
Xbox Series Sは、マイクロソフトの最新のスモールフォームファクタ、デジタル専用ゲーム機です。Xbox Series Sは、よりパワフルなXbox Series Xと共に2020年11月10日に発売されました。

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Can anyone help me identify the value of this component please?

Hi guys,

I recently had a Series S brought to me with a power issue. The console power button would flash just once, no beep, then go right off again. I was then able to rule out the power supply and both the power / rf boards using parts from a working console.

After completely stripping the console down, I found a little water damage near the MP2926 IC under the heatsink which has completely ruined the component there. Does anyone know what this component is, and more importantly, the value of it?

Block Image

I really appreciate anyone taking the time to look at this post, I hope you guys can help me out.

Kind regards,


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Tbh, I'm not sure... But I did may found something useful for you.

More information about the IC: https://www.monolithicpower.com/en/mp292...

And hopefully this is the component you are talking about: https://www.consolefix.shop/products/rep...

Hopefully this was helpful for you!!

Little side note: It's always possible to buy a broken (donor) motherboard and get the component from that motherboard!


Hi @jihiro

Here's a schematic for a Series S that may also help (if it is the same iteration).

Unfortunately I couldn't find a boardview file for the motherboard to identify the component's circuit ID so that it can be found in the schematic (where its type and value are shown).

I couldn't find the IC (mentioned by you) in the schematic so that you could follow the trace from the appropriate IC pin to the component to find its type and value Hopefully you may have better luck.


@dan0 Hey buddy, thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. I think it's a resistor or a cap missing in the image I've attached but I actually need a few EMI filters for another repair so you've saved me looking! Thanks again. ^^


@jayeff Excellent! I'll take a good look at that tomorrow and see if I can figure out what I'm missing and try to replace it. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post, I'll be sure to update if I find what I'm looking for. Thanks again! ^^


@jihiro hey! Glad that I was able to help with something haha :)! Hopefully you will get it repaired again!! Take care and stay safe, Chris!




1 件の回答


Donor board arrived today and I was able to fix the console by replacing the resistor missing from the image above and repairing the track just south of that with a little bit of copper wire.

Thanks again to those that replied to the post.

Kind regards,



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