Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換

Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換

Fina Beauchamp

Fina Beauchamp とその他 5 人の作成者

最終更新日: February 6, 2023

20 - 30 分

Nintendo 2DS のこのガイドでは、LRボタンにアクセスして洗浄や交換のために取り出す方法を説明します。



  1. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換, バッテリー: 手順 1、 1の画像 1
    • 上の後面パネルを固定しているプラス(脱落防止)ネジを2本外します。

    • (脱落防止)ネジはバックパネルから完全に外れません。

  2. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 2、 2の画像 1 Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 2、 2の画像 2
    • 上部リアパネルを上方および外側に持ち上げて、ヒンジから取り外します。

  3. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 3、 3の画像 1 Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 3、 3の画像 2 Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 3、 3の画像 3
    • 外側のエッジに一番近い側からバッテリー筐体を持ち上げて、バッテリーを取り出します。

  4. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換, リアパネル: 手順 4、 1の画像 1
    • リアパネルに留められたプラスネジを10本外します。

    Can't take off the screw top left next to the battery. What type of screwdriver do I use and where can I find some?

    Little Mac - 返信

    I used a husky with changeable heads, you could probably find one on amazon

    Minecrafter Pig -

    These screws aren't Phillips, they're JIS, if you use a Phillips head you can and will strip the screws, please update this as it can cause more harm to people's systems than good if they get stripped.

    Sneakii - 返信

    yep. i stripped my screws

    Persvicx -

    The screws are 6.2mm long

    Martin Samuelsson - 返信

    god I thought it was because I was repairing a sibling's ds that had something spilled on it (idk maybe that they didn't clean it good when it happened) but continued to struggle even with screws that looked fine... wish I had checked the comments sooner :/ Please like the above, update this guide! It sucks knowing that someone like me is also gonna probably miss this. I didn't get super far but well. I already stripped down some which sucks either way. Ironically, I noticed that using a size slightly smaller gets the job done better. Ironic in that you'd normally avoid that because it's more likely to strip with small bits scrapping the inside. But if you are real careful it can hang on and twist. I'd recommend just getting the JIS but maybe this might work for some- I also want to emphasize SLIGHTLY smaller phillips.

    Alexandria.P - 返信

  5. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 5、 1の画像 1
    • 後面パネルはリボンケーブルでマザーボードと接続されているので、デバイスから持ち上げるときは離れすぎないように気を付けてください。

    • デバイスから後面パネルを慎重に垂直に引き上げます。

    Y si se corta el cable que pasa?

    Laura Pernía López - 返信

  6. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換: 手順 6、 1の画像 1
    • 指先やスパッジャーの平らな方の先端を使って、マザーボードに接続されているリボンケーブルが接続されているコネクタをめくり上げます。

    • ケーブルをコネクタから抜いて下さい。

    • ここで、左右のトリガーを取り出すこともできます。このトリガーにはヒンジが付いており、バネが飛び出したり、ヒンジを破損することもありますのでご注意ください。

    You can also detach the cable from the motherboard safely by flipping up the connector on the motherboard. Just don't forget to reattach. Some will find this tedious but may save time if you know what you're doing with said connectors.

    Blackbeard - 返信

    I agree, this is what the guide i followed said to do and since I was disconnecting all the other ribbon cables it made perfect sense to do it that way.

    Lin -

    pay attention: my 2ds dropped it's lens covers at this step

    Jos van Reenen - 返信

    Likewise, I used a tiny drop of glue to put the lens back in place. Take care not to dirty the lens.

    Elliot West -

    The picture you have there has the camera lens ribbon installed upside down. The ribbon needs to be pointing down when you re-attach it not up.

    Rick Parrish - 返信

    Agreed, ribbon cable looks upside down in picture

    Elliot West -

  7. Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換, LRボタンを取り出す: 手順 7、 2の画像 1 Nintendo 2DS のLRボタンの交換, LRボタンを取り出す: 手順 7、 2の画像 2
    • LRボタンには小さなバネが取り付けられているので、デバイスからボタンを取り出す際には注意が必要です。

    • LRボタンをデバイスから引き離して取り出します。

    Thanks so much for these instructions. My nine year-old son just got Pokemon Sun and Moon on Friday evening. He had been talking about it non-stop for several months. On Saturday, he managed to bend the plastic lip on the base of his 2DS right trigger - the trigger button no longer worked. He was devastated, because we thought he had permanently broken his 2DS. We were afraid he would have to wait until Christmas (over a month away) before we could get him a new one.

    I found these instructions via Google, followed them to take apart his 2DS and remove the trigger button. I gently bent the plastic lip of the trigger back with needle nose pliers, reassembled the 2Ds, and the trigger worked perfectly! He now thinks I am the greatest dad in the world.

    bruce - 返信

    same situation here

    Minecrafter Pig -

    Hi there, does anyone know which type of springs they use in a 2DS? Because I don't really want to pay 7€+15€ shipping just to replace one spring I lost and I could get most sorts and sizes of springs in a hardware store for less than 5€ for 50.

    Any help would be very appreciated.

    Christian Adamczyk - 返信



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Fina Beauchamp

メンバー登録日: 01/12/15

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Cal Poly, Team 70-1, Forte Winter 2015 Cal Poly, Team 70-1, Forte Winter 2015人のメンバー


4 メンバー


3 件のコメント

Nice job! My right button was jammed for at least two years. Now I can finally demolish my friends in Mariokart.

Minecrafter Pig - 返信

Can’t seem to get the second set of screws to budge at all.

Zom baygal - 返信



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