Released Late August of 2021 Made By Samsung MSRP: 160$ CAN
Turki Alrashid @turkialrashid
評価: 1
投稿日: 2024年11月30日
Whats the third party app for iOS devices? And pretty sure it never worked on a A03/A03s. Can someone help me please?
Why I need it is for this Samsung Braclet.
Hi @turkialrashid
What is the model number of the Samsung bracelet?
Please clarify what you mean by "Whats the third party app for iOS devices?"
iOS has supported NFC since the iPhone 6 in 2014. 3rd party apps aren't necessary
Are you trying to pair the bracelet with an iPhone?
jayeff さんによる2024年11月30日
Senopati B. @senopatib
評価: 160
does your phone support NFC?
because according to gsmarena the nfc feature is market dependent
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Hi @turkialrashid
What is the model number of the Samsung bracelet?
Please clarify what you mean by "Whats the third party app for iOS devices?"
iOS has supported NFC since the iPhone 6 in 2014. 3rd party apps aren't necessary
Are you trying to pair the bracelet with an iPhone?
jayeff さんによる