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10型のIPSマルチタッチ対応のディスプレイは3:2の縦横比で解像度は1800 × 1200 ピクセル (217 ppi)
デュアルコア1.6 GHz Intel Pentium Gold 4415Y processorにはIntel HD Graphics 615が内蔵
4 GB RAM (オプションで8 GB)
64 GB eMMCストレージ(オプションで128 GB NVMe SSD)、microSDXCで拡張することも可能
Surface Goは少ないポートから多くのポートを分岐させる流行に乗りませんでした。このタブレットにはUSB-Cポート、ヘッドフォン端子、Surface専用端子とSDカードリーダーを備えています。
少し設計の変わったヒンジの間を覗いてみると、FCCの認証情報、モデル番号 (1824)、ストレージやメモリの容量がありました。
there are no magnetometers in the surface go…u probably pressed the power button when u tried opening the kickstand
分解の方法は一つではありません。我々のやり方は時間がかかるので、Creative Electronの友人がX線の分解図をくれました。
MegaChips S15シリーズ LCD タイミングコントローラーに類似
i7248 H717690
18996MB N746547
この手順で使用する道具:iFixit Adhesive Remover$19.99
びっくり仰天することは、Surface Goのバッテリーのコネクタがすぐに外せることです!マザーボードを完全に取り出す必要もなく外せるので、修理難易度は大きな期待が持てます。
Goのバッテリーの容量は26.12 Whで、このProシリーズの前モデルに比べてサイズが大幅に小さくなりましたーiPad 6のバッテリーサイズとほぼ同じですが、それでもこちらは32.9 Whのパワーがあります。
A Texas Instruments BQ40Z50シリーズのリチウムイオンバッテリーパックマネージャーがこのシステムの頭脳を担っています。
ディスプレイカバーのガラスはWi-Fiアンテナ上に直接、接着剤で留められているため、Surface Proの修理作業は暗礁に乗り上げます。ディスプレイを取り外す作業ではアンテナを上手く取り出せません。
実際にWi-Fiアンテナは非常に見つけにくく、奇跡的に無傷のようです。これが前回分解した5th-gen Surface Proのアンテナです。比較してみてください。(3番目画像)
この手順で使用する道具:Manta Driver Kit - 112 Bit Driver Kit$69.95
Intel Pentium 4415Yプロセッサ
SK Hynix H26M74002HMR 64 GB eMMC5.1 NANDフラッシュメモリ
Texas Instruments BQ25700Aバッテリ昇降圧充電コントローラ
ON Semiconductor NCP81216位相コントローラ
Qualcomm QCA6174A Wi-Fi/Bluetooth SoC
Parade Technologies PS87430 (USB ホストスイッチか)
Is the hard drive removeable and if so what are the dimensions
画像右側の5th-gen ProGoで搭載されている薄いコッパーのタコの足とは明らかに大きな違いがあります。電力消費が高く、Turboのないプロセッサに見合うデザインであることを願います。
さてこの分解作業の残りを摘み取る時がきました。Windows Hello カメラ、5MPフロントカメラ、8MPリアカメラ(LEDと相乗り機能)などです。これらは全て一列に並んでいます。
最後にモジュール式のmicroSDXCポート、Realtek 5227Sカードリーダーコントローラー付きが搭載されています。すなわち、ストーレッジのアップグレードが可能ということです!
- 小さくなったフォームファクターによって、ガラスを壊さずに取り出すことができるようになりましたが、それでも恐ろしいほど難しい作業です。
- PCに交換することを考えている場合、アップグレードができないデザインではデバイス自体の寿命に限界があります。
- 使用頻度の高いポートなどにモジュール式デザインが導入されていないため、修理費は不必要に高額となります。
- ディスプレイやバッテリーなどを含む多くのコンポーネントが接着剤で固定されています。
- どのパーツを交換するにも、ディスプレイアセンブリを取り出さなければならず、(高額な)パーツに簡単にダメージを与えてしまいます。

これらの翻訳者の方々は世界を修理する私たちのサポートをしてくれています。 あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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30 件のコメント
Do you think the Surface go 128gb uses a different motherboard? This 64gb model has the eMMC ssd chip, but I don’t know if there are any pin compatible nvme ssd single-chips packages that feature the same pcb footprint and signaling as an eMMC part. I’m pretty sure an NVME ssd has to have a separate controller and nand at this point in time. I have not seen any one-chip packages yet. Even the new MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2018 teardown revealed a multi-package configuration (controller + 2 nand packages) for the integrated nvme ssd. It doesn’t look like there’s room for a m.2 nvme drive in the surface go either, so I think the 128gb/256gb model uses a different motherboard. Let me know what you think! :D
I looked into mainboard’s picture and found many blank area on the top left. Probably it was designed for SSD and will be used on 128GB model. I don’t think Microsoft will spent too much money to design and manufacture another type of mainboard.
Looks like the empty solder pads on the back of the main board between the USB-c and charge connector have space to solder a NVMe connector. May also need controller though as Al2Me6 mentioned on 08/04/2018. I would like to know if an NVMe drive can be added to the EMMc version I have.
Bran Man -
I own this product and it is not that great. All you can do is search the internet and its so slow, my phone works faster! I had to re-install windows 10 Pro just to get some speed out of the unit that ships in windows 10 S mode, The S is for slow lol… The S is for secure and locked down to windows store apps, which is not much. You can opt out of S-Mode but then you get windows 10 Home. you can not even CMD or run a simple bash command in S mode. Expect a ton of returns from uneducated general public. There is no fan, but there is no vent, the back becomes extremely hot. the 9 hour battery life must have been conduced by someone who does not know how to tell time or possibly the “watchman” cause I’ve had a number of test and im getting around 3 hours.
There is no reason for the 4GB 64GB $399 table to exist, Windows is around 30GB storage after all updates needed. Its a shame that truly for a okay slow Surface is $760 with a keyboard after tax for the 8GB configuration.
My keyboard stopped working, it bent.
I agree that on Windows 10, as with all reviewers, this product is pretty much useless. That said, for me, it is incredibly useful only because, as a few other people have done, I wiped the drive of Windows and installed Linux (Ubuntu). This gets around all of the performance issues and it works great for general programming tasks and even low-end gaming.
Linux is the way , and gnome desktop has some great touch ready interface
I agree I would really like to see what the SSD motherboard looks like, I imagine that the SSD is still soldered to the board, but I wonder what controller it uses.
I believe this is the SSD used https://business.toshiba-memory.com/cont...
Ace -
Why is the logic board so large? For such a simple machine, this logic board is far too large. Compare to the MacBook 12, or even the Surface Pro logic board they have beside it. Above and to the left of the CPU are vacant pads for several large BGA chips-this is far too much space for a LTE modem or a PCIe SSD as found on the higher end models. I wonder what Microsoft has planned.
I would imagine that the empty solder pads are for the optional NAND SSD and controller.
Al2Me6 -
Fantastic device! Of course, the Apple sheeple will hate on it automatically, hence some of the comments above. It’s an amazing, low cost, portable, full-fledged PC that you can take anywhere. This is coming from a 20+ yr Mac user, as well (I use both Macs and PC’s and know them well.) Def get the 8 gb configuration. I’ve been using mine nonstop for 2 days and it’s not slow at all. I’m getting around 7-8 hrs battery life (the device also fast charges fully within an hour via surface connect), screen brightness on medium. Keyboard is strong, keys have TRAVEL (something Macs don’t have anymore) and it’s sturdy and premium quality. (Go check one out at your local MS store or a Best Buy before buying.) Reparability is non existent these days, so a 1 or a 0 is fine with me. What did the last gen MacBook Pros get, a 1 or 2 as well? I generally (like everyone else I know) tend to upgrade their devices 2-3 few years, anyhow. The Surface Go is perfect for me. Thanks for the tear down!
Rob Thomas - 返信
there’s no way this is better value then Samsungs windows tablets. For the same price you get a fast ssd, AMOLED display and a core M cpu. Plus it looks better and has a better battery life.
Arthur Dent.. That’s your opinion, and thankfully, everyone’s got one. I’m very satisfied with my Surface Go. (I have a Surface Book 2 when I really need to do major productivity.) Samsung Windows tablets don’t have Surface Pen compatibility and I think this is a much better value, seeing as it works seamlessly with all my other Surface devices. This is just literally for ‘on the go’ and it’s an amazing device in my opinion. The Samsung Galaxy is $727.99 at WalMart, a little out of my price range for a secondary device, imho. I paid around $600 for my Surface Go with the Alcantara cobalt blue type cover, using one of my other Surface Pens and Mouse.
And here’s my opinion. Every device needs some form of repair at some point to keep the price down of buying new hardware every 2 years. Who wants to spend $400-$600 every 2 years.
I work in a repair shop, and I stay away from all Surfaces now. I just had a customer call me 20 minutes ago asking if I repair Surface Go’s. I said “no, too much can break just opening them up”. After the call I researched what a “Surface Go” is. Now I’m glad I didn’t take on that challenge.
Repairability of 1? I’d never buy one, and I feel sorry for the suckers who have and end up with a broken one seeking for repairs. At least they don’t put the WiFi and Bluetooth antenna under the adhesive anymore.
iPad Pro 12.9” scored 3, iPad Pro 10.5" scored 2, iPad Pro 9.7" scored 2 even iPad Mini 4 scored 2…. why this is not al least 2 then?
because, it seems, iFixit is funded, run or somewhat biased towards Apple and its products, I’ve never seen a real teardown where Apple is treated like the rest it is alwys in the line “it uses mild adhesive for the sake of lines and design” or “look, is propietary but,, hey it’s apple” things like that
jorgehpm -
The Surface line is meant to be a personal computer, while iPads are mobile devices, so the comparison should really be Surface to MacBook, and those devices score very similarly. Apple notebooks are consistently at the [http://Apple does a pretty good job prioritizing screen and battery replacements in their tablets and phones, |bottom of our repairability lists]. Apple does a comparatively good job prioritizing screen and battery replacements in their tablets and phones, and our scores reflect that.
Apple devices should get higher scores because of the 3rd party parts that are widely available. With Apple you get your choice of vendors. Only issue with Apple parts is deciding which vendors to buy from.
“Microsoft Surface Go is a repairability nightmare … “, writes Brian Fagioli in Betanews.
The hardware creators are always balancing many competing & contradictory factors. Apple is THE most hostile, against the end-users, and against maintenance-repairs. IFIXIT is famous for explaining these criminal actions of Apple products.
I'm surprised that it has the lowest repair-ability rating.
> "Surface Go has an immediately disconnectable battery!”
Rechargable batteries are not yet designed to last beyond a few years.
> "Thankfully there's no glue here”
There have always been alternatives to most forms of "glue" (plastic-melding, etc).
Buyers of these hardware items need to be able to instantly repair their products instantly the need to repair is needed. Users do not actually live inside the home of expert maintenance engineers, believe it or not. Often the "repair" might be just be to remove drops of water or other fluids.
We need to push for a law that ALL devices should be serviceable, and all batteries (and other toxic items) should be removable to be recycled; how hard could it be to have a removable back panel? I fear these will be going into landfill with their batteries inside in a few years.
Buy products that have high repairablity scores and you reward those companies. Most consumers prefer cheap to better. Don’t drive up prices on cheap products because they don’t meet YOUR needs.
You negative “lifespan”, which has nothing to do with repair ability. A little journalistic integrity would go a long way here…
The complete sentence reads, “If this is expected to replace a PC, the lack of upgradability will severely limit the device's lifespan.” Repairability and upgradability are both about the same thing: extending the device’s lifespan. Always has been.
Some interesting engineering for the heat-pipes. They avoid the bottom left of the device, where most right-handed people would hold the device with their left hand. Cool. Literally.
You forgot to mention USB chips. Realtek RTS5452, USB controller i think, but didn’t find a datasheet for it. Parade technology USB host switch https://www.paradetech.com/products/ps87... this chip reveal docking capabilities of the tablet: USB 3.1 Gen 1 with data rate of 5Gbps, and VESA DisplayPort Alt Mode with data rates up to 5.4Gbps (HBR2).
I wish someone would invent a new way to put together these slate form devices to make them user repairable/upgradable.
A few companies actually do make pretty repairable tablets. Most notably, HP makes their tablets to be very serviceable, and have publicly-available service manuals. If you’d like to see our repair reviews of a variety of tablets, check out our tablet repairability page.
Anyone know where to buy a replacement screen from? Cant find them listed anywhere!
FYI, based on the Surface Go driver package’s contents, it looks like the Surface Go’s mysterious “NXP P3003” chip is actually a NXP PN578 or NXP PN577. The “Drivers/NFC” directory has a pair of .DAT files that look like they’re firmware and the INF references them with some handy comments.
HKR,FirmwareMap,"8",0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\NXPPN547FW.dat" ; HW version of PN547 is 8
HKR,FirmwareMap,"10",0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\NXPPN548FW.dat" ; HW version of PN548 is 10
In the firmware’s ACPI tables, the chip is referred to as “NXP3001” and it looks like other vendors that implement this same family of chips use identifiers like “NXP3003”, “NXP3001”, "P3003”, “P1001”, etc. Given that info, the “P3003” identifier could be related to this pattern, or it could just reflect packaging or deeper customization of the chip being used in Surface Go.
Hopefully this helps anyone else who lands here looking for details on Surface Go NFC.