Replaced Pixel 7 pro screen and fingerprint reader not recognized
I replaced the screen on my Pixel 7 Pro, but the fingerprint reader appears to be non-responsive. I tried the troubleshooting guide, but I can't get to the screen to add fingerprints. I've rebooted several times, and tried the calibration reset twice, but it still doesn't show up.
Device Unlock only shows "Screen Lock" and "Face Unlock". There is no fingerprint unlock option displayed.
I search in the settings for "fingerprint", and find "Add fingerprint", but when I enter the requested security pin, it seems to crash and take me back to the search results.
Is my screen defective? Am I missing a step?
I've since found recommendations that I should have tried the fingerprint reader before securing the screen, but that doesn't help much now.
Update (09/03/24)
I contacted support and they're offering me a replacement or a refund. I bough a cheap replacement phone already, so I'm taking the refund and cutting my losses on this phone.