Xbox Oneワイヤレスコントローラーのサムスティックの交換
手順 1 に進むこのガイドはあなたのサムスティックを交換するのを助けます。 壊れたサムスティックを持っているなら、このガイドはまさにあなたのためにあります。
One you take it off, is it possible to click it back in?
Aiden Bear - 返信
As long as you don’t exceed the couple tons you need to take it off you should be able to put it back.
Brandon -
I don’t have a squdger
getting those handles back on seems impossible, they just dont fit as well, a gap remains even after snapping into place.
Dont think ill be doing this in the future
edit: wiggled the bo9ttom middlewith the handles off and somethign finally “clicked” into place for that extra 1/4 mm for the down arrow on my D-Pad to click back up into place!.
It's a t8 or t9 security bit btw, I got the top two out with a regular T8, but the bottom two and middle needed a T9 Security bit.
All five faceplate/backplate screws in the controller I disassembled were T8 security fasteners.
The T8 is only good for the middle screw on my One S controller. The others require something bigger
These requires SECURITY Torx bits (they have a cannulated hole in the driver). I don't believe the iFixIt branded driver is cannulated but you can buy a set of bits from DeWalt DWAX200 which is overkill but has what you need.
jhighsmith - 返信
The driver that iFixIt sells is cannulated.
where do you get this dumb ass screw driver
You can bypass it with a 1.5mm flathead.
thank you for this. worked for me
TR9. A $10 kit from Walmart has the bit/driver in it and extra goodies to make life simple.
As weird as it sounds, the top 2 came out for me with a flathead- but the bottom two and the middle one wont
Does this repair work for Thumbsticks that got pushed too far in and now aren't connected?
My left joystick is stuck on going left. I did all these steps and got to it and noticed a difference in the joystick modual compared to the right modual. The left one will not stay clicked to the left like it will in all other directions. But thats the direction when using, will continuosly go left no matter how many times I click right on screen it will automatically and rapidily go left. I want to see the proper funtioning of a working joystick compaired to a broken one or one that is acting up so that can be trouble shot as well. Ronnie Grandchamp
Does this work with a xbox one elite controller?
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31 件のコメント
Is there any advice for a controller that has had this repair, but continues to drift? I have done this repair successfully many times, and now i have a controller that (with 2 different replacement parts) continues to drift.
Is there a reset or config I can do?
Drift issues are a different problem you would need to solder a new joystick box to fix that this is for loose or damaged thumb sticks
I used a cotton ball on my Xbox one Elite to fix drifting issues.
ajcroyle -
Does anyone know the correct SKU for the joystick box for the Model 1537 in particular? And any link to purchase it. Thanks
ZuYao -
Can i apply 2 thumbsticks off the xbox 360 controller when i removed them?
You can try to solder the connections on, but I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to make different connections. You can try it, let us know how it works out if you do.
Alec -
Any luck with the 360 component transplant?
Hi I also have a drifting issue with my Xbox one controller & I was wondering is some lubrication on the joy stick would fix the problem
Hey everyone. I will be attempting to do a 360 joystick transplant into an Xbox 1 controller that has started to scroll through menus, although it doesn't happen in game. I'll update with the results from that.
Andrew Poe - 返信
I am going to be using the new style controller instead of the original and I am interested to see how it goes. The controller is the one from the bf1 bundle.
Andrew Poe - 返信
The tools needed does not mention security torx. It is listed correctly later, but by then I had started and didn't have the right tools...
My gta v camera is rotating and while i try to move the thumbsticks, it wont move. Even if i reconnect the controller
Plz help
K.Loughlin - 返信
My gta v camera keeps spinning even though my controller is connected
K.Loughlin - 返信
ofcorse theres no comments after that question. god forbid anyone acutally post a helpful answer. what about after step 6 you know the actual mechanical part that makes up the thumb stick, not just the thumb pad that covers it.
Ok guys, just found that a thumb tack fits perfectly into the small hole on the plastic arm that holds the thumb stick to the control module. Filed the thumb tack off so I was left with the small steel pin, gorilla glue the pcs back using the thumb tack pin for reinforcement. Waiting for glue to set up well and see how long that lasts for. Maybe saved 80 bucks... maybe not: I try and post the results if I remember
Chad Drake - 返信
Ok, glue dried, been playing FC4 for about 20 min, and no problems so far.
So I would say now there is a fix for when the plastic arm breaks, probably depends on where the break occurs. Mine was basically flush with the bottom of the thumb stick. Saved buying a new controller for the next little while anyway!! Hope this helped
Chad Drake - 返信
I did this same fix months ago but used part of a large paper clip and gorilla gel glue. Then my kids used it…it worked for a while but now the thumbstick started jiggling and when I took it apart it was broken again. Rather the gorilla glue fails eventually at the joint where the two broken plastic parts join. The broken off part was still solidly glued to the thumbstick but not at all to the joystick control box. I am just going to get the soldering iron out and replace the whole thing. Part already ordered for less than $1.
These steps only go so far as to get the thumbstick cover off… you'd need further instructions to tighten.
-for anyone WITHOUT a t8 security… an easy workaround is a 1.5mm flathead. Works fine.
Thanks, awesome instructions and tools had it fixed in 5 minutes.
As I live in Britain, that type of screwdriver is really hard to come by. Is there any other one you would recommend?
You can use a non security torx bit if you break off the little pin in the middle, be careful not to damage the rest of the screw.
Brandon -
For anyone having issues with security torx there is a simple solution if you have standard torx bits. Just take a small screwdriver or a nail in a pair of vice grips, etc, and wedge inside the security torx against the pin and push on it. The pins will snap off and now you can use standard torx. I did this to every 360 controller I ever owned as I tended to replace thumbsticks once or twice a year and I never bothered to get security bits because it took all of a second per screw to snap the pins off.
If anyone has any advice the pole and which the joystick sets is actually cracked on my Xbox controller is there any way to get that fixed
Eric Schik - 返信
the drifting issue is very annoying i have to hold me RS joystick to type and affects my gamming hopefully doing this will solve the problem instead of buying a brand new controller.