Issues with right channel phono pre-amp being too low/non existent
I am dealing with a Technics SA-EX100 stereo receiver. My issue is that the right input for phono is super low. This is what I've tested so far using my headphones:
-Swapped left and right phono in, made the left side quiet and the right side normal volume
-Plugged the phono into CD and tape inputs. They were very quiet since it lacks the pre-amp, but they were at an equal volume for both left and right
-Playing something else like the radio give equal volume in both left and right
I have been able to hear the phono right side at a low level by turning the balance almost all the way to the right and then turning the volume up to max.
What I'm looking for is where I should be focusing on when I open this up. Does it seem like a dry solder joint situation or bad caps? Are there electronic components I'm not thinking about like resisters that would cause this? Is this a rabbit hole that I don't want to go down?
I have this specifically for playing records, and this is really bumming me out ATM.
6 件のコメント
@sparkelpimp this"Swapped left and right phono in, made the left side quiet and the right side normal volume" is the oddest thing. It would mean that your right side is actually ok. Can you explain how you switched it. Has this amp ever worked for you before? Anything happen to it? Do all the other inputs (CD/TV/VCR all work? What else do you have connected to the Amp?
oldturkey03 さんによる
@oldturkey03 Sorry about that. I should've said that I pulled the RCA cables that were going into the phono in and swapped them. It was to rule out that the right channel wasn't bad on the record player itself.
All other inputs work as far as I know. I don't have components to test them with other than the record player itself. But without the pre-amp of the phono input, the music is very quiet.
I had purchased this from Goodwill and was taking a chance on it. So I don't mind getting in there if it can be a cheap fix. I'm OK with a soldering iron and wouldn't mind if I had to get a few electronic parts. I just don't know where to start or what I should be testing (with multimeter or other methods).
Michael さんによる
@sparklepimp when you switched the wire it should not change anything on the receiver. So, my concern is that it is either the record player or the cables you are using that are causing this. If you have another set of wires give it a try. Otherwise just use one side. Try the red first. Use it in R phono and then L phono. Then do the same with the white end. Let us know what you get. Oh yes, make sure balance is somewhere in the center.
oldturkey03 さんによる
@oldturkey03 The RCAs are wired into the record player and I can't use different ones.
Using only one RCA at a time and balance is centered:
- Red going into right phono input. Music is so low that you can still barely hear it at max volume
- White going into right phono input by itself. Same result with low music
- Red going into left phono input by itself. Left side sounds perfectly normal at a normal volume setting.
- White going into left phono input by itself. Left side sounds perfectly normal at normal volume setting.
Michael さんによる
@sparklepimp okay going over the schematic right now and let me see what I can find out.
oldturkey03 さんによる