別の修理がもっと困難になりました)
- ディスプレイアセンブリは引き続き、一番最初に取り出せるコンポーネントで、スクリーンの修理は簡単になります。ですが、改良された耐水用処理が施されているため修理の手順はより複雑となりました。
- トライウィングネジの追加に伴い、多くのiPhone7の修理には最大4つのタイプのドライバーが必要となります。

これらの翻訳者の方々は世界を修理する私たちのサポートをしてくれています。 あなたも貢献してみませんか?
翻訳を始める ›
78 件のコメント
1960 mAh is a lot more than 1715 of 6s!
Marco Tini - 返信
it is actually.
Yes, and the top connector plate.
looks like cracking the seal to repair something will cause a loss of waterproof qualities:( Im sure that'll hurt repairability
That is correct, Apple sells this adhesive/gasket to its AASP and all Apple stores will have them. I'm sure you can find it from 3rd party part suppliers, but it isn't going to be guaranteed as you need an iPhone press to press the screen back on correctly so that the adhesive sticks. Also, doing any repair not performed by Apple will likely cause issues with waterproofing as well.
Alec -
Wow. Awesome tear down guys! Now that your neck deep into the rabbit hole, let's see u put it back together and not end up with extra strings of sticky glue .... ;-P
Smiles! Funny you
Could anyone please label the functions of those chips for us
No mention of gasket on the screen assembly, nor any teardown of parts attached to the back of the screen assembly. What about the new "solid state" home button?
Which model?? Good to see Qualcomm Modem and not Intel
makes no difference what brand the modem is.. both modems are locked to Cat 10 features and speeds. The qualcom is artificially limited to match intel's specs as reported by the dude in dubia who lives near a cat12 cell twoer.
That's true, Qualcomm modem is Cat 12, capable of 650 Mbps down link speed, and looks like its limited/downgraded artificially to be on par with Intel's inferior modem which is Cat 10 (450 Mbps)
PLEASE, crack the 3.5mm to Lightning dongle already! Is there a DAC?
Cirrus Logic DAC; too bad Apple didn't opt for an ESS Sabre DAC and bump up the audio quality.
bcmink -
@bcmink - picture or it didn't happen.
I second this. I realize the iFixit crew is probably exhausted after this marathon, but the world would *really* like to see what's inside the Apple Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter.
@bcmink Why would ESS Sabre necessarily be better than the custom Wolfson / Cirrus Logic chips Apple tends to use (and do they make something that sounds better AND would fit inside a lightning connector)? The audio output design of the iPhone 6 was already pretty darn good: http://www.kenrockwell.com/apple/iphone-...
I third this! I can't believe it wasn't the first thing they tore into. They found 3 amps on the logic board, which strongly suggests that Apple is sending an analogue signal output through Lightning, and the adapter is just a port connector adapter, not a signal converter. That would be HUGE -- a major reversal of Apple's MFi policies over the last 4 years. Suddenly Apple is not giving us an inexpensive external DAC adapter, but a ridiculously expensive port adapter.
I've got a Headphone adapter sitting here since Thursday. The only reason I haven't torn into mine is because I thought it would have happened somewhere online by now. If I had known I would have started my own blog last week and done it myself!
Mac 128 -
What I don't understand is how these phones are getting a 7/10 instead of around a 4 - 5/10 for repairability. To recap, Apple have added another set of proprietary screws, more glue (reasonable in this situation, but still), several new fragile/complex components, and the waterproofing gaskets add a tremendous amount of finesse-ing required for a true repair. Yet, we've got 7/10. The Nexus 5X has 14 steps and only one complaint, which is debatable as a complaint in the first place, and it too has a 7 out of 10. Unlike these phones, it deserves its rating. Probably deserves an 8 or a 9, considering the ease of teardown/repair compared to these iDevices. There are other notable examples of phones rated worse, yet easier to repair on this site - like past iPhones! What's the justification, iFixit? Have you adjusted your metric? If so, how about adjusting your teardown scores? People actually use them as an indicator, and it's no longer accurate.
I questioned the score, as well. I recently repaired the screen of a Nexus 6p (score 2) and it was far simpler than this looked. There seems to be some inconsistencies in the scaling.
I was thinking this. Looks incredibly intricate and difficult, requires lots of specialised tools, and won't be as water-resistant if repaired by a third party for now at least. Deserves a 5 at most but really a 3-4.
I would love for iFixit to actually describe what the component on the logic board are for. I mean you're literally spitting number series that nobody understand.
I think iFixit is doing great in identifying the parts there but it is Apple who should share the information on the components so they can be repaired and replaced.
So Broken screen means, broken home button aswell.. also replacement will be heavy on pocket and will be left with out finger print sensor!! Am i right?? any lights??
The home button is actually separate from the screen. It must be transferred to a new screen to keep the fingerprints.
Damon -
Does this mean that the NXP 67V04 NFC controllers for the Japan iPhones (with FeliCa support) and the U.S. iPhones are identical? I'm hoping that Apple will eventually allow foreigners visiting Japan to use Suica with their iPhones.
brandonlam - 返信
What is a "solid state" home button, and how is it different from the 6s button?
Can you also confirm that the iPhone 7 no longer uses sapphire in any of the components? A scratch test with different Mohs scale mineral picks on a YouTube channel (JerryRigEverything) showed that both the home button and the camera cover scratch with a pick of hardness 6. Quartz has hardness 7, so that will mean that any sand in your pocket will not only leave scratches on the aluminium body but on the camera and home button as well.
I recon Apple is winding down its large-scale sapphire production experiment.
The solid state button doesn't move at all, it is simply a solid touch sensor, there is no "click" as in the 6s series phones. The sensation of the "click" is produced by haptic feedback from the Taptic Engine. No sapphire testing as yet.
One question about 3D touch sensing compare to 6S. How's 3D touch supporting components such as 3D touch sensing chip and capacitor plate?
Rumours says home button stop working after screen replacement. And without it you can't activated the phone
tonysharro - 返信
I never understand why it takes so long for folks to figure out the accelerometers / gyros... It's nice to see that others have already identified the InvenSense 773C but I wish iFixit had figured it out first. Is this a living document? Will additional chips and information be added as the rest of the world figures it out? BTW, I think it would be interesting to know if InvenSense supplies the microphone(s) too; they've been doing a lot of work to create an integrated portfolio of sensors... Great teardown guys! Thank you for doing this year after year!
Here's a link to the info on the accelerometer: http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.as...
Bob Powers - 返信
Answered my own question by looking closer at that article. Regarding which microphones are used: "one from STMicroelectronics, two from Knowles, and one from Goertek"
Is the antenna stronger on the 7 than it is on the 6s? I've had some service quality issues with my 6s that I didn't have with my 5 and according to comments on the apple site it was due to a decrease in antenna size.
Is it possible to lay the old headphone jack over the baffle to see it it can be modified to add a headphone jack back? That would be an interesting project.
Hi, I am FLUX. Thanks for the early post.
If the home-button is to be pushed outwards to get it out, how is it held in place when mounted?
The Sapphire screen that covers the 2 iPhone 7 camera lenses broke on my iPhone 7 plus. I had a cover on but the lens bulge is partially exposed and must have hit something sharp. It's a 3mm crack and a small piece of the glass a had fallen back into the camera casing. The screen looks like it can be replaced but I'm not sure if and where I could get replacement parts. Any suggestions ? :-(
Those man hands take a lot away from the beautiful guides
could you provide a link for the LCD screwdriver ? not the housing ,, i mean the tri screw on the back metal plate of the LCD.
So my wife broke the glass on the rear facing camera! How hard would it be to replace this? And do they sell the glass? Thanks
how many microphones in iphone 7
yaowen bai - 返信
Did my first Iphone 7 display swap today, mind that you often cant use the suction cup if the screen is cracked. Thin metal spatulas is the best. I did bought a thin strong spatula from ifixit.com several years ago, its now broken and the ones they are selling now is not strong and not thin.
Another tip is to be very careful with the home button flex, DO NOT HEAT because it make the flex more sensitive. Be also careful when peeling the front camera flex, use plastic tools.
For when some full tutorial how to replace housing with all screw sizes?
I recently dropped my iphone7 and I got a dent inward on my earpiece speaker grill. Is it repairable or probably it can be replace ?
does the i7 have the w1 chip or is it just the w1 chip specific headphones
Hello so i did the tear down and now it doesn't charge or turn on any help please
Why you did that, you think you are some expert tech or what?
All this tear down must be private for tech not customers accessible but i see the idea iFixit will sell more tools and parts for customers that try this.
“This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your iPhone 7, use our ++service manual++.”
I want your contact no.
Rahul khan - 返信
I want your contact no. Plz provide me I need most
Rahul khan - 返信
My iphone7 doesn't vibrate anymore, what could it be? Even the fingerprint sensor doesn't make that little vibration when I press it. Please advice! t2umelo@gmail.com
i have iphone 7
and when i do Software for Iphone he give me #error 56 witch ic i want change ???
Ali khalil - 返信
Hallo i have Iphone 7 and i have Problem with Software when i do Software he give me error 56 witch ic i want to change
Ali khalil - 返信
I couldn’t find a proximity sensor and ambient light sensor. I hope they are there but are not shown here.
My iPhone seven normal doesn’t have sound even if um pressing the volume button it’s not displaying it
Si no es mucha molestia, podría decirme alguna página o usted/es donde va cada tornillo del ensamblaje. Ya que por primera vez me trajeron uno desarmado en su totalidad y no sé dónde va cada uno.
do you change iphone 7 housing?thanks
jason - 返信